The following table lists votes of the Town Meeting on certain subjects which were not bylaws or General Law acceptances but which the Town desired to record in the Code:
Adoption Date and Article Number
3-5-1900 ATM, Art. 20
Elect Board of Library Trustees
3-5-1900 ATM, Art. 21
Voted to design and purchase Town Seal
3-4-1901 ATM, Art. 20
Voted that the Library Trustees elect a treasurer
3-4-1902 ATM, Art. 3
Voted that Clerk be elected for 3 years
3-2-1908 ATM, Art. 23
Choose Assessors
2-7-1916 ATM, Art. 27
Voted to make term of office of Selectmen 3 years
2-7-1916 ATM, Art. 42
Increase number of Library Trustees
2-3-1919 ATM, Art. 21
Appropriate $150 for Farm Bureau and elect director
4-25-1922 STM, Art. 1
Authorize School Committee to maintain state-aided vocational education
2-4-1924 ATM, Art. 17
Appropriate $2,000 for reserve fund
2-6-1928 ATM, Art. 30
Selectmen authorized to appoint Cemetery Committee
2-6-1928 ATM, Art. 31
Cemetery Committee authorized to sell lots in cemeteries
2-3-1930 ATM, Art. 16
Voted to maintain Call Fire Department
2-7-1944 ATM, Art. 16
Voted to adopt Planning Board rules
12-17-1945 STM, Art. 2
Voted for Town to become member of district serving veterans
12-17-1945 STM, Art. 3
Voted to make term of office of Tax Collector 3 years
12-30-1946 STM, Art. 1
Voted to make term of office of Treasurer 3 years
2-13-1950 ATM, Art. 11
Selectmen authorized to appoint Inspector of Electrical Wires
2-12-1951 Annual Election
Selectmen authorized to appoint Tree Warden
2-11-1952 ATM, Art. 22
Voted to increase School Committee to 5 members
2-8-1954 ATM, Art. 18
Voted to appropriate sum for public health nurse
2-13-1956 ATM, Art. 15D
Voted to establish Board of Appeals
2-8-1960 ATM, Art. 10
Voted to insure the Fire Department, police and constables
2-8-1960 ATM, Art. 21
Voted to provide for Housing Authority
2-8-1960 ATM, Art. 22
Voted to establish Development and Industrial Commission
2-8-1960 ATM, Art. 23
Voted to establish Conservation Commission
12-16-1960 STM, Art. 1
Voted to join the Southern Franklin Welfare District
2-17-1962 ATM, Art. 12
Voted to assume liability for work performed by State Department of Public Works
10-15-1963 STM, Art. 3
Authorizing 1964 ATM to elect Board of Health
10-15-1963 STM, Art. 6
Authorizing 1964 ATM to elect Board of Sewer Commissioners
2-10-1964 ATM, Art. 25
Voted to elect Board of Park Commissioners
2-12-1965 ATM, Art. 21
Voted to approve establishment of annual sewer use charge
6-21-1966 STM, Art. 1
Voted to join Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning District
2-13-1967 ATM, Art. 22
Annual sewer use charge and entrance fees
2-13-1967 ATM, Art. 23
Authorizing Tax Collector to collect sewer assessments
2-17-1968 ATM, Art. 16
Voted to increase limit on proportion of costs of the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning District
2-13-1971 ATM, Art. 25
Voted to appropriate $1,200 to establish a fund for the Town's share of pension allowances
2-7-1972 Annual Election, Question 1
Authorizing games of beano
2-17-1973 ATM, Art. 39
Designating Tax Collector as Town Collector for all accounts of the Town
3-20-1975 ATM, Art. 22
Establish Bicentennial Commission
3-24-1977 ATM, Art. 21
Repeal of 1975 vote establishing sewer use fees
3-24-1977 ATM, Art. 22
Sewer use fees
3-18-1978 STM, Art. 5
Authority conferred to Park Commissioners
3-18-1979 STM, Art. 7
Voted to change the name of the Hadley Park Commission to the Hadley Park and Recreation Department
3-23-1978 ATM, Art. 25
Voted to increase limit on proportion of costs of the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning District
3-23-1978 ATM, Art. 32
Individual salary listings to be included in Town Report
3-20-1980 ATM, Art. 28
Voted that Town join PVTA
3-2-1984 ATM, Art. 11
Voted to provide exemption from motor vehicle excise tax to prisoners of war
3-2-1984 ATM, Art. 16
Voted to place profits from timber sales in stabilization fund
3-20-1986 ATM, Art. 9
Vote to increase annual fees for coin-operated amusement devices
5-5-1988 ATM, Art. 13
Selectmen authorized to develop regulations governing hawkers and vendors
5-5-1988 ATM, Art. 14
Selectmen authorized to develop parking and traffic regulations
5-6-1993 ATM, Art. 8
Authorize revolving fund
5-6-1999 ATM, Art. 14
Authorize revolving fund
10-26-2000 STM, Art. 15
Increase Board of Selectmen from 3 members to 5 members
10-26-2000 STM, Art. 16
Establish Long Range Plan Steering Committee
5-6-2004 ATM, Art. 7
Transfer of cash for use of revolving fund
10-28-2004 STM, Art. 12
Establish Agricultural Commission
10-27-2005 STM, Art. 12
Vote to petition for special act (meals tax)
10-27-2005 STM, Art. 13
Resolution granting authority to Selectmen to enter into contracts for power supply
5-4-2006 ATM, Art. 6
Authorizing revolving funds
5-4-2006 ATM, Art. 8
Fee schedule for Fire Department inspections and permits
11-16-2006 STM, Art. 13
Authorizing Board of Selectmen and Board of Health to enter into intermunicipal agreement for public health and public works services
5-3-2007 ATM, Art. 3
Authorize revolving funds
5-3-2007 ATM, Art. 21
Vote to petition for special act (sewers)
5-7-2009 ATM, Art. 13
Vote to petition for special act (Department of Public Works)
5-7-2009 ATM, Art. 18
Adopt fees relating to building inspections
5-7-2009 ATM, Art. 19
Adopt fees relating to the Fire Department
5-7-2009 ATM, Art. 20
That the Town charge for each written demand issued by the Collector a fee of $15 to be added to and collected as part of the tax, as authorized by MGL c. 60, § 15, effective as of 7-1-2009
8-25-2009 STM, Art. 2
Amend local room occupancy excise under MGL c. 64G, § 3A to the rate of 6%
5-2-2013 ATM, Art. 16
The Town authorized, in accordance with MGL c. 41, § 110A, the Town Clerk’s office to remain closed on all Saturdays and to treat Saturdays as a legal holiday for purposes of calculating the time frame for filing matters in that office
10-16-2021 ATM, Art. 14
Vote to opt out of the mosquito spraying program conducted under the State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board (SRMCB), as authorized under MGL c. 252, § 2A(b)(2)
5-4-2023 ATM, Art. 4
Authorizing the Treasurer with the approval of the Select Board, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 44, § 4 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance with MGL c. 44, § 17.
5-4-2023 ATM, Art. 5
Transfer $50,000 from Water Reserves to Water Plant Filtration Stabilization Fund
5-4-2023 ATM, Art. 10
Appropriate $402,307 from Free Cash and Ambulance Receipts Reserve
5-4-2023 ATM, Art. 20
Appropriate $10,000 from Free Cash
5-4-2023 ATM, Art. 21
Increase of interest rate for property tax deferral by eligible seniors
5-2-2024 ATM, Art. 20
Appropriate $ 185,000 from Free Cash and Ambulance Receipts Reserve