The limits of said town shall be as follows: beginning for the same at a point in the center of the main track of the Baltimore and Eastern Railroad Company north 85 degrees 30 minutes west 2,195 feet from the point of intersection of the center of the State Road leading from Pittsville to Gumboro, Delaware, with the center of said main track of said Baltimore and Eastern Railroad Company; thence south 5 degrees east 1,900 feet to a post on the land of John Truitt; thence south 77 degrees 15 minutes east 6,000 feet to a point on the line of the land of Leamon G. Tingle where the same adjoins the land of E.B. Timmons; thence north 7 degrees 15 minutes west 2,770 feet to the southerly side of Cemetery Street adjoining Grace M. E. Cemetery; thence by and with said Cemetery Street north 42 degrees 35 minutes east 1,065 feet; thence north 73 degrees 30 minutes west 3,550 feet with or across the lands of Morris Truitt, E. W. Sanford, Leonard Guthrie, Robert Perdue and T. A. Parsons to a point westerly of the aforesaid Pittsville-Gumboro State Road; thence south 625 feet parallel with said State Road; thence west 1,850 feet parallel with West Street to Railroad Avenue Extended; thence south 1 degree west 800 feet to the center of said main track of said Baltimore and Eastern Railroad Company; thence by and with the center of said last-mentioned track north 85 degrees 30 minutes west 1,150 feet to the place of beginning.
It is hereby proposed that the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville be changed so as to annex to and include all that certain area contiguous to and binding upon the easterly corporate limits of the Town of Pittsville beginning for the same on the southerly line of Railroad Avenue at the easterly line of the Town of Pittsville and running thence; in a southeasterly direction by and with the present town line to the southeasterly corner thereof, thence; in an easterly direction parallel to but 600 feet southerly of Maryland Route 346 to the westerly line of the property owned by Vaughn E. Richardson, Inc., thence; by and in the westerly line of the property in a southerly direction to the northerly line of U.S. Route 50, thence; in an easterly direction by and with the northerly line of said U.S. Route 50 in an easterly direction to the southeasterly corner of the land of Sarah Parker, thence; in a northerly direction by and with the easterly line of said Sarah Parker property to the southerly line of Maryland Route 346, thence; across said Maryland Route 346 to the southeasterly corner of the property of Gerald R. and Lillian White, thence; in a northerly direction by and with the easterly line of said White property to the southerly line of Railroad Avenue, thence; continuing across said Railroad Avenue on the same course to a point 200 feet northerly of the northerly line of Railroad Avenue, thence; in a westerly direction parallel to but 200 feet northerly of Railroad Avenue to the easterly town limits of Pittsville, thence; in a southwesterly direction by and with the easterly town limits of Pittsville to the southerly line of Railroad Avenue and the place of beginning; and providing for the conditions and circumstances applicable to the proposed change in the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville, generally subject to all provisions of the Charter of the Town of Pittsville.
[Added 12-17-1979 by Annexation Res. No. 1-A]
It is hereby proposed that the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville be changed so as to annex to and include all that certain area contiguous to and binding upon the easterly corporate limits of the Town of Pittsville beginning for the same on the southerly line of Railroad Avenue at the easterly line of the Town of Pittsville and running thence; in a southeasterly direction by and with the present town line to the southeasterly corner thereof, thence; in an easterly direction parallel to but 600 feet southerly of Maryland Route 346 to the westerly line of the property owned by Vaughn E. Richardson, Inc., thence; by and in the westerly line of the property in a southerly direction to the northerly line of U.S. Route 50, thence; in an easterly direction by and with the northerly line of said U.S. Route 50 in an easterly direction to the southeasterly corner of said Vaughn E. Richardson, Inc., property, thence; in a northerly direction by and with the easterly line of said Vaughn E. Richardson, Inc., property to the southerly line of Maryland Route 346; thence in a northeasterly direction in a diagonal line across said Maryland 346 to the southeasterly corner of the other property of Vaughn E. Richardson, Inc., thence; in a northerly direction by and with the early property lines of said Vaughn E. Richardson, Inc., and Harold E. and Glenda A. Calloway to the southerly line of Railroad Avenue, thence; continuing across said Railroad Avenue on the same course to a point 200 feet northerly of the northerly line of Railroad Avenue, thence; in a westerly direction parallel to but 200 feet northerly of Railroad Avenue to the easterly town limits of Pittsville, thence; in a southwesterly direction by and with the easterly town limits of Pittsville to the southerly line of Railroad Avenue and the place of beginning; and providing for the conditions and circumstances applicable to the proposed change in the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville, generally subject to all provisions of the Charter of the Town of Pittsville.
