[Added 6-3-1991 by Ord. No. 8-91[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the renumbering of former §§ 90-17 through 90-21 as §§ 90-51 through 90-55.
It is the overall objective of the Township to utilize the provisions of this Code to encourage and provide a wider range of housing opportunities for persons desiring to live in the Township. It is also the goal of the Township that, in providing alternative housing, adverse impact be minimized. Each development shall meet the following objectives:
Impact on natural features. It is the goal of the Township that the impact of development on valuable natural resources and unique natural features, including but not limited to agricultural soils, steep slopes, aquifers and aquifer recharge areas, prime deciduous and prime coniferous tree stands, marshes, swamps and other wetlands, floodplains and such other features as review of particular site may indicate are worthy of preservation or special protection, shall be minimized through sound environmental planning and careful implementation thereof; it is specifically the goal of the Township that, wherever possible, plans be developed in such a way as to avoid development on portions of the site with such natural features, with those features being preserved as part of the common open space.
Impact on the fiscal system of the Township. It is the goal of the Township that new development should not create an undue financial burden for the Township, its school district or its residents, and thus the net fiscal impact of a development proposed under this section should not be less than zero through sound fiscal planning by the developer in the determination of the overall plan.
Impact on public facilities and services. It is the goal of the Township that adverse impacts of new development on public facilities, such as transportation systems, stormwater management systems, sewage disposal systems, water systems, recreational facilities, educational facilities and other publicly provided systems, services and facilities shall be minimized through careful planning by the developer to accurately predict such adverse impacts and to take reasonable actions in cooperation with the Township to mitigate such adverse impacts.
Minimum area and land use proportions.
The minimum tract size shall be 25 acres.
Open space. No less than 25% of the total tract shall be reserved as open space. No less than 60% of the open space provided shall be usable recreation space (i.e., not set aside as unsuitable for construction).
Lot size and density. The following shall apply:
Single-family detached development if proposed for other than an integrated planned residential development:
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Maximum impervious coverage: 20%, exclusive of roadways.
Single-family detached homes as part of a planned residential development:
Minimum lot size: 1/4 acre.
Maximum gross density: four units per acre.
Maximum net density: eight units per acre.
Developable area shall be calculated in accordance with the environmental constraint factors as set forth in § 90-14H.
No more than 25% of the total number of units constructed in a planned residential development may be single-family detached units.
Other standards for residential development.
The minimum standards for single-family detached units as set forth in the R-1 Zone shall apply if only single-family detached dwellings are proposed. If single-family detached homes are proposed as part of a planned residential development, the following shall apply:
Width at setback: 75 feet.
Front yard: 35 feet.
Rear yard: 35 feet.
Side yard: 20 feet.
Height: 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet, whichever is lesser.
The minimum standards for townhouse development are as follows:
Townhouse units shall consist of dwelling units arranged side by side, with each unit at least 18 feet in width.
The minimum setback from collector and arterial streets, as determined by the Planning Board, shall be 75 feet from the center line and 50 feet from other property lines, with a landscaped front yard area. The minimum setback from local streets, as determined by the Planning Board, shall be 50 feet from the center line and 25 feet from other property lines, with a landscaped front yard area. The minimum side yard setback shall be 50 feet. The minimum rear yard setback shall be 75 feet.
The maximum height shall not exceed 35 feet and have no more than 2 1/2 floors.
The maximum impervious coverage in an area developed for townhouse use shall be 20%, exclusive of access roadways.
There shall be no more than six units in any one continuous structure, and there shall be no more than two units in any unbroken building line. A setback of not less than four feet shall be deemed a satisfactory break in the building line.
A maximum of 30 dwelling units shall be located in any one grouping devoted to townhouse use. The grouping shall be as defined in § 90-3.
A landscaping plan conforming to the standards of § 90-15E for each site shall be required.
Floor plans and elevations for each typical dwelling shall be required for preliminary and final site plan approval.
At least 2.25 off-street parking spaces per unit shall be provided within each contiguous site, designed and arranged as appropriate. The Board may permit the applicant to construct only those spaces necessary rather than all those required by this section. However, all required spaces shall be shown on the plans. In the event that additional spaces are required, they shall be constructed as approved.
