A new Article
XIA creating provisions for the Garrett Hill Zoning District within Chapter
280, Zoning, of the Township Zoning Code is enabled through provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Code, PL 805, No. 247, as reenacted and amended.
XIA of the Zoning Code is hereby enacted to provide and manage opportunities for development and redevelopment within the Garrett Hill Zoning District (hereinafter "GHZD") as set forth in the Garrett Hill Master Plan adopted by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 2008, and revised July 20, 2009, as set forth in Exhibit A. These regulations are intended to provide for maintaining
and/or improving the character of Garrett Hill, for an appropriate
mix of residential and nonresidential uses within the GHZD and provide
for enhanced vibrancy through building, site, and streetscape design.
The GHZD shall be all properties within the boundaries designated
in the Garrett Hill Zoning District Map as set forth on Exhibit B.
The definitions and regulations set forth in this article shall
apply to the GHZD. Wherever there is a conflict or inconsistency between
the GHZD regulations and other definitions and regulations of the
Zoning Code, those regulations set forth in this article shall govern
development and redevelopment within the GHZD.
As used in this article the following terms shall have the meanings
A use of a building, structure or land that is not a principal
permitted use but which is customarily incidental and subordinate
to the principal permitted use on the same lot.
Portions of a building wall along a street which are offset
so as to create articulation of the building wall. These offsets shall
be 90° perpendicular to the building and shall be a minimum of
12 inches in depth. These offsets shall also be carried throughout
the roof planes or shall coincide with a perpendicular change in the
direction of the roof slope. (See Figure 1).
An establishment used for the serving of alcoholic beverages,
including liquor, beer and/or wine, by the drink to the general public,
whether or not it serves food. It may provide musical or other entertainment
as an incidental or accessory function.
The Board of Commissioners of the Township of Radnor, Delaware
County, Pennsylvania.
Any structure permanently located on land having enclosing
walls and a roof. This shall include a parking structure.
The line within a lot delineating the front yard setback;
a line parallel to the street right-of-way at a distance measured
from the centerline of the cartway.
The greatest vertical distance between the mean level at
existing grade in front of a building or structure along a street
right-of-way measured to the top ridge of a sloped roof or the top
of a roof parapet. Chimneys and uninhabited spires shall not be included
when measuring height; however, elevator penthouses and stair towers
shall be included. Roof-mounted HVAC equipment shall be placed in
the center interior area of the roof, and shall be screened from visibility
from the public cartway.
The linear distance in feet between the outside exterior
walls of a building measured from side to side, perpendicular to the
The main building on a lot or any building that is not an
accessory building. The principal building shall contain the principal
use or, in the case of a mixed use district, uses on the lot.
The linear distance in feet between the outside exterior
walls of a building measured from side to side, parallel to the cartway.
A state-licensed and/or registered facility in which care
is provided or is intended to be provided for five or more children
at any age at any time.
A state-licensed and/or registered single-family dwelling
in which child care is provided at any time for not more than five
children under the age of 16, including any children under the age
of 16 who are residents of the dwelling.
An extension of a slab that provides a transition from slab
to grade.
The tearing down or razing of 75% of a structure's external
walls down to the foundation. This shall not include structurally
integral party walls.
The Community Development Department of Radnor Township.
An existing building or structure designed for a single-family
dwelling unit for one family that provides twenty-four-hour supervised
living arrangements by the family residing therein for not more than
five unrelated persons 18 years of age or above who are dependent
physically, mentally or emotionally.
An establishment whose business includes serving food to
the public for consumption on the premises by order from and service
to vehicular passengers outside the structure.
An establishment that dispenses products or services to patrons
who remain in vehicles.
A building or structure, or part of a building or structure,
designed for living quarters for one family.
A building containing one dwelling unit and having two party
walls in common with other buildings (such as a rowhouse or townhouse).
The end unit for each row of dwelling units shall be a single-family
semidetached dwelling unit.
A business that offers all aspects of mechanical repairs
or servicing of automobiles, trucks or similar motor vehicles. Services
shall not include the dispensing of fuel, quick-service operations
or body shops.
The Garrett Hill District Master Plan as adopted by the Board
of Commissioners on July 21, 2008.
An interior space within a structure for living or working.
Areas of a building that have a minimum vertical distance
of seven feet six inches from finished floor to finished ceiling.
A roof with sloped sides and ends or end.
An area unoccupied by pavement or structures and open to
the sky in either a landscaped, grassed, wooded or otherwise natural
condition, which may include recreational fields and lawns.
The area contained within the property lines of an individual
parcel of land, excluding any area within a street right-of-way, but
including the area of any easement.
