The following table lists votes of the Town Meeting to accept certain chapters and sections of the Massachusetts General Laws and special acts:
Adoption Date and Article Number
3-4-1901 ATM, Art. 15
Acts 1888, c. 331, relating to catching of pickerel
3-6-1911 ATM, Art. 21
Acts 1910, c. 168, An Act To Authorize the Town of Hadley To Refund Certain Indebtedness
3-1-1915 ATM, Art. 35
Acts 1913, c. 807, relating to compensation of laborers for injuries sustained in public employment
12-31-1923 STM, Art. 3
MGL c. 41, § 55, providing for appointment of Town Accountant
2-2-1925 ATM, Art. 20
MGL c. 82, § 37, relative to building lines on highways and Town ways
2-4-1929 ATM, Art. 15
MGL c. 81, §§ 26 to 29, relating to the repairs and maintenance of highways
8-29-1938 STM, Art. 1
Acts 1936, c. 403, providing for the inclusion of additional employees with Workmen's Compensation Law
2-7-1944 ATM, Art. 15; amended 5-2-1996 ATM by Art. 11
MGL c. 143, §§ 3 to 12, relating to Inspector of Buildings (1996 amendment provided for inclusion of § 3Y)
12-17-1945 STM, Art. 1
Acts 1945, c. 723, authorizing establishment of department to assist veterans
2-11-1952 ATM, Art. 24
Acts 1950, c. 820, providing for an increase in certain pensions and other benefits
2-11-1952 ATM, Art. 25
Acts 1951, c. 781, relative to increasing pensions and retirement allowances
2-8-1954 ATM, Art. 15
MGL c. 41, § 81A, to establish a Planning Board of 5 members
2-11-1957 ATM, Art. 10
MGL c. 32B, relating to insurance
2-10-1958 ATM, Art. 21
MGL c. 54, § 103A, pertaining to absent voters at regular Town elections
2-16-1963 ATM, Art. 21
An Act Authorizing the Town of Hadley To Construct and Operate a System or Systems of Sewerage and Sewage Disposal
2-8-1965 ATM, Art. 23
MGL c. 40, § 22D, authorizing establishment of traffic regulations
2-12-1972 ATM, Art. 8
Acts 1971, c. 714, to dissolve the Hadley Water Supply District and transfer its functions to the Town of Hadley
3-24-1977 ATM, Art. 31
MGL c. 40, § 8G, authorizing mutual aid agreements with area police departments
9-1-1977 STM, Art. 3
MGL c. 40, §§ 42A to 42F, relating to the collection of water charges
3-23-1978 ATM, Art. 19
MGL c. 83, §§ 16A to 16F, relating to the enforcement of liens for nonpayment of sewer charges and assessments
3-23-1978 ATM, Art. 47
MGL c. 40A, as amended by Chapter 808, Acts of 1975, pertaining to zoning
3-20-1980 Election, Question 1
MGL c. 258, § 13, providing for indemnification of municipal officers
9-14-1981 STM, Art. 2
MGL c. 71, § 71E, providing for disposition of certain moneys received by School Committee
3-24-1983 ATM, Art. 31
MGL c. 40, § 22D, relative to the towing away of vehicles illegally parked or standing on public ways
3-21-1985 ATM, Art. 10
Acts 1981, c. 339, providing for the use of offset receipts
3-21-1985 ATM, Art. 13
MGL c. 53, § 9A, regarding the final date for obtaining nomination papers
3-20-1986 ATM, Art. 6
MGL c. 64G, § 3A, to impose a local room occupancy excise
3-20-1986 ATM, Art. 10
MGL c. 60B, § 2(i), relating to the disposition of certain sums received from the excise imposed under c. 60B
3-20-1986 ATM, Art. 11
MGL c. 40, § 5, Clause (72), to provide for a municipal waterways improvement and maintenance fund
3-20-1986 ATM, Art. 51
MGL c. 41, § 100, to provide for payment of medical expenses of police and fire personnel injured in the line of duty
3-20-1986 ATM, Art. 52
Acts 1985, c. 613, pertaining to agricultural incentive areas
6-24-1986 STM, Art. 18
MGL c. 40, § 57, providing for the suspension or revocation of local licenses for nonpayment of taxes or charges
5-7-1987 ATM, Art. 44
Betterment Act (MGL c. 80 and c. 83)
10-29-1987 STM, Art. 11
MGL c. 90, § 20A, providing for noncriminal disposition of parking regulations
10-29-1987 STM, Art. 16
MGL c. 40, § 21D, providing for noncriminal disposition of certain bylaw violations
5-5-1988 ATM, Art. 3
