The regulations for manufacturing districts are designed to provide for the establishment of a full range of industrial and allied activities and to govern their operations in a manner that will not have a deleterious effect on agricultural, residential and business areas. It is essential that there be adequate provision for the expansion and diversification of industry, both those existing today and for the attraction of new industry. Adequate, well-located industrial sites and room for expansion of established plants will encourage industrial growth, and expansion of the County's economic base. It will also open new opportunities for a variety of employment for its labor force.
The M-1 Limited Manufacturing District is established to provide an environment suitable for industrial activities that require a pleasant and nuisance-free environment and will be compatible with adjacent residential and business uses.
The M-2 General Manufacturing District is established to accommodate those industrial activities that have moderate environmental effects and are located in areas relatively remote from residential and prime retail development.
[Amended 7-14-1998; 2-9-2000 by Ord. No. 00-03-248]
The following regulations shall apply in the M-1 District:
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted:
Retail and service uses as follows:
Animal pounds and shelters
Automobile laundries
Automobile service stations, where the retail sale of gasoline and oil for motor vehicles, including minor services customarily incidental thereto, may be conducted out-of-doors. Lubrication and washing facilities, including auto laundries, are permitted only if in a completely enclosed building.
Banks and financial institutions
Battery and tire service stations
Beverages, nonalcoholic, bottling and distributing
Contractors' or construction buildings, such as lumber, cement, electrical, refrigeration, air conditioning, masonry, painting, plumbing, roofing, heating and ventilating
Currency exchanges
Garages and parking lots, other than accessory, and subject to the provisions of Article XII
Ice sales, linen, towel, diaper, and other similar supply services
Restaurants, including the sale of liquor in conjunction therewith
Trade schools
Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair or storage of materials, goods or products, except those uses involving the storage, utilization or manufacture of materials or products which decompose by detonation, which conform with the performance standards set forth below, and which shall not be injurious or offensive to the occupants of adjacent premises by reason of the emission of or creation of noise, vibration, smoke, dust or other particulate matter, toxic or noxious materials, odors, fire or explosive hazards, or glare or heat, which uses are permitted as follows:
[Amended 10-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-10-2017]
Agricultural buildings and structures
Advertising displays
Apparel and other products manufactured from textiles
Automobile laundries
Automobile and truck repair, including body repair and repainting
Automobile painting, upholstering, repairing, reconditioning, and body and fender repairing, when done within the confines of a structure
Blacksmith shops
Books, hand binding and tooling
Bottling works, nonalcoholic
Brushes and brooms
Building equipment, building materials, lumber, coal, sand and gravel yards, and yards for contracting equipment of public agencies, or public utilities or materials or equipment of similar nature
Cameras and other photographic equipment and supplies
Cannabis craft grower
Cannabis cultivation center
Cannabis dispensary
Cannabis infuser
Cannabis processing organization
Cannabis transporter
Canning and preserving
Canvas and canvas products
Carpet and rug cleaning
Carting, express hauling or storage yards
Cement block manufacture
Ceramic products, such as pottery and small glazed tile
Cleaning and dyeing establishments
Cosmetics and toiletries
Creameries and dairies
Electrical appliances, such as lighting fixtures, irons, fans, toasters and electric toys
Electrical equipment assembly, such as home radio and television receivers and home movie equipment, but not including electrical machinery
Electrical supplies, manufacturing and assembly of, such as wire and cable assembly, switches, lamps, insulation and dry cell batteries
Food products, processing and combining of, baking, boiling, canning, cooking, dehydrating, freezing, frying, grinding, mixing and pressing, but not including abattoirs and slaughterhouses
Fur goods, but not including tanning and dyeing
Glass products, from previously manufactured glass
Hair, felt and feather products (except washing, curing and dyeing)
Hat bodies of fur and wool felt
Ice, dry and natural
Ink mixing and packaging and inked ribbons
Laboratories, medical, dental, research, experimental, and testing, provided there is no danger from fire or explosion or offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust odors, heat, glare or other objectionable influences
Leather products, including shoes and machine belting
Machine shops for tool, die and pattern making
Metal finishing, plating, grinding, sharpening, polishing, cleaning, rust-proofing, and heat treatment
Metal stamping and extrusion of small products, such as costume jewelry, pins and needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons and kitchen utensils
Musical instruments
Orthopedic and medical appliances, such as artificial limbs, braces, supports and stretchers
Packing and crating
Paper products, small, such as envelopes and stationery, bags, boxes, tubes and wallpaper printing
Perfumes and cosmetics
Pharmaceutical products, compounding only
Plastic products, but not including the processing of the raw materials
Poultry and rabbits, slaughtering
Precision instruments, such as optical, medical and drafting