Width of a lot measured at the street right-of-way line for
the various zoning districts per this article.
The use of space primarily for conducting affairs of a business,
profession, service industry or government activity.
A place where medical or dental care is furnished to persons
or animals on an outpatient basis by one or more doctors, dentists
or veterinarians, without overnight boarding of animals or outside
An office that includes accountants, attorneys, psychologists,
insurance agents, real estate agents or other professionals providing
direct services to clients.
An area other than a street or alley used exclusively for
the parking of currently registered and licensed motor vehicles or
The space for the parking of motor vehicles located on the
street in front of a building.
Establishments primarily engaged in providing services involving
the care of a person, such as beauty shops, barbershops, nail salons,
shoe repair, salons, and tanning. This definition includes incidental
uses and additional related cosmetic and/or beauty services, such
as facials, waxing and the retail sale of cosmetic products.
The main or primary use of property or structure measured
in terms of the area occupied by such use.
An establishment primarily engaged in preparing and serving
food and beverages for consumption on or off the premises. Delivery
and catering services may also occur. Sales of alcoholic beverages
shall be ancillary to the overall establishment.
The exterior surface on the top of a building.
A public or private parking area used jointly by two or more
owners or uses regardless of whether they are on separate properties.
Any sign which is attached to a building or other structure
and extends beyond the line of said building or structure and is perpendicular
to the face of the building.
That part of a building or structure between any floor and
the floor or the roof next above.
A building, or portion of a building in which vehicles are
parked or stored.
A public or private thoroughfare used in or intended to be
used for passage or travel by motor vehicles. Streets are further
classified according to the functions they perform.
ARTERIALSMajor regional highways, with full or partial access control, designed for a large volume of through traffic. An ADT count of 10,000 trips is expected.
COLLECTORSStreets which primarily serve to connect local streets with arterials and ADT count of 651 to 3,500 trips is expected.
LOCAL STREETSStreets used primarily to provide access to more heavily traveled streets for abutting properties in internally developed areas. An ADT count of up to 650 trips is expected.
An establishment in which fine art or crafts are made or
manufactured by visual artists and craftspeople. A studio is characterized
by artists engaged in an occupation, vocation or trade requiring special
dexterity and artistic skill in the production of a unique art or
craft object.
The Township of Radnor, a home rule municipality in Delaware
County, Pennsylvania.
The Code of the Township of Radnor, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
The Garrett Avenue Neighborhood District is composed largely
of single-family homes, some containing home occupations. The purpose
of this District is to preserve the small-scale single-family residential
character while providing for low-impact home based business opportunities.
A. Area/yard/setback/coverage/height regulations.
Building line and setbacks.
Side (distance from side lot lines).
[1] For detached structures:
[b] Minimum side without parking access: three feet.
[2] For semidetached structures: 10 feet.
Rear (distance from rear lot line): 20 feet.
Building size.
Building height and rooflines. Note: Flat and hip roofs are
prohibited. The habitable square footage of the third story of any
building shall not exceed 60% of the square footage of the second
[2] Minimum roof pitch shall be 6:12.
[3] Maximum roof pitch shall be 18:12.
Building dimensions.
[2] Maximum building coverage on lot: 35%.
Lot development standards.
Minimum lot size: 3,000 square feet.
Maximum lot width: 70 feet.
Maximum impervious coverage: 60%.
Interior lots shall be prohibited.
B. Use regulations.
Permitted primary uses.
[1] Single-family detached dwelling.
[2] Single-family semidetached dwelling.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Nontraffic home occupation.
Off-street parking and loading area.
Shed, greenhouse, or gazebo.
Permitted uses by special exception.
C. Accessory structure height and setback regulations.
From principal building: 10 feet.
From lot line: three feet.
The Garrett Avenue Mixed Use District contains a mix of residential
and small-scale commercial uses. The purpose of this district is to
provide for single-family residential and small-scale commercial development
integrated into and compatible with a residential neighborhood.
A. Area/yard/setback/coverage/height regulations.
Side (distance from side lot lines).
[1] Commercial and/or residential attached structures:
zero feet.
[2] For detached structures:
[b] Side without parking access: five feet.
[3] For semidetached structures: 12 feet.
[4] At end of row for attached structures: 12 feet.
Rear (distance from rear lot line) for primary and accessory
[1] Adjacent to residential: 15 feet. Note: An opaque
evergreen vegetated buffer at least six feet in height and three feet
in depth at time of planting shall be provided and maintained.
[2] Adjacent to commercial: five feet.
Building size.
