The Town of Coxsackie is hereby divided into the following zoning
WR - Waterfront Residential District
RA-1 - Residential Agricultural-1 District
RA-2 - Residential Agriculutral-2 District
RR - Rural Residential District
HDR-1 - High Density Residential-1 District
HDR-2 - High Density Residential-2 District
MU - Mixed Use District
C - Commercial District
CI - Corridor Industrial District
I - Industrial District
Hamlet Overlay District
Residential Density Overlay District
Residential Over Commercial Overlay District
Public Water Supply Overlay District
Planned Development District
The areas and boundaries of such districts are hereby established
to scale as shown on the map entitled "Zoning Map of the Town of Coxsackie,"
adopted and certified by the Town Clerk and herein referred to as
the "Zoning Map." Said Zoning Map, together with everything shown
thereon, is hereby adopted and declared to be a part of this chapter.
Zoning district boundaries shall be determined as follows:
A. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines
of streets, highways, alleys, streams, lakes or other bodies of water
shall be construed to follow such center lines.
B. Boundaries indicated as approximately following Town limits shall
be construed as following such Town limits.
C. Distances and directions not specifically indicated on the Zoning
Map shall be determined by the scale of the map.
D. In other circumstances not covered by the rules above, the Zoning
Board of Appeals shall interpret the district boundaries.
The following uses and types of operations are specifically
prohibited in all districts:
A. The production from raw materials of cement, explosives, fertilizer,
rubber, soaps, starch and the by-products of coal, coke, petroleum
and natural gas.
B. The mailing or processing of flour; the reduction, refining, smelting
and alloying of metal or metal ores; the distillation of wood or bones;
and the reduction and processing of wood pulp or construction debris.
C. The operation of stockyards, slaughterhouses and rendering plants.