Recreational areas and facilities suitable to serve the residents of the dwelling units shall be provided in accordance with Township requirements (see open space requirements),[1] located in areas which shall not be detrimental to adjacent property owners by virtue of noise, light, glare or any other objectionable features and shall not be adjacent to a public street. Provisions shall be made for individual rear patios in yards for each townhouse unit.
Editor's Note: See § 90-18A(2).
Unless there is a desired viewscape to be maintained, there shall be a screen of at least 10 feet in width along the perimeter of the development property.
The development shall provide sidewalks for pedestrian use.
There shall be open space provided for both passive and active recreational use by residents in accordance with Township standards. See Table 1.[2]
Editor's Note: Table 1 appears at the end of this chapter.
Public facilities and other standards shall be as permitted in the R-1 Zone.
The developer shall provide for the establishment of an organization for the ownership and maintenance of any nonpublic common open space or facility, and such organization shall be established and regulated by all applicable standards and conditions of state statute. No such organization may be dissolved, nor shall it dispose of any common open space, by sale or otherwise, without first offering to dedicate the same to the municipality or other government agency.
As a condition to preliminary approval of an application, the Board may permit the implementation of the plan in whole or in sections or in stages consisting of one or more sections or stages under the sequence of actions determined as part of the development plan. Such sections or stages shall be substantially functionally self-contained and self-sustaining with regard to access, parking, utilities, open spaces and similar physical features and shall be capable of occupancy, operation and maintenance upon completion of construction and development.
An applicant may, at his option, make a concept submission under this section prior to undertaking the required multifamily dwelling/planned residential development application process. The purpose of this optional concept submission is to identify the items of major concern to the Township in the development proposal, allowing the applicant to concentrate on those items in the preliminary application phase.
This section provides the required content for the optional concept submission. This submission shall contain the following:
A regional location map, at a scale of one inch equals 1,000 feet, showing the location of the site and its relation to:
Elementary and secondary schools.
Police stations.
Arterial and limited access highways.
Recreational areas.
Shopping and industrial areas.
Major public buildings and facilities.
Existing land uses within 500 feet of the site.
Existing zoning of the site.
A land classification map and report, containing the following:
Severely restricted lands.
Moderately restricted lands.
Least restricted lands.
Concept report on land classification, including the areas in each classification in acres, the conditions that exist and an explanation of how the plan was integrated into these areas and what precautions were taken to minimize intrusion into or adverse impact on those areas of severe or moderate restriction.
Sketch physical systems plans and reports.
A sketch plan for all physical systems, showing sewer collector mains, water distribution mains and proposed stormwater control and transmission devices, such as swales, retention/detention ponds, culverts, etc., shall be submitted. This plan shall also show the anticipated location of tie-ins to existing systems.
A concept report on traffic control, surface drainage, sewage systems and water supply shall be submitted. This report shall include:
A report evaluating the possible impact on the intersections defined as serving the site and stating the anticipated traffic trips, the capacity of the identified intersections and an evaluation of the ability of each intersection to accept the projected generations. These shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer with a complete explanation and documentation of the method used.
A drainage impact evaluation indicating the portion of the site estimated to be covered with impervious cover expressed in acres and percent of total site; and a determination of stormwater runoff for the site in an unimproved condition for a one-hundred-year storm of 24 hours' duration as compared to the anticipated increase in runoff for the improved site during a one-hundred-year storm of 24 hours' duration. A statement of what improvements are proposed for the site to meet the Township standard of no increase in peak stormwater discharge shall be included. A complete explanation and documentation of methods and data used shall be included in the report.
A sewer and water impact evaluation, indicating the amount of water to be demanded and the amount of sewage effluent to be generated by the development. These amounts shall be compared to the ability of existing sewer and water systems to absorb the development demands. If the systems do not have capacity or do not presently exist, an explanation shall be provided on how these generations and demands are to be met.
Sketch land use plan. This submission shall show the approximate location of all building areas, streets, parking areas, pedestrian and/or bicycle pathways, areas of common open space or restricted open space, the types and number of dwelling units, the location of community facilities and/or structures and the location of all nonresidential building areas.
Phasing plan and report.
A sketch plan showing how the project is anticipated to be phased over time, with notations identifying the total number of various unit types, the community facilities and/or structures in each phase, shall be provided.
A brief report stating the anticipated number of years to complete the project and the number of phases anticipated; the anticipated number and type of dwelling units by phase; the anticipated value of real estate in each phase; and the community facilities and/or structures in each phase shall be provided.