Building height and rooflines. Note: Cornices shall be incorporated
as a design element in buildings with flat roofs and shall be subject
to review by the Design Review Board. Hip roofs shall be prohibited.
The habitable square footage of the third story of any building shall
not exceed 60% of the square footage of the second story.
[1] Maximum height with pitched roof: 30 feet.
[2] Maximum height with flat roof: 25 feet.
[3] Minimum roof pitch shall be 6:12.
[4] Maximum roof pitch shall be 18:12.
Building dimensions.
[1] Maximum width: 65 feet. Note: Any building or set
of attached buildings more than 30 feet wide must use architectural
offsets to "read" as a series of buildings no wider than 30 feet as
seen in Figure 1.
[2] Maximum building coverage on lot: 70%.
Lot development standards.
Minimum lot size: 3,000 square feet.
Maximum lot width: 100 feet.
Maximum impervious coverage: 80%
Interior lots shall be prohibited.
B. Use regulations
Permitted primary uses.
[1] Single-family detached dwelling.
[2] Single-family semidetached dwelling.
[3] Single-family attached dwelling.
[7] Surface off-street parking.
Mixed use.
[1] Commercial structure containing one accessory dwelling
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Nontraffic home occupation.
Off-street parking and loading area.
Shed, greenhouse, or gazebo.
Permitted uses by special exception.
Traffic home occupation. Note: Traffic home occupations shall
also be permitted by special exception in any mixed-use dwelling unit.
C. Accessory structure height regulation.
The Conestoga Road District contains a mix of small-scale commercial
uses and residential development. The purpose of this district is
to provide for mixed use development that combines retail, office,
and residential uses in the corridor or on a single site.
A. Area/yard/setback/coverage/height regulations.
Front building line.
[1] On an arterial street with perpendicular parking:
43 feet.
[2] On an arterial street without perpendicular parking:
30 feet.
[3] On a collector or local street with perpendicular
parking: 43 feet.
[4] On a collector or local street without perpendicular
parking: 30 feet with parallel parking; 22 feet without parallel parking.
Side (distance from side lot lines).
[1] Commercial and/or residential attached structures:
zero feet.
[2] For detached structures:
[b] Side without parking access: five feet.
[3] For semidetached structures: 12 feet.
[4] At and of row for attached structures: 12 feet.
Rear (distance from rear lot line) for primary and accessory
[1] Adjacent to residential: 15 feet. Note: An opaque
evergreen vegetated buffer at least six feet in height and three feet
in depth at time of planting shall be provided and maintained.
[2] Adjacent to commercial: five feet.
Building size.
Building height and rooflines. Note: Cornices shall be incorporated
as a design element in buildings with flat roofs and shall be subject
to review by the Design Review Board. The habitable square footage
of the third story of any building shall not exceed 60% of the square
footage of the second story.
[1] Maximum height with pitched roof: 35 feet.
[2] Maximum height for flat-roofed building: 30 feet.
[3] Minimum roof pitch shall be 6:12.
[4] Maximum roof pitch shall be 18:12.
Building dimensions.
[1] Maximum footprint: 7,500 square feet. Note: Any
building more than 30 feet wide must use architectural offsets to
"read" as a series of buildings no wider than 30 feet as seen in Figure
[2] Maximum building coverage on lot: 80%.
Lot development standards.
Minimum lot size: 4,000 square feet.
Maximum lot width: 150 feet.
Maximum impervious coverage: 95%.
Interior lots shall be prohibited.
B. Use regulations.
Permitted primary uses.
[2] Prepared food store or catering establishment.
[4] Small appliance repair shop.
[10] Self-service and/or full-service laundry.
[11] Dry cleaning pickup or wet cleaning.
[16] Builder/contractor's office.
[1] Commercial structure containing one or more dwelling
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Nontraffic home occupations.
Off-street parking and loading area.
Shed, greenhouse, or gazebo.
Permitted uses by special exception.
Traffic home occupation. Note: Traffic home occupations shall
also be permitted by special exception in any mixed-use dwelling unit.
Full-service auto repair.
C. Accessory structure height regulation.
The Rosemont Business Campus District contains a business park.
The purpose of this district is to provide for a high-quality business
campus environment that is compatible with surrounding residential
and small-scale commercial uses.
A. Development standards:
Minimum setbacks.
Front building line: 90 feet.
Side (distance from side lot lines): 20 feet. Note: Adjacent
to any residential district or use, an opaque vegetated buffer at
least six feet in height and 10 feet in depth at time of planting
shall be provided and maintained.
