[Added 11-19-2015; amended 4-19-2018; 5-20-2021]
Editor's Note: Former Art. 25, Floodplain Control, was repealed 4-19-2012. See now Ch. 82, Floodplain Regulation.
The intent of this article is to provide standards for specific uses, whether regulated as a permitted or special land use.
Active adult/retirement community. Single-family detached and/or attached dwellings on smaller lots and targeted to residents who are age 55 and older.
The density shall not exceed five units per acre.
At least 20% of the site, excluding required setbacks, shall be designated as open space or recreation facilities.
Attached units may contain up to four units.
The following setbacks are required:
Twenty-five-foot front for garage (measured from the sidewalk).
Fifteen-foot front for living space (measured from the sidewalk).
Five-foot minimum side yard/total of 20 feet between units.
Thirty-five feet rear/70 feet between units.
Units shall have individual garages and entrances.
A minimum four-foot-wide landscape area is required between driveways.
Parking or vehicular circulation is not permitted within the required setbacks or separation between buildings.
A thirty-foot-wide landscape buffer is required from all perimeter property lines.
Sidewalks are required and must be set back a minimum of five feet from the edge of the road. A pedestrian system shall be provided throughout the development, including access to open space, recreation amenities and between dwelling units.
Adult regulated uses. Because of their nature, some uses are recognized as having objectionable operational characteristics, particularly when these uses are concentrated, thereby having deleterious effects upon adjacent areas. Regulation of these uses is necessary to ensure adverse effects will not contribute to blighting, deteriorating and/or downgrading of adjacent areas. The primary regulation is to prevent concentration of these uses by requiring the following:
Uses and structures shall be located at least 1,000 feet from the property line of any of the following uses:
Parks, playgrounds or other recreation facilities.
Day-care centers or preschools.
Religious institutions.
Class C establishments licensed by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
Hotels or bed-and-breakfast inns.
Dance clubs, movie theaters and other similar uses where young people may gather.
Another existing or approved adult regulated use.
Any residential district or use.
The building shall not exceed 5,000 square feet.
The building and site shall be designed, constructed and maintained so material such as a display, decoration or signs depicting, describing or relating to specific sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, as defined in this chapter, cannot be observed by pedestrians or motorists from a public ROW or from an adjacent land use.
Doors and windows shall remain closed.
The use shall be located within a freestanding building. A multiple-tenant building is not considered to be a freestanding building.
Any adult regulated use, which allows customers to remain on the premises while viewing live, filmed or recorded entertainment or while using or consuming the products or services supplied on the premises, shall provide at least one security guard on duty outside the premises. The security guard provided shall patrol the grounds and parking areas at all times while the business is in operation.
Airports, heliports and other facilities for the operation of aircraft.
The use shall be accessory to a nonresidential principal building or use.
Plans must be approved by the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) prior to submittal to the Township.
The required FAA clear zone shall be provided on the same property as the landing area.
The landing area shall not be located within required parking or setback areas.
The landing area shall be set back at least 250 feet from any residential zoning district, use or other applicable safety standards, whichever are greater.
Outdoor maintenance is not permitted from dusk to dawn.
Archery and shooting facilities.
All walls, ceilings and floors shall be impenetrable to bullets and arrows.
For shooting ranges, all walls, ceilings and floors shall be treated with noise-absorbent materials. The wall next to the firing line, the ceiling directly above and three feet in front of the firing line shall be treated with mineral fiber acoustical tile.
The facility shall conform to applicable state and federal requirements.
Crossbows are not permitted.
Assisted living, nursing care and hospice facilities.
Density shall not exceed 20 beds per acre.
One hundred square feet of outdoor open space shall be provided per unit. Required open space shall not be located within required setbacks.
Bed-and-breakfast inns.
Parking shall not be located in the required front yard and shall be set back at least 50 feet from an adjacent residential district/use.
Meals or other services provided on the premises shall only be available to residents, employees and overnight guests.
The house shall be the principal residence of the operator. One nonresident employee is permitted.
The appearance shall be consistent with surrounding homes.
Cemeteries (including pet cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums and memorial parks/gardens).