Site information report. A statement which describes the size of the site in acres, the location of the site and a general description of land adjacent to the site within 500 feet shall be provided.
Ownership data report. A statement of the proprietary interest of the applicant and/or landowner, describing the extent, nature, duration and limitations of that interest shall be provided.
Fiscal report. This submission shall indicate the municipal and school district costs caused by the development and the revenues expected to be generated as a result of real estate taxes derived from the development. A complete explanation and documentation shall be included.
This section provides the required findings for the optional concept submission for all multifamily dwelling developments. The concept review shall consist of an evaluation by the Township Planning Board of the information submitted by the applicant on the projected impacts of a development on the natural, physical and fiscal systems of the Township. The Township Planning Board shall make written findings on the information submitted. The findings shall include:
Requests for additional information necessary in order to make an evaluation of a projected impact.
Identification of particular items of major and continuing concern to the Township during the development process.
Evaluation of the conclusions made by the applicant in light of the data used to formulate those conclusions.
Discussions, conclusions and representations made in the context of a concept application and binding neither upon the Planning Board or the applicant.
Where the Township Planning Board finds that the information on a particular item submitted by an applicant as part of a concept submission is adequate in terms of data, calculations, documentation and analysis to evaluate the impact of the proposed activity, the Township Planning Board may waive requirements, in conjunction with request for such waiver, at the time of submission of the preliminary application. Such a waiver shall not be effective if the plan on which the preliminary application is based is substantially different from the plan on which the concept submission was based.
The application for preliminary approval shall contain the following elements, except that the reviewing agency may, based upon the review and findings of the concept submission, waive similar requirements in the preliminary plan approval procedures:
Regional location map.
Natural features inventory and report. This shall include:
A topographic map of the site with contour intervals as indicated, showing the following grades:
Twenty-five percent or greater: five-foot interval.
Fifteen percent to 25%: five-foot interval.
Zero percent to 15%: two-foot interval.
A soils map based on data from the Warren County Soil Conservation District and/or developed from detailed on-site testing. If the latter method is utilized, a detailed description with supporting documentation shall be submitted.
A vegetation and special features map showing all woodlands; significant individual trees [16 inches diameter at breast height or greater]; significant tree masses; existing buildings, roads and trails; and flowing streams, drainageways and ponds.
A land classification map.
Natural features report. This report shall include:
A report summarizing the natural opportunities and constraints of the site as related to the proposed land development.
The number of acres and the percent of the total site each classification enumerated represents.
A discussion of how the site planning for the site has integrated the natural features in order to minimize adverse impacts on the natural systems in accordance with the statement of objectives in § 90-17 and allowing for explanations of how areas for common open space were selected to minimize such impacts in accordance with the statement of objectives.
An identification of unavoidable adverse impacts, if any, and the steps to be taken to minimize those impacts.
Open space plan and report. This submission shall include the following:
A map showing all areas of the site to be designated as common open space and the designation of each area according to its potential use: active recreation, passive recreation or environmental protection. The map shall also show the size of the designated areas in acres and its relationship as a percentage of the site as a whole. It shall show all proposed buildings, facilities or other forms of development in such common open space.
An evaluation of the open space plan and how it relates to the minimum Township standards for common open space and how the plan is integrated into the overall site plan, its relationship to both the pedestrian and vehicular circulation plan and how it integrates identified sensitive areas.
A statement relating the open space plan to any existing or proposed Township open space and/or facilities.
A description of the form of organization proposed to own and maintain the common open space, a substantive representation of the master deed, summaries of the substance of covenants relating to the open space itself and the maintenance organization and an estimated schedule of fees.
Land coverage and drainage plan and report. This submission shall include the following:
All parts of the site which will be covered by paving, building roofs or other impervious cover. Each category shall be denoted on the map or legend as to the number of acres involved and the percent of the total site it represents.
All parts of the site in which tree cover shall be altered. In the map legend, the acres to be altered and the percent this represents to total treed area of the site shall be noted.
The subdrainage areas of the site and the points at which the stormwater drainage leaves the site. This shall be performed for the site in its condition prior to as well as after development. The acreage of each area shall be noted in the map legend.
All drainage improvements, including retention/detention ponds and basins, dams, major drainage swales, culverts and stormwater pipes in excess of 12 inches in diameter.