Products from finished materials, including plastic, bone, cork, feathers, felt, fibre, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, paper, precious and semiprecious stones, rubber, shell or yarn
Printing and newspaper publishing, including engraving and photoengraving
Public utility electric substations and distribution centers, gas regulation centers, and underground gas holder stations
Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, roundhouses and other similar uses
Railroad passenger depots
Repair of household or office machinery or equipment
Rubber products, small, and synthetic treated fabrics (excluding all rubber and synthetic processing), such as washers, gloves, footwear, bathing caps and atomizers
Silverware, plate and sterling
Soap and detergents, packaging only
Soldering and welding
Sporting and athletic equipment, such as balls, baskets, cues, gloves, bats, racquets and rods
Statuary, mannequins, figurines, and religious and church art goods, excluding foundry operations
Storage of household goods
Storage and sale of trailers, farm implements and other similar equipment on an open lot
Storage of flammable liquids, fats or oils, but only after the location and protective measures have been approved by local governing officials
Textiles, spinning, weaving, manufacturing, dyeing, printing, knit goods, yarn, thread and cordage, but not including textile bleaching
Tobacco curing and manufacturing, and tobacco products
Tool and die shops
Tools and hardware, such as bolts, nuts, and screws, doorknobs, drills, hand tools and cutlery, hinges, house hardware, locks, nonferrous metal castings and plumbing appliances
Towing service with temporary storage of not more than 30 vehicles for no more than 90 days. Must have a solid eight-foot fence in place to obscure view of the vehicles towed.
[Added 12-15-2021 by Ord. No. 21-12-2326]
Truck, tractor, trailer or bus storage yards, but not including a motor freight terminal
Upholstering (bulk), including mattress manufacturing, rebuilding and renovating
Vehicles, children's, such as bicycles, scooters, wagons and baby carriages
Wood products, such as furniture, boxes, crates, baskets and pencils and cooperage works
Any other manufacturing establishments that can be operated in compliance with the performance standards listed below without creating objectionable noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas, fumes, and vapor; and that are a use compatible with the use and occupancy of adjoining properties
Wholesaling and warehousing: local cartage and express facilities (but not including motor freight terminals).
Public and community service uses as follows:
Bus terminals, bus turnarounds, bus garages, bus lots, street railway terminals or street car houses
Electric substations
Fire stations
Municipal or privately owned recreation buildings or community centers
Police stations
Publicly controlled parks, forest preserves, conservation areas and recreation areas, including trails
Sewage treatment plants
Telephone exchanges and coin telephones, outdoor
Water filtration plants
Water pumping stations
Water reservoirs
Residential uses as follows: dwelling units for watchmen and their families when located on the premises where they are employed in such capacity.
Miscellaneous uses as follows:
Accessory uses
Radio and television towers
Signs, as permitted and regulated in Article XIII
Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period not to exceed the duration of such construction
Off-street parking and loading: as permitted or required in Article XII.
Conditional uses may be allowed as per Article XIV.
Conditions of uses. All permitted uses are subject to the following conditions:
Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing and repair or storage of goods, materials or products shall conform with the performance standards set forth below.
All business, production, servicing and processing shall take place within completely enclosed buildings unless otherwise specified. Within 150 feet of a residence district, all storage shall be in completely enclosed buildings or structures, and storage located elsewhere in this district may be open to the sky but shall be enclosed by solid walls or fences (including solid doors or gates thereto) at least eight feet high, but in no case lower in height than the enclosed storage, and shall be suitably landscaped.
However, open off-street loading facilities and open off-street parking of motor vehicles under 1 1/2 tons' capacity may be unenclosed throughout the district, except for such screening of parking and loading facilities as may be required under the provisions of Article XII.
Uses established on the effective date of this chapter and by its provisions rendered nonconforming shall be permitted to continue, subject to the regulations of Article V.
Yard areas. No building or structure shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered unless the following yards are provided and maintained in connection with such buildings:
Front yard. On every zoning lot there shall be provided and maintained a front yard in accordance with the following requirements:
Primary thoroughfares: 50 feet from the property line or 80 feet from the center line of the right-of-way, whichever distance is greater.
Collector thoroughfares: 50 feet from the property line or 70 feet from the center line of the right-of-way, whichever distance is greater.
All other streets: 50 feet from the property line or 60 feet from the center line of the right-of-way, whichever distance is greater.
Side yards. On every zoning lot a side yard shall be provided along each side lot line. Each side yard shall not be less in width than 10% of the lot width, but need not exceed 20 feet in width, except that a side yard along a street shall conform to the requirements for front yards as set forth above.