[Added 1-20-1980 by Annexation Res. No. 1]
It is hereby proposed that the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville be changed so as to annex and include all that certain area contiguous to and binding upon the northeasterly line of the Town of Pittsville beginning for the same at the northwesterly corner of the town limits of Pittsville, said point being located in the Truitt-White Subdivision and running, thence; in a northwesterly direction in a straight line to a point on the southerly line of Rounds Road, said point being located 400 feet westerly from the intersection of the southerly line of said Rounds Road with the westerly line of the Pittsville-Gumboro State Road, thence; in a northerly direction in a straight line across the Rounds Road to and across the Pittsville-Melson Road to a point on the northerly line of said road 400 feet west of the westerly line of the Pittsville-Gumboro Road, thence; in a northeasterly direction parallel to but 400 feet westerly of the Pittsville Gumboro Road to the northerly line of the property of Otis W. Farlow, thence; by and with the northerly line of the Otis W. Farlow property in an easterly direction to the westerly line of the Pittsville-Gumboro Road, thence; in a northeasterly direction across said Pittsville-Gumboro Road to the northeast corner of the property of Lester I. Richardson, thence; in an easterly direction by and with the northerly line of said Lester L. Richardson property to a point 400 feet east of the Pittsville-Gumboro Road on a line drawn perpendicular thereto, thence; in a southerly direction in a line drawn parallel to but 400 feet easterly of the Pittsville-Gumboro Road to a point 400 feet northerly of the Casher Wells Road, thence; in an easterly direction in a line parallel to but 400 feet northerly of the northerly line of the Casher Wells Road to the easterly line of the property of Dennis M. Durning, thence; in a southerly line by and with the easterly property line of said Durning to the northerly line of Casher Wells Road, thence; in a southerly direction in a straight line across said Casher Wells Road and through the property of Roger V. Hearn to the northeasterly corner of the property of Fitz Kimbrew, thence; in a southerly direction by and with the easterly line of said Kimbrew property to the town limits of Pittsville, thence; in a westerly direction by and with the northerly line of the town limits of Pittsville to the beginning.
[Added 2-6-1980 by Annexation Res. No. 2]
It is hereby proposed that the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville be changed so as to annex to and include all that certain area contiguous to and binding upon the southerly corporate limits of the Town of Pittsville beginning for the same at a point on the southerly line of the town limits of Pittsville at a point 400 feet westerly of the westerly line of Pine Street, thence; in a southerly direction in a line parallel to but 400 feet westerly of the westerly line of Pine Street to the northerly line of U.S. Route 50, thence; in an easterly direction by and with the northerly line of U.S. Route 50 across said Pine Street to the southeasterly corner of the property of J. W. Shockley & Son, Inc., thence; in a general northerly and then northwesterly direction by and with the easterly line of said Shockley property to the southerly line of the town limits of Pittsville, thence; in a westerly direction by and with the southerly line of the town limits of Pittsville to the beginning; and providing for the conditions and circumstances applicable to the proposed change in the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville, generally subject to all provisions of the Charter of the Town of Pittsville.
[Added 4-2-1980 by Annexation Res. No. 4]
It is hereby proposed that the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville be changed so as to annex and include all that certain area contiguous to and binding upon the westerly line of the town limits of Pittsville beginning for the same at the intersection of southerly line of the Baltimore & Eastern Railroad right-of-way with the westerly line of the town limits of Pittsville and running thence; in a southwesterly direction by and with the southerly line of said railroad right-of-way to the easterly line of the property of Ernest G. Miller, thence; in a southerly direction by and with the easterly line of the Miller property to the northerly line of the property of Raymond H. Timmons, thence; in a westerly direction by and with the northerly line of said Timmons property to the westerly corner thereof, thence; in a southerly direction by and with the westerly line of said Timmons property to a point opposite the northeast corner of the property of Charles H. West, thence; in a line perpendicular to the westerly line of the Timmons property to the northeast corner of the Charles H. West property, thence; by and with the northerly line of the properties of Charles H. West and Joshua L. Farlow to the easterly line of the property of George R. Collins, thence; in a southerly direction by and with the easterly line of said Collins property to the northerly line of Maryland Route 346, thence; in a southeasterly direction across Maryland Route 346 to the easterly line of the Russell White property, thence; by and with the easterly line of the Russell White property or the continuation thereof on the same course in a southerly direction to a point 600 feet southerly of the line of Maryland Route 346, thence; in an easterly direction in a line parallel to but 600 feet southerly of Maryland Route 346 to the southwesterly line of the Town of Pittsville, thence; in a northwesterly direction by and with the westerly line of the Town of Pittsville to the beginning; and providing for the conditions and circumstances applicable to the proposed change in the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville, generally subject to all provisions of the Charter of the Town of Pittsville.
[Added 10-20-1980 by Annexation Res. No. 6]
It is hereby proposed that the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville be changed so as to annex to and include all that certain area contiguous to and binding upon the southerly corporate limits of the Town of Pittsville beginning for the same at a point on the corporate limits of the Town of Pittsville where said corporate line turns south from the bed of West Road through the property of Roger V. Hearn, et al., and running thence; by and with the said corporate line in a southerly and westerly line to the westerly boundary of the property of said Roger V. Hearn, et al., said boundary being also the line of the property now or formerly of Olon J. Parker, Jr., thence; in a northerly direction by and with said Hearn-Parker property line to the southerly line of West Road, thence; continuing on the same course across West Road to a point 200 feet northerly of the northerly line of West Road, thence, in an easterly direction in a line parallel to but 200 feet northerly of the north line of West Road to the property now or formerly belonging to J. William Brittingham, thence; in a southerly direction by and with the Brittingham property to the center of West Road and the corporate limits of the Town of Pittsville to the beginning; and providing for the conditions and circumstances applicable to the proposed change in the boundaries of the Town of Pittsville, generally subject to all provisions of the Charter of the Town of Pittsville.
[Added 930-1981 by Annexation Res. No. 7]