[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.1]
There shall be a Council elected in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-81 et seq., which shall be comprised of seven members, elected at large, one of whom shall be elected by the Council as Mayor, as provided by law.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.2; amended by Ord. No. 21-2022, 8-30-2022]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-83, the term of office of each Council member elected at general election shall be for a term of four years.
[Amended by Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The term of each Council member elected at a general election in November shall commence on January 1 at 12:00 noon next following the general election.
[Amended by Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
Commencing with the general election to be held on November 8, 2022, nonpartisan elections for Council shall be held at the general election in November pursuant to the Uniform Nonpartisan Elections Law (N.J.S.A. 40:45-5 et seq.).
Vacancies in office shall be determined pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:16-1 et seq., known as the "Municipal Vacancy Law."
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.3; amended by Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-82, the Township shall be governed by an elected Council and an appointed Manager and such other officers and employees as may be duly appointed pursuant to law and pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-88, all powers of the Township and the determination of all matters of policy shall be vested in the Council, except as otherwise provided by the Optional Municipal Charter Law (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-1 to 69A-210) or by general law (as defined in N.J.S.A. 40:69A-28). Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-90, the Council shall continue or create and determine and define the powers and duties of such executive and administrative departments, boards, and offices as it may deem necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the affairs of the Township.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.4]
The Council is responsible for the fiscal and financial policies of the Township and shall have the duty to raise the revenues required by the Township and to adopt an annual budget, which will include all appropriations required by state law.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.5]
Within the framework of the policies established by the Council are the delegated duties of the Manager, his department heads and other appropriate officials and employees of the Township. The Council shall require the Manager to establish the organizational structure, duties, plans and responsibilities of those department heads and their major subordinates, reporting to the Manager within the framework of the general administrative policy set forth herein and to submit such written plans, organization and operational delineation of duties to the Council for concurrence and approval, within 30 days of the adoption of the Charter; thereafter, revisions and modifications shall be reviewed and submitted to the Council semiannually and at such other times as significant changes are necessary or as the Council may require. Included among the foregoing reports by the Manager to the Council shall be the following:
A current personnel procedures manual.
A current purchasing procedures manual.
A current risk management procedures report.
All current labor contracts of the Township.
A current space allocation report, containing the number of square feet used by all departments and offices and a projection of future needs.
The Manager's written opinion of each department and office of the Township, including, without limitation, whether or not each is operating at peak efficiency, is properly budgeted, is properly staffed and whether any new capital items or personnel transfers are requested for the next budget year.
An inventory program for all Township property.
The Council shall establish such other and further procedures and goals for the Manager as it from time to time deems necessary.
[Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The Council shall, on January 1 next following the general election, at 12:00 noon, or at some other hour on any day during the first week in January as fixed by resolution of the Council, assemble at a location designated by the Council to organize itself and elect one of its number as Mayor, another as Deputy Mayor I, another as Deputy Mayor II, and make such other appointments, perform such other functions and carry on such other business as is appropriate. Until the election of the Mayor occurs, the Clerk shall preside over the organizational meeting, but the Mayor shall preside once elected.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.6; amended by Ord. No. 3399, 8-9-1994, § 1; Ord. No. 21-2022, 8-30-2022; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The Council shall appoint, within the framework of appropriate ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Council and within the authority of all general laws and statutes of the State of New Jersey, including, without limitation, N.J.S.A. 40:69A-89, 40:69A-95, 40A:9-146 and 2B:12-4, the following personnel: Tax Assessor, Auditor, Attorney, all legal assistants specified in § 2-35 of this Township Code, Manager, Clerk, Judge of the Municipal Court, Class III and IV members of the Planning Board and two alternates, all members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and two alternates, and such other officers, offices and boards as are permitted or required by law and/or as the Council may deem necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the affairs of the Township.
[Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The Council may create or continue any special committees or task force as may be necessary from time to time and appoint as many members as may be necessary, but no more than three members of the Council, to accomplish the goals of such committee or task force.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.7; amended by Ord. No. 19-2016, 5-31-2016; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council and shall have a voice and a vote in its proceedings but shall not have the power of veto. The Mayor shall appoint the members of and fill vacancies in the Library Board and shall appoint the Class II member of the Planning Board and shall sit as the Class I member of the Planning Board. All bonds, notes, contracts and written obligations of the Township shall be executed on its behalf by the Mayor or, in the event of the absence or disability of the Mayor, by the Deputy Mayor I or, in the event of the absence or disability of both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor I, by the Deputy Mayor II. The term of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor I and Deputy Mayor II shall be for two years and shall expire upon the election of a successor at the next organizational meeting of the Council. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the Deputy Mayor I or, in the absence of the Deputy Mayor I, then the Deputy Mayor II shall become the acting Mayor, with all the powers and duties of the Mayor, until a successor Mayor is elected and qualified at the next reorganizational meeting.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.9; amended by Ord. No. 3162, 8-9-1988, § 2; Ord. No. 3361, 6-22-1993, § 1; Ord. No. 3488, 12-3-1996, §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 3692, 10-30-2001, §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 3702, 2-5-2002, § 1; Ord. No. 3735, 11-12-2002, § 1; Ord. No. 3848, 1-4-2005, § 1; Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 19-2016, 5-31-2016; Ord. No. 21-2022, 8-30-2022]
Regular meetings. The Council shall hold regular meetings as set forth on the annual schedule of meetings or as determined by the Council by periodic resolution, beginning at 7:00 p.m. unless a different starting time is designated in the notice of meeting. The Council may by resolution dispense with one or more meetings otherwise scheduled. The Clerk shall post a copy of the agenda, copies of the full text of all ordinances (within 24 hours of the Council's affirmative vote to introduce an ordinance by title only) and copies of resolutions on the bulletin board, in the Municipal Building and shall provide sufficient copies of the same (when required) to the members of the public attending Council meetings or who request the same by mail.
Special meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Mayor or upon written request of a majority of the full membership of the Council. The business of a special meeting shall be specified in the call for such meeting and no other business may be considered. The call for such special meeting shall be delivered to the Clerk, who shall forthwith deliver written notices of said special meeting to each member of the Council at his or her residence or at such place as shall have been previously designated by the Council for that purpose. All special meetings shall comply with the Open Public Meetings Act[1] and may not be called on less than 48 hours' advance notice to the designated newspapers to receive notice under the Open Public Meetings Act and to the members of the Council, as set forth above, unless the Council declares that an emergency exists affecting the health, safety and welfare of the people, requiring a meeting in a shorter time and in compliance with the emergency provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act. In such event, the Clerk, on the filing of a call for an emergency special meeting, shall forthwith notify the members of the Council by telephone, electronically, or such other means at the Clerk's disposal and in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The Police Department shall cooperate with the Clerk in effecting the service of such notice. A special meeting may be held without prior notice, upon a written waiver of notice, executed by a quorum of all of the members of the Council and filed with the Clerk, provided such meeting complies with the Open Public Meetings Act.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.
Continued meetings. A continued meeting shall be a continuation of the last preceding meeting, business being resumed where it was left at the time of adjournment. A continued meeting shall complete the business of the last preceding meeting and shall not initiate new business.
Township officers or employees shall attend the regular or special meetings if required by the Manager.
Meeting agendas. Any member of the Council may add items to a regular meeting agenda, provided that said addition is given to the Clerk no later than Thursday 12:00 noon with respect to the meeting on the following Tuesday.
Closed session meetings. The Council may hold a closed session meeting in accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. (the Open Public Meetings Act) at any meeting as set forth on the annual schedule of meetings or as may otherwise be determined by the Council following the adoption of a resolution during the open portion of the meeting to enter into closed session in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.10; amended by Ord. No. 3361, 6-22-1993, § 1; Ord. No. 3736, 11-12-2002, § 1; Ord. No. 3849, 1-4-2005, § 1; Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 15-2015, 3-24-2015; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The business of the Council at regular meetings and, as applicable, at special meetings shall be taken up for consideration and disposed of in the following order, unless such order is changed by a majority vote of a quorum present of the Council:
Mayor's announcement of Open Public Meetings Act[1] statement.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.
Roll call of Council members in attendance.
Motion to go into closed session.
Closed session discussion.
Motion to return to open session.
Pledge of allegiance.
Mayor's announcement of Open Public Meetings Act statement.
Roll call of Council members in attendance.
Proclamations and presentations (if any).
Work session items:
Old business.
New business.
Committee reports by Council liaisons.
Council-listed items.
Township Manager's report.
Township Attorney's report (if any).
Formal meeting items:
Public hearings and adoption of ordinances.
Meeting open to the public for good and welfare and public input on any matters on the agenda.
Consent agenda (raffles) (minutes) (resolutions) (bill list).
Introduction of ordinances.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Council may modify the order of business to accommodate the public or to deal with a matter of priority.
The public shall be allowed to comment for a period not to exceed three minutes per person on such matters for which the law requires a hearing to be conducted. Under the portion of the meeting open to the public for good and welfare or public input on any matters on the agenda, the public shall be allowed to comment for a period not to exceed three minutes per person on any matter in the nature of good and welfare, whether or not on the agenda, and on any matters on the agenda for a total period not to exceed one hour if needed to entertain public comments as permitted by this section. At the conclusion of the public comment portion of good and welfare, each Council member may respond for a time period not to exceed three minutes, and thereafter the agenda shall be resumed. During any time the public is allowed to speak, including good and welfare, the Mayor, as presiding officer, shall have discretion to cut off any repetitive, irrelevant or excessive public comment in the interests of allowing members of the public time to speak and completing the public business within a reasonable period of time.