Acts 1983, c. 663, relating to school attendance (MGL c. 76, § 1)
5-5-1988 ATM, Art. 11
Acts 1987, c. 236, providing for the expenditure of default funds by the Planning Board
5-3-1990 ATM, Art. 8
MGL c. 41, § 103, providing for the establishment of a purchasing department
5-3-1990 ATM, Art. 18
Acts 1989, c. 653, § 40, regarding assessment date changes for new growth
5-3-1990 ATM, Art. 19
Acts 1989, c. 653, § 41, regarding quarterly tax bills
5-2-1991 ATM, Art. 10
MGL c. 41, § 69B, providing for a water surplus account
5-2-1991 ATM, Art. 16
Acts 1990, c. 291, to allow Town to receive enhanced 911 service
5-7-1992 ATM, Art. 13
MGL c. 40, § 8C, to establish a Conservation Commission
10-22-1992 STM, Art. 8
MGL c. 44, § 53D, to establish a revolving fund for parks and recreation services
5-6-1993 ATM, Art. 9
MGL c. 44, § 53F 1/2, providing for the establishment of enterprise funds
5-6-1993 ATM, Art. 33
MGL c. 138, § 12B, prohibiting nudity or partial nudity on licensed premises
10-20-1994 STM, Art. 22
MGL c. 40, § 42K, providing for the assessment of water betterments on a water unit basis
10-20-1994 STM, Art. 26
MGL c. 138, § 12, permitting common victuallers licensed to sell wine and malt beverages to sell liqueurs and cordials upon written approving of licensing authority
10-20-1994 STM, Art. 27
MGL c. 40, § 8J, authorizing establishment of Commission on Disability
5-1-1997 ATM, Art. 12
MGL c. 90, § 22B, Subsections (b) to (k), relating to abandoned vehicles
10-23-1997 STM, Art. 10
MGL c. 40, § 13C, to establish a workers' compensation claim reserve fund
5-6-1999 ATM, Art. 10
MGL c. 44, § 53 1/2, to establish an enterprise fund for solid waste activities
4-11-2000 Election, Question 2
MGL c. 59, § 2D, providing for taxing certain improved real property based on value at the time occupancy permit is issued
5-4-2000 ATM, Art. 18
MGL c. 32, § 85H 1/2, Subsection (2), indemnifying fire fighters for injuries received in the line of duty
5-1-2003 ATM, Art. 11
MGL c. 140, § 147A, regulation of dogs
10-23-2003 STM, Art. 6
MGL c. 60, § 23B, fees for municipal lien certificates
5-6-2004 ATM, Art. 15
MGL c. 44B, §§ 3 to 7, the Community Preservation Act
11-15-2006 STM, Art. 3
MGL c. 32B, § 18, relating to managing the costs of retirees
5-3-2007 ATM, Art. 26
MGL c. 83, § 16G, to permit low-income, elderly homeowners to defer payment of sewer use charges
5-3-2007 ATM, Art. 26
MGL c. 80, § 13B, to permit low-income, elderly homeowners to defer payment of any betterment assessment or the balance of any apportioned assessment
11-8-2007 STM, Art. 16
MGL c. 39, § 23D, to provide that a member of a board, committee or commission holding an adjudicatory hearing shall not be disqualified from voting in the matter solely due to the member's absence from one session of such hearing, provided that certain conditions are met
8-25-2009 STM, Art. 1
MGL c. 64L, § 2(a), to impose local meals excise
11-18-2010 STM, Art. 15
MGL c. 138, § 33B, to allow on-premises sales of alcoholic beverages before 12:00 noon on Sundays
5-2-2013 ATM, Art. 13
MGL c. 48, § 42, for the administration of the Fire Department
5-7-2015 ATM, Art. 19
MGL c. 41 § 97A, relating to the powers and duties of the Chief of Police
10-22-2015 STM, Art. 3
MGL c. 44, § 53F 3/4, relating to the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund
10-27-2016 STM, Art. 12
MGL c. 40, § 22F, to allow municipal boards or officers to set reasonable permit and license fees without a Town Meeting vote
5-4-2017 ATM, Art. 11
MGL c. 59, § 5K, establishing a senior tax work-off program for Fiscal Year 2018
5-4-2017 ATM, Art. 14
MGL c. 64N, § 3, to impose a local marijuana tax
10-5-2017 STM, Art. 8
MGL c. 59, § 5N, establishing a Veterans' Tax Work Off Program
5-3-2018 ATM, Art. 13
MGL c. 59, § 5, Clause 17D, providing a real estate tax exemption
5-2-2019 ATM, Art. 12
