The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Council and keep the journal of its proceedings.
He shall have custody of the city seal and affix it to such books, papers and documents of the city as may be authorized by law or the Council.
He shall preserve and compile all local laws, ordinances and resolutions of the Council and all other books, papers and documents required by law or the Council.
He shall collect all fees fixed by law or the Council; sign all licenses and permits as provided by local law or ordinance; keep a record of same; and transmit to the comptroller each day the moneys so received.
Except as otherwise provided by the Council or the City Manager, he shall attend to the publication of all matters requiring publication and cause to be served all notices required by law, the Council or the City Manager.
He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, this Charter, the Council or the City Manager.
Copies of all papers duly filed in the City Clerk's office and transcripts thereof, and of the record of the proceedings of the Council, and copies of the local laws and ordinances of the city, certified by him under the city seal, shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and places with the same effect that the originals would have if produced.