The close of a meeting shall be 11:00 p.m. in order to permit decisions to be made at a time that is conducive to thoughtful and alert participation by both the public and the Council, unless the Council votes to extend the time for such meeting.
Official action may be taken at both the formal session and the work session portion of any regular or special meeting.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.11; amended by Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The minutes of previous meetings of the Council may be approved without reading if the Clerk has previously furnished each member of the Council with a copy thereof three working days preceding the meeting at which the minutes are to be approved; however, any member of the Council may cause the minutes or any part thereof to be read prior to approval.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.12; amended by Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
A majority of the members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum at a regular or special meeting. In the event that no quorum is present within 30 minutes following the appointed time for a meeting, the Clerk shall declare the meeting adjourned.
[Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
Except where a greater vote is otherwise required by law, the adoption of an ordinance shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the Council, and all other matters may be passed by the affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Council present.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-19, Rules of order, was repealed 1-4-2005 by Ord. No. 3850.
[Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
With respect to all appointments to all statutory and advisory boards, commissions, or agencies to be made by Council:
The Township Clerk shall, at all times, make available a list of all positions that are eligible to be filled by the Council, regardless of whether they are currently filled or vacant. This list shall be available in-person and electronically through the Township's website. It shall list all individuals who currently hold any such position as well as provide the date their term is set to expire.
The Township Clerk shall, at all times, make forms available to the public for application to such positions. These applications shall be available in-person and electronically through the Township's website. The Township Clerk shall keep a list of all applicants for all positions for the preceding two years.
At least three months prior to the filling of any vacancies due to the expiration of any term, the Clerk shall notify the public about the position to be filled. At least four weeks prior to the filling of any unexpected vacancies prior to the expiration of any term, the Clerk shall notify the public about the position to be filled. Upon notice to all applicants from the preceding two years, as described above, a personnel subcommittee of three members of the Council will meet to interview all such applicants who request an interview on a rolling basis.
The personnel subcommittee shall present the full Council with a list of as many recommended candidates as there are positions to be filled. The full Council shall be entitled to interview all recommended candidates during closed session prior to voting on the nominations. Any member of the Council may interview any applicant outside of closed session, even if not included on the list of recommended candidates, so long as there are not sufficient Councilmembers present to trigger a quorum under the Open Public Meetings Act. Any member of the Council shall also be entitled to invite as many applicants as there are positions available to be interviewed by the full Council in closed session prior to voting on the nominations, even if not recommended by the personnel subcommittee.
Once the full Council has interviewed all recommended candidates in closed session, should they choose to do so, the Council may vote at a subsequent regular or special Council meeting to fill said positions. Any Councilmember may nominate any candidate who has applied for a position. Only individuals who have applied for a position may be nominated for said position.
[Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The Mayor or other Chair may move, second, and debate from the Chair and shall not be deprived of any right to vote or of any other rights, powers, or duties of a Councilmember by virtue of occupying the Chair.
Every member of the Council has the right to debate or to discuss business that is introduced to the Council in the form of a main motion. Only a motion to limit debate or to close debate can take away or limit this right, and either motion must have a 2/3 vote.
A member of the Council shall be entitled to the floor only upon recognition by the Chair. Once a member has been recognized and taken the floor, they shall not be interrupted for any reason other than a call to order; and in such case, the Chair shall rule promptly on the point of order and the speaker shall be allowed to proceed if they are in order.
The Councilmember who has made a motion shall be entitled to the privilege of closing debate.
A motion to reconsider may be made by a Councilmember on the prevailing side, and such motion may be made only at the same meeting or at an adjournment thereof as which the action was taken.
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate.
[Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
Any person who shall disturb the peace of the Council, make impertinent or slanderous remarks or conduct himself in a boisterous manner while addressing the Council shall be forthwith barred by the presiding officer from further audience before the Council, except that if the speaker shall submit to proper order under these rules, permission for him to continue may be granted by a majority vote of the Council.
The Police Chief shall, upon request of the Chair, designate a member of the Department to serve as Sergeant-at-Arms at Council meetings. They shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Chair for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at such meeting.
[Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
Except as may be provided in the Charter, questions of order, methods of organization and the conduct of business of the Council shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules of procedure hereinafter set forth in this chapter.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.15; amended by Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The Council may, by unanimous consent, suspend the rules of procedure or the order of business.
[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-2.16; amended by Ord. No. 4139, 8-18-2009, § 1; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024
All meetings of the Council shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., as now or hereafter amended.