MGL c. 200A, § 9A, relating to the disposition of unclaimed property
5-2-2024 ATM, Art. 22
MGL c. 59, § 5, Clause 41C, providing a real estate tax exemption
Following is the text of Chapter 9 of the Acts of 2008, titled "An Act Establishing a Sewer System Capital Improvement Fund for the Town of Hadley," approved January 18, 2008:
SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any general or special law or rule or regulation to the contrary, the town of Hadley may establish a special account to be known as the Town of Hadley Sewer System Capital Improvement Fund. The purpose of the fund shall be to provide the revenue for the improvement and rehabilitation of the system to treat wastewater within the sewer system servicing the town of Hadley, the funding of engineering, construction and rehabilitation of the sewer treatment works, pumping stations and facilities serving the town of Hadley and to provide revenue to do all things necessary to correct, remedy, repair, prevent and prohibit any and all forms of infiltration or inflow from groundwater and other sources of leakage into pipes, facilities or the system. The special account shall be maintained by the treasurer of the town of Hadley in a banking institution doing business in the commonwealth and expenditures from the special account shall be made subject to appropriation initiated by the sewer commission and approved by a majority vote of the town meeting.
SECTION 2. Payments to such account shall be made by applicants for connection to the sewer system of the town who are constructing or erecting new buildings or developing land for industrial, commercial or residential uses. The method and amount of such payments from those private sources shall be as determined by a schedule of fees to be set by the sewer commission. The schedule shall provide for the method of determining the amount of each payment from such applicants based upon their anticipated sewer use as provided in section 3.
SECTION 3. The sewer commission may assess a sewer improvement fee for all new connections to the town sewer system, as determined by the sewer commission. Prior to assessing the sewer improvement fee, the sewer commission shall prepare a wastewater facilities upgrade and improvement plan, which shall include an engineer's estimate of construction costs. The sewer improvement for shall be assessed by 1 of the methods authorized by section 15 of chapter 83 of the General Laws and shall not exceed the estimated costs of construction to improve the sewer system and to reduce infiltration and inflow into the system.
SECTION 4. There shall be a schedule of estimated costs of constructing the wastewater facilities described in section 1, expressed in dollars per square foot and established by the commission, which schedule shall not be established until the proposed schedule is first published in a newspaper in general circulation in the town of Hadley and considered at a public hearing held for such purpose.
SECTION 5. All sewer improvement fees collected shall be deposited into the special fund. Monies deposited into the special fund shall be used only for the purposes set forth in this act, as may be determined by the commission. The commission may accept grants or gifts for deposit into the fund. The treasurer of the town of Hadley may invest monies in the special account and the income and interest accruing shall inure to the benefit of the special account.
SECTION 6. The sewer system improvement fees imposed under this act shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by law including, without limitation, sewer connection fees, betterment fees, privilege fees and user charges.
SECTION 7. Additional appropriation may be made by a majority vote of the town meeting into this special account for the purpose of providing additional funds for the purposes set forth in this act.