Rear yard. On every zoning lot there shall be a rear yard of not less than 30 feet; except where a use in the M-1 District is adjacent to a residence district, a rear yard shall be provided and maintained of not less than 50 feet.
Maximum floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed 1.5.
Performance standards. Any use established in M-1 Limited Manufacturing District after the effective date of this comprehensive amendment shall be so operated as to comply with the performance standards set forth hereinafter. No use lawfully established on the effective date of this comprehensive amendment shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the performance standards established hereinafter for the M-1 District.
Sound levels shall be measured with a sound level meter and associated octave band filter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the American National Standards Institute. Measurements shall be made using the flat network of the sound level meter. Impulsive-type noises shall be capable of being accurately measured with such equipment. Noises capable of being so measured, for the purpose of this comprehensive amendment, shall be those noises which cause rapid fluctuation of the needle of the sound level meter with a variation of not more than plus or minus two decibels. Noises incapable of being so measured, such as those of an irregular and intermittent nature, shall be controlled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses.
In the M-1 District, at no point on the boundary of a residence or business district shall the sound pressure level of any operation or plant (other than background noises produced by sources not under the control of this chapter, such as the operation of motor vehicles or other transportation facilities) exceed the decibel limits in the octave bands designated below:
Octave Band Frequency
(cycles per second)
Maximum Permitted Sound Level Along Residence District Boundaries
(in decibels)
Maximum Permitted Sound Level Along Business District Boundaries
(in decibels)
0 to 75
75 to 150
150 to 300
300 to 600
600 to 1,200
1,200 to 2,400
2,400 to 4,800
Above 4,800
Vibration. In the M-1 District, any industrial operation or activity which shall cause at any time and at any point along the nearest adjacent lot lines earthborne vibrations (other than background vibrations produced by some source not under control of this chapter, such as the operation of motor vehicles or other transportation facilities) in excess of the limits set forth in Column 1 is prohibited. In addition, any industrial operation or activity which shall cause at any time and at any point along a residence district boundary line earthborne vibrations in excess of the limits set forth in Column 2 is prohibited. Vibrations shall be expressed as displacement in inches and shall be measured with a three-component measuring system approved by the Zoning Administrator.
(cycles per second)
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 30
30 to 40
40 and Over
* Steady-state vibrations, for the purpose of this chapter, are continuous or, if in discrete pulses, are more frequent than 100 per minute. Impact vibration, that is, discrete pulses which do not exceed 100 impulses per minute, shall not cause in excess of twice the displacements stipulated.
Smoke and particulate matter.
In the M-1 District, the emission of more than 20 smoke units per hour per stack is prohibited, including smoke of a density in excess of Ringelmann No. 2. However, once during any six-hour period each stack may emit up to 35 smoke units, not to exceed Ringelmann No. 2, when blowing soot or cleaning fires. Only during a fire-cleaning period, however, shall smoke Ringelmann No. 3 be permitted, and then for not more than four minutes per period.
The rate of emission of particulate matter from all sources within the boundaries of any lot shall not exceed a net figure of one pound per acre of lot area during any one hour, after deducting from the gross hourly emission per acre the correction factor set forth in the following table:
Allowance for Height of Emission*
Height of Emission Above Grade
(pounds per hour per acre)
* Interpolate for intermediate values not shown in table.
Determination of the total net rate of emission of particulate matter within the boundaries of any lot shall be made as follows:
Determine the maximum emission in pounds per hour from each source of emission and divide this figure by the number of acres of lot area, thereby obtaining the gross hourly rate of emission in pounds per acre.
From each gross hourly rate of emission derived in Subsection G(3)(c)[1] above, deduct the correction factor (interpolating as required) for height in emission set forth in the table, thereby obtaining the net rate of emission in pounds per acre per hour from each source of emission.
Add together the individual net rates of emission derived in Subsection G(3)(c)[2] above to obtain the total net rate of emission from all sources of emission within the boundaries of the lot. Such total shall not exceed one pound per acre of lot area during any one hour.
Additional regulations.
In addition to the performance standards specified hereinafter, the emission of smoke or particulate matter in such manner or quantity as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall henceforth be unlawful.
For the purpose of grading the density of smoke, the Ringelmann Chart, published and used by the United States Bureau of Mines, shall be employed. The emission of smoke or particulate matter of a density greater than No. 2 on the Ringelmann Chart is prohibited at all times, except as otherwise provided herein.
The emission from all sources within any lot area of particulate matter containing more than 10% by weight of particles having a particle diameter larger than 44 microns is prohibited.
Toxic matter. No activity or operation shall cause, at any time, the discharge of toxic matter across lot lines in such concentrations as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare, or cause injury or damage to property or business.