Rear (distance from rear lot line): 25 feet. Note: Adjacent
to any residential district or use, an opaque vegetated buffer at
least six feet in height and 10 feet in depth at time of planting
shall be provided and maintained.
Riparian buffer setback: 35 feet.
Building size.
Maximum building height.
[1] Up to three stories, not to exceed: 35 feet.
[2] Maximum building coverage on lot: 20%.
Lot development standards. Note: Areas designated for refuse
disposal shall be screened and maintained in accordance to the following
options: six-foot high sight-tight fence; eight-foot high opaque screen
of evergreen trees or shrubs, planted in a double staggered row. No
products or goods shall be displayed on the exterior of the premises
or from show windows in the buildings.
Minimum lot size.
[1] Two stories or less: 20,000 square feet.
[2] Three stories: 30,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum landscaped area: 50%.
Minimum distance between buildings on a lot: 25 feet.
B. Land use.
Primary uses.
Bank or financial institution.
Accessory uses.
Off-street parking and loading area.
Storage within a completely enclosed building in conjunction
with a permitted use. Note: Accessory storage buildings are to be
compatible with the architecture and scale of the existing buildings
located within the GH-BC District and the overall Garrett Hill Zoning
District, subject to review by the Design Review Board.
Permitted uses by special exception.
Day-care center, including private kindergarten.
C. Accessory structure height and regulation.
Maximum height: One story, not to exceed 20 feet.
Minimum setbacks.
Front building line: 90 feet.
Side (distance from side lot line): 20 feet. Note: Adjacent
to any residential district or use, an opaque vegetated buffer at
least six feet in height and six feet in depth a time of planting
shall be provided and maintained.
Rear (distance from rear lot line): three feet. Note: Adjacent
to any residential district or use, an opaque vegetated buffer at
least six feet in height and six feet in depth a time of planting
shall be provided and maintained.
Riparian buffer setback: 35 feet.
The Parks and Open Space District contains Clem Macrone Park.
The purpose of this district is to preserve the GHZD's parks for use
as low-intensity recreation and open space.
A. Area/yard/setback/coverage/height regulations.
Minimum setbacks.
Front building line: 85 feet.
Side (distance from side lot lines): 75 feet.
Rear (distance from rear lot line): 75 feet.
Riparian buffer setback: 35 feet.
Building size.
Maximum building height: 20 feet.
Maximum building coverage on lot: 5%.
Lot development standards.
Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet.
Minimum landscaped area: 85%.
B. Use regulations.
Permitted primary uses.
Natural turf playing fields.
Picnic pavilion, with or without water supply and cooking facilities.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Off-street parking and loading area.
C. Accessory structure height and setback regulations.
Setbacks from any lot line: 30 feet.
Mechanical/electrical equipment mounted on the ground and areas
for trash disposal shall be located in the rear of buildings and screened
from view with materials that are compatible with the architecture
of the building. Trash collection areas shall be enclosed by a fence
on three sides, with gates to remove containers. Chain link fencing
shall not be used as a dumpster screen. The gate and enclosure shall
be maintained by the business operator. Where dumpsters are enclosed,
the screening shall be at least two feet taller than the dumpster
but shall not exceed six feet in height. Where topography may expose
interiors of trash collection areas to view, screening shall be correspondingly
taller. Trash collection areas shall have a concrete apron.
In addition to the sign requirements of Article
XXI of Chapter
280, §
280-121, Signs in residential and similar districts, and §
280-122, Signs in commercial districts, projecting signs attached perpendicular to the facade shall be permitted subject to the following requirements:
A. Signs may have a backing, or be constructed of shapes, or single
letter forms, or a combination hereof.
B. No projecting sign shall be lower than nine feet above street grade
or higher than 12 feet above street grade.
C. No part of a projecting sign shall extend into vehicular traffic
areas, and any part extending over pedestrian areas shall have a minimum
clearance of nine feet.
D. No projecting sign may be larger than six square feet. Only the area
of one face of the sign shall be used in determining square footage.
E. Signs shall not be wider than 36 inches and shall not be less than
12 inches tall.
F. Only one projecting sign per building face (wall) of a business property
shall be permitted.
G. Projecting signs shall be pinned away from the building wall at least
two inches and no more than six inches.
H. No projecting sign may be closer than 12 feet to any other projecting
I. Appropriate materials for projecting signs shall include:
Carved, sandblasted, or painted wood.
J. Prohibited materials shall include:
Highly reflective materials.
K. Mounting brackets shall be made of nonrusting metal. No wires or
cables shall be used to support the projected sign.
L. Signs shall not be permitted to swing.
M. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.