The following activities are prohibited in parks unless specifically permitted by the Town Board:
Parking a motorized vehicle anywhere other than in designated areas.
Operating a motorized vehicle in excess of 10 miles per hour or in any unsafe manner.
Operating a motorized vehicle anywhere other than on designated roads.
Operating or parking a snowmobile anywhere in the park.
Horseback riding on other than designated roads.
Possessing or transporting domestic animals, with the exception of Seeing Eye dogs and police canine units.
Skateboarding, roller blading, roller skating, or ice skating, other than on the rink.
Entering or using the park other than during posted hours.
Overnight parking of motorized vehicles, trailers, or campers.
Sale of alcoholic beverages as defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law of the State of New York.
Possession or use of any explosive or explosive substance, firearms, fireworks, bow and arrow or any other weapon as such are defined in Penal Law § 265.00, unless authorized by law and the Town Board.
Disturbing the peace and good order in the park by fighting or arguing in loud voices or playing excessively loud music or threatening violence to any person or the property of others.
Begging, hawking, peddling, selling or soliciting within the park.
Injuring, defacing, destroying, disturbing or removing any part of the park or the property contained therein.
Loitering as defined in Penal Law § 240.45.
Bringing in refuse and garbage, or leaving behind garbage except in proper receptacles.
Making a fire, except in park-provided grills, or suitable privately owned grills in designated areas, or park-provided fireplaces. Any fire shall be continuously managed and supervised by a competent person at least 18 years of age from the time it is kindled until it is completely extinguished. No person shall throw away or discard any lighted match, cigar, cigarette or other burning object in a park except after completely extinguishing same.
Failing to extinguish, or failing to transfer to a competent person before leaving the park, all fires started or used.
Practicing golf, except in designated areas during posted park hours.
Trapping, snaring and/or hunting.
Using hot air balloons, helicopters, or other aircraft, unless authorized by the Town Board, Recreation Director or an emergency medical technician in a medical emergency.
Swimming at a park bathing area without a lifeguard present.
Reservations and permits are required from the Recreation Director for the use of park pavilions by groups of 10 or more for any organized event.
Under no circumstances may pavilion kitchen facilities be used by anyone without having obtained prior permission and authority to do so from the Recreation Director.
Reservations by permit shall entitle the holder to the use of said facilities only for the date and time period stated upon the permit. This permit does not entitle its holder to exclusive use of the park.
Any person refusing to vacate the pavilion and its designated surrounding area to allow the permit holder to use the pavilion as shown on the permit shall, in addition to punishment set forth below (Article V, Penalties for Offenses; Enforcement), be further required to make restitution to the permit holder for any fees expended by the permit holder for use of the pavilion. Refusal to vacate the pavilion as hereinabove required may be regarded by the Town of Clinton as a trespass pursuant to the provisions of the Penal Law of the State of New York § 140.05.
No permit for the use of the pavilion shall be granted without proof of liability insurance, or other similar indemnification, naming the Town of Clinton as an insured party, which insurance or indemnification shall be in such form and such amount as deemed satisfactory by the Town Board.
No permit for use of the pavilion shall be granted wherein any alcoholic beverages are to be served without the following conditions having been met to the satisfaction of the Town Board and/or Recreation Director:
No alcoholic beverages may be served in the pavilion without prior approval indicated upon the permit to use the pavilion.
The permit application shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of a Town permit holder who shall be over the age of 21 years and designated to monitor the consumption of alcoholic beverages for compliance with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law of the State of New York.
The permit application shall also contain a signed acknowledgement from the permit holder indemnifying the Town from any and all liability resulting from any and all activity in the Town park or otherwise resulting from any activity and/or in the use and consumption of alcoholic beverages, whether or not said liability results from an event creating any liability on and off the Town property.
No persons shall be permitted to remain, stop or park within the confines of the Town Park outside of posted hours except with authorization from the Town Board or Recreation Director. In the judgment of the Recreation Director or the Town Board, any portion of the Town park may be closed at any time to protect the health or safety of the public.
The Town Board shall establish, by resolution, the closing hours for all Town park facilities.