Provision of traffic lights and signals — See 2nd Class Sec. 702-IX.
Penalties and disposition of fines — See Vehicle Code Ch. 65.
General powers of local authorities — See Vehicle Code Sec. 6102(b).
Specific powers of local authorities — See Vehicle Code Sec. 6109.
Prosecutions under local ordinances superseded by Vehicle Code — See Vehicle Code Sec. 6301.
Authority to arrest without warrant — See Vehicle Code Sec. 6304.
Operation generally — See Ch. 456.
Definitions of words and terms used in this Traffic Code shall be the same as those contained in Section 102 of the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania (75 Pa. C.S. Secs. 101 et seq.).
It is a summary offense for any person to violate any of the provisions of this Traffic Code. Every person convicted of a summary offense for a violation of any of the provisions of this Traffic Code, for which another penalty is not provided, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $25.