In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1977 Code have been included in the 2010 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1977 Code
Location in 2011 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, In General
§ 1-1
§§ 1-2 through 1-9
Ch. 1, Art. I
§§ 1-10 through 1-13
Ch. 1, Art. II
Art. II, Code Hearing Unit for Administrative Adjudication of County Code Violations
Ch. 1, Art. III
Ch. 2, Administration
Art. I, In General
§ 2-1, Fees for copies of items not covered by state law
§ 2-2, Office hours
Ch. 38, Art. I
§ 2-3, Voting machines and booths
§ 2-4, Regulation of smoking, eating and drinking in county offices
Ch. 38, Art. II
§ 2-5, Distribution of materials on county property
§ 2-6, Solicitation for private parties
§ 2-7, Nondiscrimination against handicapped persons
§ 2-8, Public buildings; congregating or gathering prohibited
Ch. 38, Art. IV
Art. II, Officers and Employees in General
§ 2-15, Employee Handbook adopted
§ 2-16, Equal employment opportunity
§ 2-17, Interference
Ch. 34, Art. I
§ 2-18, Surrender of effects of office
§§ 2-20 through 2-22, Overtime and separation compensation
§ 2-23, Threatening employees prohibited
Ch. 34, Art. II
Art. III, County Board
Ch. 29
Art. IV, Financial Affairs
§ 2-42, Fiscal year
Ch. 71
§ 2-43, Defense of, indemnification by county
Ch. 45
§§ 2-44 through 2-48; 2-50
Ch. 18
§ 2-49, Pay grade level change
§ 2-51, Liquor Control Commissioner
Art. V, Convention and Visitors Bureau
Ch. 23
Ch. 2 1/2, Alarm Systems
Ch. 200
Ch. 3, Alcoholic Liquor
Ch. 203
Ch. 3 1/2, Amusements
Art. I, Reserved
Art. II, Dance Halls and Roadhouses
Ch. 233
Ch. 4, Animals and Fowl
Ch. 205
Ch. 4 1/4, Body Art
Ch. 211
Ch. 4 1/2, Charitable Solicitations
Art. I, Reserved
Art. II, Raffles
Ch. 331
Ch. 5, Civil Defense and Emergency Services
Art. I, In General
Ch. 56
Art. II, Emergency Telephone System
Div. 1, Reserved
Div. 2, Surcharge
Ch. 364, Art. I
Ch. 5 1/2, Community Antenna Television Systems
See Ch. A405
Ch. 6, Fireworks
Ch. 246
Ch. 6 1/2, Flood Hazard Area Regulations
Superseded 3-8-1988 by Ord. No. 8803-120; see Ch. 400, Art. XV
Ch. 7, Food and Food Handlers
Ch. 257
Ch. 8, Health and Sanitation
Art. I, Reserved
Art. II, Health Department
Ch. 77
Ch. 8 1/2, Labor-Management Relations
Ch. 9, Law Enforcement
Art. I, Reserved
Art. II, Sheriff's Department
Div. 1, Generally
     § 9-16, Composition
Ch. 124, Art. I
     § 9-17, Clerk deputies under Merit System Act
Ch. 124, Art. III
     § 9-18, Sheriff fees
Div. 2, Merit Commission
Ch. 124, Art. II
§ 9-34, Inmate medical services reimbursement
Ch. 124, Art. IV
Ch. 10, Law Library and Court Fees
Ch. 84
Ch. 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Art. I, In General
Ch. 372, Art. I
Art. II, Races and Stunts
Ch. 372, Art. II
Ch. 13, Nuisances
Art. I, In General
Ch. 309
Art. II, Garbage
§§ 13-1 through 13-20; 13-21 through 13-24; 13-26 through 13-27
Ch. 346, Art. I
§ 13-20.1, Distribution of recycling container
Ch. 346, Art. II
§ 13-25, Open burning of landscape wastes on property
Ch. 224
Art. III, Dangerous and Unsanitary Buildings and Structures
Ch. 218
Art. IV, Inoperable Motor Vehicles
Ch. 376
Art. V, Off-Highway Vehicles
Ch. 380
Art. VI, Noxious Weeds
Ch. 388
Ch. 13.5, Officers and Employees Ethics
Ch. 62
Ch. 14, Parks and Recreation
Art. I, Reserved
Art. II, Parks and Public Grounds
Ch. 315
Ch. 15, Planning, Development and Zoning
Ch. 15 1/2, Regional Pollution Control Facility Siting Approval
Ch. 324
Ch. 16, Sewer and Sewage Disposal
Ch. 338
Ch. 17, Taxation
Art. I, In General
§ 17-1, Examination of board of review members
Ch. 12, Art. I
§ 17-2, Procedure to obtain reduction in mobile home privilege tax
Art. II, Use Tax
Ch. 360, Art. I
Art. III, Real Estate Transfer Tax
Ch. 360, Art. II
Art. IV, Retailers' Occupation Tax
§ 17-36, Supplementary tax imposed
Ch. 360, Art. III
§ 17-37, Special tax for public safety
Ch. 360, Art. VI
Art. V, Service Occupation Tax
Ch. 360, Art. IV
Art. VI, Hotel/Motel Tax
Ch. 360, Art. V
Ch. 18, Water Wells
Ch. 391
Apx. A, Subdivision Ordinance
Ch. 355
Apx. B, Stephenson County Zoning Ordinance
Ch. 400