Drainage report. A drainage report shall be submitted and shall include a drainage impact evaluation defining the unimproved site's current stormwater discharge by drainage area and for total site area for a one-hundred-year storm of 24 hours' duration; the acres in cover types (i.e., trees, lawn, impervious) after improvement; the stormwater discharge after improvements; the total increase in stormwater discharge to meet the Township standards, stating that improvement of the land shall not increase peak runoff flows from a site from its existing condition.
Sediment and erosion control plan and report. This submission shall include the following:
Calculations of estimated soil loss of the site in an unimproved state, and calculations of estimated soil loss during construction based upon Warren County Soil Conservation District requirements or equivalent.
A plan showing the general location of any structure or device that is intended to minimize erosion and control sedimentation.
A clear, concise explanation of structures, devices and techniques to be utilized during and after construction to minimize erosion and control sedimentation.
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposals.
Sewer and water plan and report. This submission shall include the following:
A sewer and water facilities map showing the location of major collection and distribution lines for serving the proposed site development, how and where these systems will tie into existing sewer and water lines or the location of on-site sewage disposal facility or water-processing facility (if applicable).
An explanation of plans to tie into existing sewer or water facilities and information on the status of efforts to have such tie-ins approved by the appropriate authorities, a description of proposed sewage treatment and water processing facilities to be built on the site (where a federal, state, county or regional agency must approve any such facility before it can be built, a copy of the application to such agency should be submitted in addition to such description) and an outline of all approvals by nonTownship agencies which are required for the erection and operation of such a plant.
Calculations of water demands and sewage generation resulting from the proposed development.
An evaluation of existing sewer and/or water systems to determine their capacity. This evaluation shall state the capacities of existing systems, if any, and relate these capacities to projected demands to determine what, if any, adverse impacts are to be expected.
If this evaluation of the sewer and/or water systems reveals that projected generation and demand will exceed the identified capacities, then a detailed report shall be submitted describing what improvements shall be implemented to increase this capacity to a level that will accept these generations and demands.
If an independent on-site or interim sewage treatment facility is proposed, then a description and analysis of the quality of the water of the discharge from the system and an analysis of the impact of that discharge on any stream or underground aquifer likely to be affected by it shall be submitted.
Circulation plan and traffic report. This submission shall include the following:
A map showing streets, roads, parking areas and pedestrian/bicycle pathways. The cartway and right-of-way width for all streets, roads and pathways shall be shown on the map. The dimension and capacities of parking areas shall also be shown on the map. The map shall also show landscaped areas in or immediately adjacent to any part of the circulation system.
An evaluation of the internal circulation plan and how it relates to the anticipated traffic volumes it will handle, how the layout relates to the terrain and any proposed deviation from Township design standards.
An evaluation of the external circulation systems and the impacts of the traffic to be generated by the development of this system.
Calculations of the number of motor vehicle trips expected to enter and leave the site for an average peak hour (PHT).
Calculation and analysis of the impact of the traffic to be generated by the development.
Utilities plan and report. This submission shall include the following:
A map showing any and all easements and lands subject to covenants for the purpose of providing natural gas, electricity, oil, telephone, cable television, etc.
A portion of the submission may be shown as a separate map or may be included as part of the sewer and water plan submission.
A typical cross section of the common utility easement and trench shall be shown on the general utilities plan.
Arrangements and written statements from each local utility company or distribution service stating the ability to provide the service or commodity in the quantity necessary to adequately service the development.
A written statement from all utilities, including cable television, willing to share a common easement shall be included.
Site plan. This map shall show the following:
The location, type, height and bulk of all residential structures.
The location and anticipated classification of all streets and roads, and the location of all pedestrian and/or bicycle pathways.
The location of all community structures and facilities.
The location of all common open space.
The location of all retention/detention ponds and major drainage swales.
Any other buildings, structures or improvements that are necessary to completely define the intent of the development.
A closed boundary of the total land area to be developed.
Development schedule plan and report. This submission shall include the following if project construction is to extend over more than one year:
This map shall show the location of the first phase of the development and the anticipated location of each successive phase. To be included shall be the number by type of dwelling units areas for each type in each phase, the amount and location of the common open space, the location and type of community structures and facilities, the location of all public improvements and any other improvements necessary to completely define the development plan.
A project statistics report shall be submitted. This report shall include:
A report spelling out the number of residential units by type to be constructed.
The anticipated sales price of each unit type.
