[Adopted 5-2-2005 by Ord. No. 134-EE]
Whenever a streetlight for which the Township is responsible for the costs of maintaining is installed on any street or highway within the Township where no streetlight had existed before, the Township Manager shall determine which properties or portions thereof are within 300 feet from said light on both sides of the street on which the light is located and prepare a written report setting forth the tax parcel number and street address of all such properties.
Whenever a streetlight for which the Township is responsible for the costs of maintenance is permanently removed from any street or highway, the Township Manager shall determine which properties or portions thereof are within 300 feet from said light on both sides of the street on which the light is located and prepare a written report setting forth the tax parcel number and street address of all such properties.
The Township Manager shall then submit his report to the Board of Commissioners.
The Board of Commissioners shall, upon receipt of the report from the Township Manager, consider the report at a public meeting and, if the Commissioners determine that it is lawful and proper to include new properties on or remove existing properties from the assessment rolls, they shall take appropriate action by resolution of the Board.