[Adopted 9-21-2000 by Ord. No. 00-24]
The purpose of this article is to legalize the sale of pull-tabs by all individuals who wish to engage in the sale of pull-tabs within the exterior boundaries of the Menominee Reservation.
To be eligible as a seller of pull-tabs, the following requirements must be met:
The seller shall:
Be an enrolled tribal member;
Be certified by the State of Wisconsin as an approved gaming vendor;
Be responsible for the installation of surveillance equipment, including cameras, as required by the Tribal Gaming Commission;
Maintain records of all purchases of pull-tab tickets, sales of pull-tabs, profits from sales of pull-tabs, and other information required by the Tribal/State Compact;
Make payment of 60% of all profits from sales of pull-tabs to the Menominee Tribe;
Provide for audits by a certified public accountant of all financial activities concerning the sale of pull-tabs as requested by the Tribe and in no event on less than an annual basis; and
Make provisions for inspection and monitoring of pull-tab sales at any time by the Tribal Gaming Commission.
There shall be licensing by the Tribal Gaming Commission of all persons engaged in the sale of pull-tabs and compliance with Section 542.6 of the Minimum Internal Control Standards.
Sale to anyone under the age of 21 years is prohibited.
All costs for the foregoing requirements shall be borne by the individual who elects to engage in the sale of pull-tabs.
The sale of boxes of pull-tab tickets to an eligible tribal member for resale shall be conducted by the Menominee Nation Gaming Operations, on the gaming site, and by licensed personnel.
Upon conviction of violating any provision of this article the penalty shall be a fine of $1,000 per violation and confinement of the person up to one year in prison. In the case of a non-Indian, violations of this article shall be turned over to the appropriate state authorities for prosecution.
Immediately upon final approval of this article, tribal police are directed to inspect all places where sales of pull-tabs have been conducted and to seize and confiscate any remaining unsold boxes of pull-tab tickets.