An approved site plan may be developed in phases and not subject to the approval limitations required by this article.
Setback requirements.
Adjacent to Residential Zoning Districts or Uses
Adjacent to Nonresidential Zoning Districts
From the ROW
Subterranean, flush and monument graves
50 feet if adjacent to existing residential dwellings1
Mausoleum, columbarium, chapel or similar structures
100 feet if adjacent to existing residential dwellings2
Administrative offices or similar structures
100 feet if adjacent to existing residential dwellings2
Roads and off-street parking
Maintenance facilities
The fifty-foot setback applies for existing homes located within 60 feet of the property line at the time of ordinance adoption. The intent is to provide an additional buffer for nonconforming residential parcels. The length of the fifty-foot setback shall be determined by the Planning Commission based on topography, sight lines and proximity of the house to the developed portion of the cemetery.
The 100-foot setback applies for existing homes located within 60 feet of the property line at the time of ordinance adoption. The intent is to provide an additional buffer for nonconforming residential parcels. The length of the 100-foot setback shall be determined by the Planning Commission based on topography, sight lines and proximity of the house to the developed portion of the cemetery.
If certain facilities are combined, such as a mausoleum, chapel and administrative offices, the setback shall be determined by the Planning Commission based on site-specific conditions such as visual impact from the road, presence of existing vegetation, topography, etc.
The design and layout shall be harmonious with the site's natural features.
Height shall not exceed 25 feet.
The design, scale and mass shall minimize environmental impacts and views from adjacent properties.
Mausoleums and columbariums shall not exceed 1,250 square feet per acre.
Access shall be provided from a major road.
The principal entrance shall be identified by architectural elements, landscaping and a sign.
Roadways and parking.
Roads shall be at least 20 feet wide, designed to promote low vehicular speeds and respect natural features.
Roads and parking shall be paved. For expansion of existing cemeteries, the road surface shall be a material that adequately controls erosion, prevents dust and adequately accommodates stormwater runoff.
On-site parking must be provided for staff, visitors and funeral processions.
Buffer Type A shall be provided for property lines that abut a residential zoning district. Buffer Type B shall be provided when abutting nonresidential zoning districts. Landscape buffers are defined in Article 24, Landscape Standards.
If the project is to be developed in phases, required site improvements such as perimeter landscape, fences or berms shall be required in conjunction with the phasing or as necessary to provide appropriate screening to adjacent residential properties.
A rustic or decorative fence, wall, plant material or any combination of these may be required to enhance privacy between the cemetery and adjacent land uses. Fences or walls shall be consistent with the character of the area. In a natural setting, enclosures shall be designed to be virtually transparent, to minimize disturbance to existing vegetation and to allow vegetation and wildlife to pass through, such as a wire farm fence. Along street ROWs or adjacent to nonresidential uses, a more formal treatment may be required, such as a stone wall, wrought iron fence with brick columns or other similar materials.
Existing vegetation shall be preserved within required setbacks.
Child-care group home (seven to 12 minor children), as defined in 1973 PA 116, MCLA § 722.111(1)(i).
The facility must be located at least 1,500 feet from any of the following uses:
Another licensed group child-care home.
An adult foster-care small group home or large group home licensed under the adult foster-care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, MCLA §§ 400.701 to 400.737.
A facility offering substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation service to seven or more people licensed under Article 6 of the Public Health Code, 1778 PA 368, MCLA §§ 333.6101 to 333.6523.
A community correction center, resident home, halfway house or other similar facility that houses an inmate population under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections.
The facility has appropriate fencing in accordance with the Township's fence standards.
The facility shall be maintained in a manner consistent with the characteristics of the neighborhood.
The facility shall not exceed 16 hours of operation during a twenty-four-hour period.
Commercial stables.
A minimum of 20 acres is required.
A minimum of one acre is required for each animal.
Animals shall be confined to a stable and/or paddock enclosure.
Animal enclosures must be set back at least 100 feet from all property lines.
Caretakers' or owners' quarters are permitted and shall comply with the setback requirements for the district in which they are located.
Composting facilities.
Composting facilities shall comply with applicable state and federal requirements.
