The Lieutenants shall be charged with and responsible for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances, rules, regulations and motions of the governing body or Chief of Police.
The Lieutenants shall perform all such duties as may be assigned to them by the Chief of Police.
The Lieutenants of Police shall be strictly responsible for the preservation of the public peace and to ensure good order is vested with the power to post all personnel under their command (in conformity with rules and regulations) as they may deem expedient. They shall be held accountable for the action of the members under their direct command.
They shall assume responsibility for the duties of any superior officer below them when that office is not filled or if the man is incapacitated.
In the absence of the Chief of Police, the senior ranking Lieutenant on duty shall be in command of the Police Department and shall act for and in the absence of the Chief of Police unless otherwise directed by the Chief.