[Code 1992, § 4.07(1)]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
But the following provisions do not include, false alarms caused by weather conditions, violent conditions or prior arrangements for testing of the alarm system:
The activation of an alarm system through the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of his employees or agents.
The activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure or malfunction because of improper maintenance by the alarm user.
The activation of an alarm system because of improper installation and/or use of the equipment by the alarm business.
Any device designed for the detection of an unauthorized entry on premises or for alerting others of the commission of a prohibited act, or both, or for the detection of a fire which, when activated, produces a signal, visible or audible, or both, which signal is caused to be transmitted by such system to the Police Department.
An alarm system which is Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. listed or equivalent, except that the City Council may approve a system not having the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. listing when such system is being tested by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
Any person in the business of operating a receiving device designed for the detection of an unauthorized entry on premises or for alerting others of the commission of a prohibited act, or both, or for the detection of a fire which, when activated, produces a signal, visible or audible, or both, which signal is caused to be transmitted to the operator of the alarm system, who in turn by telephone or other means transmits such information to the City Police or Fire Departments.
Any device designed for the detection of unauthorized entry on the premises or for alerting others of the commission of a prohibited act, or both, or for the detection of a fire which, when activated, produces a signal, visible or audible, or both, which signal is caused to be retransmitted to the general area surrounding the premises so as to give notice to the general public.
[Code 1992, § 4.07(2)]
Residents of the City, or businesses located in the City, shall be entitled to the use of terminal or modular gear located in the City Police Department headquarters upon making proper application therefor. Such use is a privilege and not a right.
[Code 1992, § 4.07(4)]
Except as authorized by the City Council and the Police and Fire Commission, no telephone line systems shall be connected with the City Police Department telephones.
[Code 1992, § 4.07(3)]
Applications for permission to connect to City Police Department terminal gear shall be made upon forms prescribed by the Police Chief, and applicants shall pay a yearly service charge as determined by resolution of the Council from time to time.
[Code 1992, § 4.07(5)]
The City hereby disclaims and refutes any liability to users of any alarm system upon which or to which the City Police Department is connected for any negligence of its employees arising out of its failure to respond to alarm notifications, of termination of the privileged use or for improper response to alarm notifications. All users of alarm systems connected to City facilities shall, prior to their connection to City facilities, execute a disclaimer or waiver of liability in writing to this extent.
[Code 1992, § 4.07(6)(a), (b)]
Warning for first in a year. For the first false alarm in a calendar year, resulting in the dispatching of police or fire personnel, the licensee, or his agent, shall be given a written warning.
Forfeiture for second in a year. For the second false alarm in the same calendar year, the licensee shall be subject to a forfeiture not to exceed $20.
Forfeiture for third in a year. For the third false alarm in the same calendar year, the licensee shall be subject to a forfeiture not to exceed $40.
Forfeiture for additional false alarms. For each false alarm violation thereafter during the same calendar year, the licensee shall be subject to a forfeiture not to exceed $45.
Ten alarms; termination of terminal use privilege by Police Department. The occurrence of 10 false alarms within any six-month period shall be grounds for immediate termination of the privilege of use of the alarm system terminal by the City Police Department. Notice of such termination shall be sent by certified mail to the individual and address named and indicated on the respective application for use. Failure to terminate the privilege for 10 false alarms within a six-month period shall not foreclose, bar or estop the City Police Department from termination of the privilege following any subsequent false alarm.
Penalty for violations of section. Except as otherwise stated in this section, any person who shall violate any provision of this section, or any regulation, rule or order made under this section, shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Section 1-12.
Enforcement of section. Actions for violations shall be commenced by citation as provided by W.S.A., § 66.119 for summons and complaint, or warrant as provided by W.S.A., § 66.12(1)(a).