The total value of residential development.
The acreage of common open space.
The anticipated value of all public service/facility improvements with appropriate measurement definition.
Municipal modifications. This report shall describe any modifications required in any zoning, subdivision, design or evaluation standards that would be applicable to the site. For each modification, detailed justification shall be submitted.
Easement and covenants. This report shall contain the substance of any easements and covenants to be imposed upon the use of the land, structures or other improvements within the development which are not presented elsewhere in this application.
Site survey and layout plan. This plan shall include:
A key and location map showing the relationship of development within the site and surrounding neighborhood.
A closed boundary survey of the total land area to be developed with an accuracy meeting currently accepted standards.
Locations of existing and proposed permanent monuments.
Location, type and description of existing buildings, roads, easements, watercourses and drainageways on and within 500 feet of the development area.
Location and dimensions of all proposed buildings and other structures.
Horizontal alignment and geometry and clear sight dimensions for all proposed roads and intersections.
Designation and description of areas to remain as commonly held or publicly held open space and easements.
Certification by a licensed land surveyor and/or professional engineer, as appropriate.
Clearing, grading and drainage plan. This plan shall include:
Location and defined limits of all clearing and/or removal of vegetation cover.
Existing and proposed grades within the development area at a contour interval of two feet or less. Where grades exceed 15%, a five-foot contour interval may be used.
Location and proposed grades and elevations for all buildings, roads, walks, storm sewers and other drainage structures and devices, retaining walls and other landscape constructions.
Profiles of existing and proposed grades for roads, storm sewers and swales abutting and within the site.
Cross sections and typical construction details for all existing proposed buildings, roads, drives, parking areas, walks, drainage facilities and other construction elements within the site.
Location and proposed treatment of all critical and historic features (e.g., wetlands, stone rows, steep slopes).
[Added 12-7-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-11]
Erosion and sediment control plan. This plan shall include a map and narrative report containing at least the following information:
General description of the plan's intent and its relationship to stormwater runoff control.
Location and description of the staging of earthmoving activities and their relationship to construction and development operations and methods.
Location and description of temporary control measures and facilities to be employed before and during construction.
Location and description of permanent control measures and facilities to be employed for restoration of the developed area and long term protection after construction.
Description of maintenance program for the removal and disposal of materials from control facilities and methods to be employed to ensure adequate performance of facilities.
Any other data required by the Warren County Soil Conservation District.
Utilities system plan. This plan shall include:
Type and description of all utility lines located with dimensions.
Location, elevation and types of all manholes, hydrants and light standards.
Profiles of existing and proposed grades for sanitary sewer and water lines.
Location and typical construction details for utilities and easements.
Certification by a licensed professional engineer.
Building plans. These submissions shall include:
Typical floor plans, elevations and sections of all proposed structures.
Certification by a licensed architect.
Common open space organization documents. These documents shall include:
Articles of incorporation for any homeowners' association or other organization to maintain the common open space or community facilities.
Bylaws and membership rules and regulations of any such organization defining its rights, duties and responsibilities.
A copy of the master deed detailing the rights and privileges of individual owners in the areas of common ownership.
Covenants or easements restricting the use of the common open space.
Covenants or agreements requiring homeowners or residents to pay the organization for the maintenance of the common open space and/or community facilities. This shall include a proposed schedule of membership fees for at least the first three years of operation.
Other covenants and easements. These documents shall include any easements or covenants affecting any land in the development other than those easements and covenants already specified in Subsection R of this section.
Other maintenance agreements. These documents shall include any existing or proposed agreements under which private roads will be maintained, refuse collected or other supplementary services provided.
Offer of dedication. The offer of dedication shall include all legal requirements for a valid dedication to the Township, or, where appropriate, to another governmental body of roads or other improvements intended for public ownership.
Performance guaranty. This guaranty shall be in the amount and in the form required by the Township Planning Board in the resolution granting preliminary approval.
The Township Planning Board shall, by written resolution, either grant preliminary approval of the plan as submitted, grant preliminary approval subject to specified conditions not included in the plan as submitted or deny preliminary approval of the plan. In the event that preliminary approval is granted, either of the plan as submitted or of the plan with conditions, the Planning Board shall, as part of its resolution, specify the drawings, specifications and form of performance bond that shall accompany an application for final approval.