Facilities shall be set back at least 1,000 feet from residential zoning districts/uses.
Composting materials shall be set back at least 200 feet from any zoning district, except the industrial zoning district.
Individual windrows shall not exceed six feet in height and 10 feet in width, measured from the base.
Stacking for at least five vehicles must be provided on-site.
A six-foot-tall wall, privacy fence or berm, and landscaping, shall be provided adjacent to all zoning districts/uses, except the industrial zoning district.
Anaerobic composting is not to be permitted.
Vehicles shall be kept clean, maintained and operated to contain all contents.
Approval issued under the provisions of this chapter, and amendments thereto, may be revoked upon just cause.
Concrete and asphalt plants.
An annual license certifying the capability to meet the standards of this article and any additional standards of Chapter 110, Mining and Quarrying, must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
A description of the types, quantities, storage areas, secondary containment measures and a spill response plan shall be provided for the use, manufacture or storage of any hazardous materials.
The plant shall be set back at least 600 feet from adjacent residential zoning districts/uses and 300 feet from nonresidential zoning district/uses.
Accessory buildings, internal roads, parking, stockpiles, storage and other operations shall be set back at least 500 feet from adjacent residential zoning districts/uses and 50 feet from a nonresidential zoning district/use or public road ROW.
The plant, stockpiles, storage, parking and other operations and accessory structures shall be set back at least 150 feet from wetlands or watercourses.
The facility and operations shall be screened from public view.
The site shall have direct access to a paved public road.
Internal roads, parking and storage areas shall be paved.
Burial is not permitted on-site.
Buildings or structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from any property line.
Day care and preschools.
Facilities must be registered with the State of Michigan.
The use shall not be permitted in the interior of a residential block or within a multiple-family development.
Buildings and parking must be set back at least 50 feet from an adjacent residential district/use.
Outdoor play areas must be set back at least 25 feet from an adjacent residential district/use.
Domed recreation structures.
The site shall be large enough to accommodate the intended use(s), parking and adequate buffer areas without significant impact to nearby properties in terms of noise, traffic, lighting, glare, views, odors and trespassing, as determined by the Planning Commission.
Dome height shall not exceed 70 feet.
The outer membrane of the dome shall be flame-resistant and constructed of a material that does not emit excessive interior lighting. The Planning Commission may require domes to install an outer membrane that is partially or totally opaque.
All repairs or patches to the outer membrane of the dome shall match the original material and shall not be generally discernible from the exterior.
All outdoor mechanical equipment shall be screened from view and noise reduced by a continuous obscuring wall, fence and/or evergreen hedge as determined by the Planning Commission.
Drive-in, drive-through or open-front businesses (excluding financial institutions).
One drive-through window is permitted.
The drive-through facility and the parking lot shall be clearly delineated.
The drive-through shall be located on the side or rear of the building and minimize visibility from the road.
The materials used for the canopy structure shall be architecturally compatible with the building design and match the primary building material.
Financial institutions.
Up to two drive-through teller lanes and one drive-through ATM are permitted.
The materials used for the canopy columns shall match the primary building material.
The drive-through facility and the parking lot shall be clearly delineated.
The drive-through shall be located on the side or rear of the building and minimize visibility from the road.
Fuel services, sales and storage.
A minimum three-acre lot size is required.
Aboveground storage tanks shall not exceed 300 gallons, shall be located at least 75 feet from an occupied building or lot line and shall be mounted on a concrete slab.
Aboveground storage tanks shall be screened from public view.
Below-ground fuel storage tanks shall be located at least 2,000 feet from any drinking water well.
Garden centers or other similar accessory structures/uses.
Outdoor sale areas must be enclosed by a decorative fence or screen wall.
The setback requirement for the principal structure shall apply.
Materials shall be sufficiently covered or contained.
Materials shall be screened from public view or an adjacent residential district/use.
The height of all materials and equipment shall not extend above the top of the screen wall or fence.
All loading and truck maneuvering must be accommodated on-site.
Golf courses and country clubs.
Buildings and structures must be set back at least 100 feet from adjacent residential zoning districts/uses and 50 feet from nonresidential zoning districts/uses.