Noxious and odorous matter. In the M-1 Districts, no activity or operation shall cause at any time the discharge of matter across lot lines in such concentration as to be noxious. The emission of matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable as an odor at any point along lot lines is prohibited.
Fire and explosive hazards.
The storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted.
The storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from free or active burning to intense burning is permitted, provided the following condition is met:
Said materials or products shall be stored, utilized or manufactured within completely enclosed buildings having incombustible exterior walls and protected throughout by an automatic fire extinguishing system.
The storage, utilization or manufacture of flammable liquids or materials (Note: When flammable gases are stored, utilized or manufactured and measured in cubic feet, the quantity in cubic feet (at STP) permitted shall not exceed 300 times the quantities as listed above.) which produce flammable or explosive vapors or gases shall be permitted in accordance with the following table, exclusive of storage of finished products in original sealed containers, which shall be unrestricted:
Total Capacity of Flammable Materials Permitted
(in gallons)
Above Ground
Industries engaged in storage only:
Materials having a closed cup flash point over 187° F.
Materials having a closed cup flash point from and including 105° F. to and including 187° F.
Materials having a closed cup flash point of less than 105° F.
Industries engaged in utilization and manufacture of flammable materials:
Materials having a closed cup flash point over 187° F.
Materials having a closed cup flash point from and including 105° F. to and including 187° F.
Materials having a closed cup flash point of less than 105° F.
Glare and heat. Any operation producing intense glare or heat shall be performed within a completely enclosed building in such manner as not to create a public nuisance or hazard along lot lines. Exposed sources of light shall be shielded so as not to create a nuisance across lot lines.
The following regulations shall apply in the M-2 District:
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted:
Any use permitted in the M-1 District.
Production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing and repair, including the following uses and manufacturing of the following products:
[Amended 4-13-1976]
Abrasive manufacturing
Asphalt and asphalt products
Boiler maker
Bottled gas
Chemicals, including acetylene, aniline dyes, ammonia, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, carbon black and bone black, cleaning and polishing preparations, creosote, exterminating agents, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrating of cotton or other materials, nitrates (manufactured or natural) of an explosive nature, potash, plastic materials and synthetic resins, pyroxylin, rayon yarn, hydrochloric, picric and sulphuric acids and derivatives
Coal, coke and tar products, including gas manufacturing
Electrical central station, power- and steam-generating plants
Film, photographic
Flour, feed and grain, milling and processing
Furniture, metal
Gas manufacturing
Gelatin, glue and size, animal
Glass bottles
Glass products
Incineration or reduction of garbage, offal and dead animals
Lamp black
Linoleum and oil cloth
Linseed cake manufacturing
Linseed meal manufacturing
Locomotive manufacturing
Magnesium foundries
Metal and metal ores (except precious and rare metals), reduction, refining, smelting, and alloying
Metal tile
Paint, lacquer, shellac, varnishes, linseed oil and turpentine
Petroleum products, refining, such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, lubricating oil and liquefied petroleum gases
Planing mills
Plastic products
Power sawmills
Railroad houses, railroad shops and railroad car manufacturing
Ready-mix cement plants
Rod mills
Rolling mills
Roofing materials
Rubber (synthetic or natural)
Soaps, including fat and oil rendering
Stamping mills
Steel fabrication
Stockyards, slaughterhouses and abattoirs
Storage batteries
Storage, scrap metal
Structural iron works
Tire manufacturing
Wood, coal and bones, distillation
Wood pulp and fiber, reduction and processing, including paper mill operations
Any other production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing and repair which conforms to the requirements of this chapter and all other ordinances of Stephenson County, Illinois
Storage, including the following uses and materials or products:
Goods used in or produced by manufacturing activities permitted in this district
Dumps and slag piles
Manure, peat and topsoil
Petroleum and petroleum products
Miscellaneous uses, as follows: railroad freight terminals, motor freight terminals, railroad switching and classification yards, repair shops and roundhouses.
Conditional uses. Conditional uses may be allowed as per Article XIV.
Conditions of use. Permitted uses are subject to the following conditions:
No production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair or storage of goods, materials or products shall be hazardous or detrimental to nearby property, or adversely affect the health or safety of the occupants thereof, by reason of the emission of odor, dust, gas fumes, smoke, noise, vibration, or waste material.
Within 100 feet of a residence district, production, processing, servicing and fabrication shall take place or be within completely enclosed buildings or structures unless otherwise specified. All exterior storage within 150 feet of a residence district shall be enclosed with a solid wall or fence to a height of such stored materials. Off-street parking and off-street loading facilities may be unenclosed except for such screening and improvements as may be required under the provisions of Article XII.
Yard areas. All yard areas shall be the same as required in the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District.
Maximum floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed three.