This article shall apply to all applications for development.
[Amended 9-3-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-12]
The following standards shall be used to prepare and review any development plan:
Vegetation preservation. To the greatest extent possible, existing vegetation on the tract in good health and condition shall be preserved. Particular consideration shall be given to individual trees with a diameter at breast height of four inches or greater, stands of trees and mature shrubs and hedgerows located within yard setback and buffer areas and greater than 10 feet from a building foundation. The placement of buildings, driveways, parking lots and other improvements shall take into consideration the location of existing vegetation and attempt to preserve such wherever possible.
Dead vegetation. All dead or dying vegetation, either standing or fallen, shall be removed from the tract, unless such are located in a preserved stand of trees greater than one acre in area.
Vegetation protection. Existing vegetation to be preserved shall be protected during the period of construction as follows:
No staging, storage or stockpiling areas for construction materials or soil shall be located under the dripline of existing trees to be preserved, wherever possible, but in no case shall such areas be located within 10 feet of an existing tree to be preserved, whether such tree is located on the tract or adjacent properties. No such areas shall be located within five feet of existing shrubs or a hedgerow to be preserved.
A protective barrier consisting of snow or silt fencing a minimum of four feet high shall be installed around all existing vegetation to be preserved prior to the commencement of any site work or construction. Such protective barrier shall be freestanding and sturdy, not supported in any way by the vegetation such is protecting, and shall remain in place until construction is completed.
Where more than three inches of fill is proposed to be placed around an existing tree to be preserved, such tree shall be protected by an air well measuring six feet in diameter, or as otherwise needed, around the trunk to prevent the intrusion of soil. The design of such air well shall be as specified in "Protection and Care of the Urban Forest," published by NJDEP.