The grant or denial of preliminary approval by written resolution shall include not only conclusions but also findings of fact related to the specific proposal and shall set forth the reasons for the grant, with or without conditions, or for the denial. Said resolution shall set forth, with particularity, in what respects the plan would or would not be in the public interest, including but not limited to findings of fact and conclusions on the following:
Permissible density determination. Based upon an evaluation of how the demands and generations of the development will impact on the capacities of the existing Township systems and how any adverse impacts will be minimized, overall density within the boundaries of the zone will be determined.
Specific findings. The approving agency shall make the following findings:
In what respect the plan is or is not consistent with the statement of objectives for multifamily developments in § 90-17.
To what degree the plan respects the natural features of the site. Specifically with reference to the lands classified in § 90-14H, the approving agency shall find:
The degree to which severely restricted lands have been encroached upon.
The degree to which stands of trees have been respected. Particular emphasis will be directed toward the preservation and integration of prime or unique tree stands and specimen trees into the plan.
To what degree unique or sensitive natural features have been integrated into the common open space system to minimize adverse impact.
Whether stormwater runoff has been controlled on the site to meet the Township standard that no additional peak runoff shall be discharged during a one-hundred-year storm of 24 hours' duration.
Whether the sewage effluent generated by the development can be disposed of in a manner that will not exceed the capacities of public systems or, if an on-site or interim facility is to be utilized, whether the sewage effluent generated will degrade any flowing stream or underground water resource.
To what degree potable water demands generated by the development can be met from existing public or private systems. If a new on-site system is proposed, whether it will meet the demands of the development.
To what degree the internal circulation system is able to handle the traffic generated by the development and to what degree the existing external circulation system as identified by the critical intersection(s) is capable of handling the traffic generated by the development.
Whether the proposed open space system meets the standards of the Township.
Whether public utilities are available to meet the demands of the development.
To what degree existing school district facilities are capable of absorbing the school age children to be generated by the development.
Whether the municipal fiscal system is capable of absorbing the additional costs of servicing the development in relation to the real estate tax revenues generated.
Whether the school district fiscal system is capable of absorbing the additional costs of educating the children generated by the development and/or providing new facilities resulting from this generation in relation to the real estate tax revenues generated.
To what degree the erosion and sedimentation control submission addresses the need to minimize on-site erosion and provides adequate sedimentation control to minimize off-site as well as on-site adverse impacts.
The approving agency shall consider the extent to which the plan departs from zoning and subdivision regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property, including but not limited to density, bulk and use and the reasons why such departures are or are not in the public interest.
The approving agency shall consider the physical design of the plan and the manner in which said design does or does not further the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment.
The approving agency shall consider the relationship, beneficial or adverse of the proposed planned development to the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established.
In the case of a plan which proposes development over a period of years, the approving agency shall consider the sufficiency of the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents and owners of the multifamily dwelling development in the implementation of the plan as submitted.
In the event that a plan is granted preliminary approval, with or without conditions, the Township Planning Board may set forth in the written resolution the time within which an application for final approval of the plan shall be filed or, in the case of a plan which provides for development over a period of years, the periods of time within which applications for final approval of each part thereof shall be filed. The resolution shall further set forth the drawings, specifications, covenants, easements and other information required to be included in the application for final approval, provided that if the resolution is silent as to such requirements, then the Township Planning Board shall be deemed to have required the submission of all the items in § 90-33 et seq. The resolution shall also set forth the form of a performance guaranty or guaranties to be submitted at the time of the application for final approval(s).
Preliminary approval of a plan shall not qualify a plat of the multifamily dwelling development for recording nor authorize development or the issuance of any building permits. A plan which has been given preliminary approval as submitted or which has been given preliminary approval with conditions which have been accepted by the landowner, provided that the landowner has not defaulted nor violated any of the conditions of the preliminary approval, shall not be modified, revoked or otherwise impaired by action of the municipality, pending an application or applications for final approval, without the consent of the landowner, provided that an application for final approval is filed or, in the case of a development over a period of years, provided that applications are filed within the periods of time specified in the resolution granting preliminary approval.
An application for final approval may be for all the land included in a plan or, to the extent set forth in the preliminary approval, for a section thereof.
An application for final approval shall include such drawings, specifications, covenants, easements and conditions as were required by the Township Planning Board in its resolution granting preliminary approval, provided that, if the resolution is silent as to such requirements, the Planning Board shall be deemed to have required the submission of the following:
Final plan submission requirements, evaluations and procedures for all multifamily dwelling applications shall comply with those set forth by the Township.