SECTION 8. The sewer commission for the town of Hadley may make application for available state or federal government grants for the engineering, construction or rehabilitation of wastewater treatment works, pumping stations and facilities, and may pledge any and all such sums of money in the account, with the approval of the town meeting, for any such matching grants for engineering, construction or rehabilitation of wastewater treatment works, pumping stations and facilities.
SECTION 9. The town accountant shall file jointly with the sewer commission, the treasurer, the finance committee and the bureau of accounts, a written report relative to the special account. The report shall be made 120 days after the books of the account are closed each fiscal year.
SECTION 10. The sewer commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the implementation and administration or the special account and set fees in accordance with this act, or take any action relative thereto.
Following is the text of Chapter 148 of the Acts of 2009, titled "An Act Establishing a Department of Public Works in the Town of Hadley," approved November 19, 2009:
SECTION 1. There shall be established in the town of Hadley a department of public works under the jurisdiction of the board of selectmen. The department of public works shall have charge of and responsibility for the management of all public works operations of the town including, but not limited to the following: highway, water, sewer, solid waste, engineering services, building maintenance of all town buildings except those under the jurisdiction of the school department, cemetery and other operations as may be deemed necessary or desirable. The board of selectmen shall have the power to make all policy decisions related to the operations of public works within the town of Hadley. All references herein to the "board" shall refer to the board of selectmen.
The board shall be responsible for: the repair, alteration and maintenance of all town-owned equipment, property and vehicles under the jurisdiction of the board, and those formerly under the board acting as water commissioners and water department, sewer commissioners and sewer department and cemetery committee and cemetery department; the central purchasing of all public works related supplies, materials and equipment and; the awarding of all contracts for the repair, alteration, remodeling, construction, reconstruction, maintenance or renovation of all town public ways, sewer lines, water lines, grounds, properties, facilities and equipment, except those under the jurisdiction of the school department.
SECTION 4. No person in the permanent full-time employment of the town, as of the effective date of this act, in any of the boards, positions or departments abolished or consolidated hereunder shall forfeit pay grade or time in service by virtue of the establishment of the department of public works. Each such person shall be retained in a capacity as similar to such person's former capacity as is practical. No contracts or liabilities in force as of the effective date of this act shall be affected by this act, but the board shall be deemed the lawful successor of the aforesaid departments, commissions, board and offices relative to such contracts or liabilities. It shall be the duty of such departments, commissions, board and offices to turn over to the board property and records, including all contracts, papers, documents, permits, plans and property under their control and custody and each shall furnish to the board such information as may be required by the board of selectmen.
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Following is the text of Chapter 57 of the Acts of 2014, titled "An Act Authorizing the Town of Hadley to Grant 6 Additional Licenses for the Sale of All Alcoholic Beverages and 6 Additional Licenses for the Sale of Wines and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises," approved March 26, 2014:
SECTION 1. Notwithstanding section 17 of chapter 138 of the General Laws, the licensing authority of the town of Hadley may grant 6 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises and 6 additional licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises, pursuant to section 12 of chapter 138, to establishments located in the route 9 business zone and the route 47 limited business zone and the local business zone in the town of Hadley. The zones are located and bound as shown on a map titled "Zoning Map of Hadley, Massachusetts," dated September 26, 1978, and on file in the office of the town clerk. The licenses shall be subject to all of said chapter 138 except said section 17.
Notwithstanding section 12 of chapter 138 of the General Laws, the select board may restrict licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages granted pursuant to this act to holders of a common victualler license.
Once issued, the licensing authority shall not approve the transfer of that license to any other location, but it may grant a license to a new applicant at the same location if the applicant files with the licensing authority a letter from the department of revenue indicating that the license is in good standing with the department and that all applicable taxes have been paid.
If a license granted pursuant to this section is cancelled, revoked or no longer in use at the location of original issuance, the license shall be returned physically, with all of the legal rights, privileges and restrictions pertaining thereto, to the select board and the select board may then grant the license to a new applicant at the same location under the same conditions as specified in this act.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.