[Ord. of 7-23-2002]
Pursuant to authority granted by Section 405 of the New Milford Charter, and as previously recommended by the Town Council of the Town of New Milford, there is hereby codified the Administrative Office of Director of Personnel of the Town of New Milford.
[Ord. of 7-23-2002]
The Director of Personnel shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Town Council. Pursuant to authority granted by said Section 405, and Section 1101 of the Charter, the Director of Personnel shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Town Council, and the appointment may be terminated, and the Director of Personnel discharged from office, with or without causes upon the concurrent action of both the Mayor and Town Council, with the Town Council acting by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of all its members. The appointment shall be based solely on professional qualification, character, training, and experience consistent with the duties imposed upon the office.
[Ord. of 7-23-2002]
The duties shall include responsibility for the management, oversight and implementation of personnel guidelines and benefit administration to all organized and non-union personnel of the Town of New Milford, with the exception of the Board of Education, the Sewer Department, and Library and their employees.
The Director of Personnel of the Town of New Milford shall adhere to all state and federal laws and regulations, and enforce all collectively bargained contracts relating to employees of the Town of New Milford. These duties are subject to clarification and delineation by the Mayor as shall from time to time be deemed necessary and or advisable, and shall include any duties as may be imposed upon municipal directors of personnel by the Connecticut General Statutes. Personnel guidelines shall be on file in the offices of the Personnel Department.