Parking must be set back at least 30 feet from the road ROW and 50 feet from all other property lines.
Ingress and egress shall be directly onto a major road.
The ball trajectory must be identified along all fairways and driving ranges and shall not infringe on adjacent properties.
Netting is not permitted. The facility shall be designed to minimize errant balls.
Driving ranges are permitted as an accessory use, provided it is not illuminated.
Golf driving range.
The expected ball trajectory must be identified and shall not infringe on adjacent properties.
The facility shall be designed to minimize errant balls. The Planning Commission may allow netting upon a determination that netting would be compatible with surrounding uses and obscured from public views. The height of netting shall not exceed 80 feet and shall be set back a minimum of 60 feet from the property line.
Home occupations.
Only residents of the dwelling unit may be engaged in the home occupation.
Up to two clients or customers may be present at any time.
Parking must be provided within a paved driveway.
Activities are limited to products or services produced within the dwelling.
Activities shall be conducted within a structure and shall not create noise, dust, vibration, smell, smoke, glare, electrical interference, fire hazard or any other hazard or nuisance which is more frequent than is normally generated by residential uses.
The home occupation shall not be conducted in a manner which would cause the premises to differ from its residential character by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, parking, signs or the emission of sounds, noises or vibrations.
Traffic and delivery of goods shall not exceed that normally generated by residential uses.
Home occupations shall not occupy more than 25% of the total floor area of the house or 50% of an accessory structure.
All activities, including storage, shall be conducted completely within the house or accessory structure.
Permitted family child-care homes, group child-care homes and state-licensed residential facilities are excluded from Subsection U(1), (6) and (7) above.
A minimum twenty-acre site is required.
Ingress and egress shall be directly onto a major road.
Parking shall be set back at least 40 feet from the front property line and 20 feet from the side and rear property lines.
Ambulance, emergency and delivery areas shall not face a public street and shall be obscured from residential uses by landscape, walls and/or berms as determined by the Planning Commission.
Kennels (commercial).
The lot shall be at least two acres in size, except in the consumer industrial zoning district where there is not a minimum lot size.
Outdoor facilities and enclosures shall not be located in front of a building.
Outdoor facilities shall not be located within required side or rear yard setbacks.
Outdoor facilities shall be set back at least 100 feet from a residential district/use.
Kennels (private): subject to Chapter 53, Animals.
Miniature golf.
The height of structures shall not exceed eight feet as a permitted use. If the height of any structure exceeds eight feet, a special land use is required.
Mobile home parks.
The site shall not border a single-family residential district/use.
No structure or land shall be used, erected or placed, except for one or more of the following uses.
Mobile homes, including sales, provided it is located upon an improved mobile home lot.
One management or office building exclusively for conducting business operations of the mobile home park.
Utility building for laundry facilities and auxiliary storage space for tenant and management needs.
Community building for the exclusive use of tenants of the mobile home park.
Recreation facilities.
A site plan, in accordance with Article 33, Site Plan Review, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review, and the Planning Commission shall forward a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing in accordance with Article 40, Administration and Public Notice.
The following conditions are required:
A minimum forty-acre site.
The site shall have access directly onto a road having an existing or planned ROW of at least 120 feet.
Interior sidewalks are required and must be set back a minimum of five feet from the edge of the road.
All utility lines shall be underground.
When off-street parking is adjacent to a residential district/use, a wall or landscaped berm shall be required in accordance with Article 24, Landscape Standards.
Density shall not exceed 6.5 units per acre.
Mobile home sites shall have a minimum fifty-foot width and a minimum area of 5,500 square feet. If parks provide common open space, the lot width and areas may be reduced by 20%, provided that the common open space shall be at least equal to the total area by which any lots have been reduced.
All structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from the road ROW.
A minimum 25,000 square feet of open space shall be provided. The minimum open space shall be increased by 250 square feet for each site over 50 units. Open space and recreational uses shall be located and designed to facilitate access and usability.
Movie theater, performance venue or amphitheater (outdoor).
Stacking for at least 50 vehicles must be provided on-site.
The projected image shall not be visible from an adjacent residential district or public roads.
