[Amended 3-2-2006 by Ord. No. 06-01[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed former §§ 72-12 through 72-19 and §§ 72-21 through 72-23, as amended, to dissolve the Zoning Board of Adjustment and vest the Planning Board with the powers and duties and functions of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. See § 72-7J.
[Amended 7-6-1987; 9-8-1997 by Ord. No. 97-10]
Any variance in terms of this Part I hereafter granted by the Board of Adjustment permitting the erection or alteration of any structure or structures or permitting a specified use of any premises shall expire by limitation, unless such construction or alteration shall have been actually commenced on each and every structure permitted by said variance or unless such permitted use has actually been commenced, within one year from the date of publication of the notice of the decision of the Board of Adjustment or Planning Board; except, however, that the running of the period of limitation herein provided shall be tolled from the date of filing an appeal from the decision of the Board of Adjustment to the governing body or to a court of competent jurisdiction until the termination in any manner of such appeal or proceeding. Said variance or permitted use shall also expire unless each and every structure permitted by said variance is completed within 18 months of the commencement date, unless otherwise extended by the Board of Adjustment or Planning Board whichever has jurisdiction over the decision.