The Town of Pittsville shall have the power to regulate all subdivisions or resubdivisions of land within the town. For the purpose of making this power effective, no plat or plan of any subdivision or resubdivision within the town shall be recorded among the land records of Wicomico County by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Wicomico County until the plat or plan has been approved in writing by the Pittsville Planning Commission and such approval endorsed on said plat or plan. The Commissioners shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations governing the filing of plats and plans, the erection of permanent markers wherever necessary, the supplying of necessary topographical data, the layout and construction of proposed streets, the establishment of building lines and zoning regulations and such other things as they may deem necessary for the proper control of subdivisions or resubdivisions. No public way shall be accepted for public use and ownership unless the plat and location thereof shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Pittsville Planning Commission.