Religious institutions.
The following standards shall apply, except in the B-3 zoning district:
The principal building shall not exceed 50,000 square feet.
Seating within the main assembly area shall not exceed 1,000 people.
Parking shall not exceed 500 vehicles, and the use shall not generate more than 1,000 vehicle trips per day.
All activities shall take place within a fully enclosed building. Exterior loudspeakers or amplified sound is not permitted.
Site access shall be directly onto a road having an existing or planned ROW of 120 feet.
The Planning Commission may allow up to 25% of the total parking in the front yard upon a finding this is compatible with surrounding uses or preserves natural features better than alternative parking locations. Bus and other similar service vehicle parking are only permitted in the rear yard.
A masonry wall or berm, which is sufficient to screen outside activities and headlight glare, is required between adjacent residential zoning districts/uses, all paved surfaces and outside activity areas. The wall or berm shall be up to six feet tall, and the landscape buffer shall include a minimum of one tree and four shrubs per 20 linear feet.
Accessory uses shall be limited to those commonly associated with the principal use and may include living quarters for clergy, ministry or other members of religious orders who carry out their primary duties on the site, religious education classes, private schools, church-sponsored day care, unlighted outdoor recreation facilities, religious office space, youth centers and other similar uses. Clinics, rescue missions, residences for those not engaged in the ministry and other uses not specifically noted are prohibited.
Roadside farm stands.
Access shall be provided onto a major road.
Off-street parking is required.
Produce must be grown on-site.
Outdoor events and assembly uses.
Uses shall be accessory to a permitted principal use of the property.
Uses shall comply with applicable Township standards and regulations, including standards that are more restrictive when the use abuts a residentially zoned property or residential use.
All structures (temporary or permanent) shall meet the minimum setback required for principal structures. Additional setback may be required, at the discretion of the Planning Commission, based on nature and impact of the event.
On-site parking shall be provided in designated parking spaces, meeting ordinance requirements. Off-site parking may be utilized if approved and documented.
Events shall cease by 10:00 p.m. when adjacent to residential zoning; midnight for all other zoning districts.
Nonessential lighting shall be turned off no later than one hour after the event.
Overnight stays/camping on-site are not permitted.
Schools (public, parochial and other private elementary, intermediate or high schools licensed by the State of Michigan).
Site access shall be directly onto a road having an existing or planned ROW of 120 feet.
Site layout, setbacks, lighting, fencing and public address systems shall be designed to assure compatibility with adjacent uses.
Fences are not permitted around detention ponds when located within the front or side yards. Detention ponds in the rear yard may be fenced, provided the fence is ornamental and landscape is used to minimize views.
All bus loading and queuing shall be contained within the site and designed to prevent conflicts with traffic operations along adjacent streets.
Pathway connections shall be provided to existing or planned adjacent subdivisions.
Any use having a seating capacity of 300 people or more must provide road improvements required to maintain a Level of Service D and limit traffic conflicts along adjacent streets.
Senior apartments and independent-living facilities.
The density shall not exceed 12 dwelling units per acre.
The facility shall provide at least 250 square feet of outdoor open space per unit or a minimum of 10,000 square feet per site, whichever is greater.
Single-family detached houses.
In R-1, R-2 and R-3 districts, garage doors facing the street shall not constitute more than 40% of the facade and not more than 50% of the facade facing the street in the R-4 district.
170 Single Family Detached.tif
Garages shall not extend more than six feet beyond the front facade.
Variation of front facades and architectural style is required. Identical or similar elevations shall not be repeated within six houses along both sides of the street.
Houses shall be reasonably compatible in terms of materials, rooflines, scale and massing to other homes within 500 feet of each lot line. Consideration shall be given to designs that respond to unique land configurations and topography.
The minimum width along the front elevation shall be 34 feet.
The minimum width along the side and rear elevation shall be 24 feet.
Stadiums/Sport arenas (indoor or outdoor).
The height of the structure shall not exceed 80 feet.
The stadium shall be set back at least 200 feet from the road ROW.
The stadium and parking shall be set back at least 200 feet from a residential district/use.
Vending and sales shall be confined within the site.