Comparison to preliminary plan.
A final application comparison report defining the development plan for the phase being applied for shall be submitted and include the following:
The total number of dwelling units to be constructed.
The number by type of dwelling units to be constructed.
The number by type of community facilities and/or structures to be constructed.
The amount of common open space preserved.
The nature and cost of public improvements provided.
The anticipated value of residential construction.
A comparison to the development schedule report as approved in the preliminary plan procedures for the applicable phase. This comparison shall note any changes or variations from the approved submission indicating the scope of the changes. If applicable, a report documenting the nature and reasons for the changes shall also be submitted.
Final approval shall constitute authority for the Construction Official to issue building permits and for the developer to file final subdivision plats.
A public hearing on an application for final approval of the plan, or part thereof, shall not be required, provided that the plan, or the part thereof, submitted for final approval is in substantial compliance with the plan theretofore given preliminary approval.
In the event that the plan as submitted for final approval is not in substantial compliance with the plan as given preliminary approval, the Township Planning Board shall, within 45 days of the date the application for final approval is filed, so notify the landowner in writing, setting forth the particular ways in which the plan is not in substantial compliance. The applicant may:
Treat said notification as a denial of final approval.
Refile his plan in a form which is in substantial compliance with the plan as approved.
File a written request with the Township Planning Board that it hold a public hearing on his application for final approval.
A plan, or any part thereof, which has been given final approval by the Township Planning Board, shall be so certified without delay and shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk before any development shall take place in accordance therewith. All costs for such filing shall be borne by the applicant and are enumerated in the schedule of filing fees available at the Township Municipal Building.
All materials required to be submitted to the Township or to any agency of the Township under this Article shall be submitted to the Planning Board Secretary. Materials which must be received by a particular date under this Article must be received by the Secretary prior to 4:00 p.m. on that date or, if that date is a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, before 4:00 p.m. on the first working day prior to that date.
Reports and other written materials shall be on paper of 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches, bound within a loose-leaf notebook or a spiral binding. Maps, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board, in writing, shall be at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet for sites of more than 50 acres and a scale of one inch equals 100 feet for sites of 50 acres or less for the concept and the preliminary plan submission. All map submissions for final plan submission shall be at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet. All such maps shall not exceed 30 inches by 40 inches unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning Board. The applicant shall submit 12 copies of all reports and maps required under this Article.
A copy of the current application fee schedule can be obtained at the Township Municipal Building. An application under this Article shall be considered a site plan.
Enforcement by Township. The provisions of the plan relating to the following items shall be enforceable in law or in equity by the Township:
The uses of land and the use, bulk and location of buildings and all structures or other man-made facilities.
The quantity and location of common open space.
The intensity of use or the density of residential units shall run in favor of the municipality.
Enforcement by the residents and owners. All provisions of the plans shall run in favor of the residents and owners of the multifamily dwelling community, but only to the extent expressly provided in the plan and in accordance with the terms of the plan; and, to that extent, said provisions, whether recorded by plat, covenant, easement or otherwise, may be enforced at law or equity by said residents and owners, acting individually, jointly or through an organization designated in the plan to act on their behalf; provided, however, that no provisions of the plan shall be implied to exist in favor of residents and owners of the multifamily dwelling development except as to those portions of the plan which have been finally approved and have been recorded.
Modification of the plan by the Township. All those provisions of the plan authorized to be enforced by the Township under Subsection A of this section may be modified, removed or released by the municipality (except grants or easements relating to the service or equipment of a public utility unless expressly consented to by the public utility), subject to the following conditions:
No such modification, removal or release of the provisions of the plan by the Township shall affect the rights of the residents and owners of the multifamily dwelling development to maintain and enforce those provisions at law or equity.
No modification, removal or release of the provisions of the plan by the municipality shall be permitted except upon a finding of the Township Planning Board, following a public hearing, that the same is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire multifamily dwelling development, does not adversely affect either the enjoyment of land abutting upon or across a street from the planned development or the public interest and is not granted solely to confer a special benefit upon any person or group.
Modification by the residents. Residents and owners of the multifamily dwelling development may, to the extent and in the manner expressly authorized by the provisions of the plan, modify, remove or release their right to enforce the provisions of the plan.