[Adopted 5-20-1986 by Res. No. 171-86]
This Board of Supervisors does hereby adopt the following as its regulations relative to owner/operator refueling of certain aircraft in accordance with the supplemental-type certificates of the Federal Aviation Administration which permit the use of automobile gasoline in certain types of aircraft:
In accordance with Federal Aviation Rules (FAR) Part 152, airport sponsors are required to ensure a safe and efficient operation of their airport and in connection therewith are empowered to adopt reasonable rules and regulations to confine fueling operations to appropriate locations with equipment commensurate to the job being done.
In addition, the County Board of Supervisors does hereby adopt the following additional regulations for owner/operator refueling:
A portable fire extinguisher is required to be in the immediate vicinity of the fueling operation.
The aircraft to be fueled must be moved to a safe distance from other aircraft.
Applicable bonding and grounding requirements shall be complied with.
All funnels shall be metal and shall be bonded to the aircraft.
Fueling personnel shall not carry lighters or matches on their person while engaged in fuel servicing operations.
Where applicable, all equipment used in the fueling operation shall be UL approved.
There shall be compliance with any additional requirements of local fire codes.