All service areas shall be screened from public view by a wall, landscaping or combination thereof.
Site circulation shall be designed to accommodate one-way traffic during pre- and post-event periods.
Structures for livestock, horses, llamas, alpaca and other similar animals for private use: subject to Chapter 53, Animals.
Swim clubs/neighborhood pools (which were not part of the original approval for the project).
Clubs shall be operated as a nonprofit club or organization.
The location and access to the site shall not adversely affect the residential character of the neighborhood.
Swimming pools must be completely within the ground, except for slides and other accessory features.
The following setbacks are required from lot lines.
Fifty feet for principal buildings.
Thirty feet for courts, pools and other structures.
Twenty feet for parking lots and paved areas.
Swimming pools or clubs (not located within a neighborhood).
Pools must be completely within the ground, except for slides and other accessory features.
A six-foot brick wall is required adjacent to a residential district/use.
Uses involving chemical processes.
The parcel shall not be adjacent to a single-family zoning district/use.
The operations shall not cause noise, vibration or odors that are noticeable to surrounding properties.
The use and processes involved shall be approved by the Fire Department.
Uses involving outdoor storage (lumber yards, landscape, building supply yards and similar uses).
Outdoor storage shall be contained and screened from public view by an obscuring fence, wall or landscape as determined by the Planning Commission.
Vehicle dealerships, display, sales or rental of automobiles, power sports or other similar vehicles.
Overhead doors must face the rear or side yard and be obscured from public view.
Vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces located behind the front building line and on a paved surface.
A pollution incident protection plan (PIPP) must be provided and include methods to prevent groundwater contamination from gasoline spills or leakage of other fluids.
The location of storage tanks for gasoline, propane or other flammable or hazardous materials shall be located in the rear yard, screened from public view and approved by the Fire Department.
Vehicle filling stations.
Pumps or other equipment used for servicing vehicles shall be set back at least 20 feet from a side or rear property line and 40 feet from a residential district/use.
The canopy columns shall be brick and architecturally compatibile with the site and surrounding area. Signs, color bands or illumination are not permitted on the canopy.
If the use is abandoned or terminated, all storage tanks must be removed from the premises in accordance with applicable state or federal regulations.
Vehicle service facilities for automobiles, power sports or other similar vehicles.
Parking for vehicle repair shall be located behind the building. If the rear yard abuts a residential district/use, parking may be located on the side of the building, provided the side yard does not border a residential district/use.
Vehicle washes.
All washing facilities shall be within an enclosed building.
Vacuuming and drying facilities shall not be located in the front of the building or within 25 feet of a residential district/use.
Adequate stacking lanes shall be provided and not conflict with onsite circulation or the public ROW.
Veterinary hospitals and clinics, pet-care facilities and training.
When accessory to a single-family house, the following conditions shall apply:
A minimum eight acres is required.
The use shall be operated by a licensed veterinarian.
All structures, including outside animal enclosures, shall be set back at least 100 feet from abutting residential districts and 50 feet from all other property lines.
Activities shall be conducted within an enclosed building, except for outdoor animal enclosures.
Indoor boarding shall be limited to incidental treatment or surgery. Outdoor boarding is not permitted.
When located adjacent to a residential zoning district, structures shall provide the following:
A maximum transmission of 65 dB measured at any point on the outside of an exterior wall.
Solid-core doors.
Forced-air ventilation.
When located within a B-1, B-3, NRMU, CI or I zoning district, outdoor facilities must be located within a rear yard, fully enclosed around the perimeter and screened from view.
When located within a B-1, B-3 or NRMU zoning district (as a special land use), the following conditions shall apply:
Overnight boarding shall be accessory to the principal use.
When located in a multiple-tenant building, it shall not be located adjacent to restaurants or food service establishments.
Shall not be located adjacent to a residential zoning district or use.
Facilities shall provide appropriate waste-removal methods.
Dogs shall not be outside between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Soundproofing, additional setbacks, landscaping and other applicable design considerations to minimize noise, odor and visual impacts on adjacent properties or tenants may be considered as part of the special land use review.
An emergency evacuation plan must be filed with the Township.