[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
The purpose of this Part is to assure compliance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. § 67.101 et seq., as amended, to provide access to public records of the Borough of Conshohocken, to preserve the integrity of Borough records, and to minimize the financial impact to the residents of the Borough of Conshohocken regarding the resources utilized in the receipt and processing of public record requests and the retrieval and copying of public records.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
It is the policy of the Borough of Conshohocken to require the presence of a designated employee when public records are examined and inspected and to charge reasonable fees for duplication of public records of the Borough.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
The Borough Manager may designate certain employees to process public record requests.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
The Borough Manager is hereby designated, ex officio, as the Open Records Officer of the Borough as such term is defined under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law.[1] The Borough Manager is responsible for minimizing, where possible, the financial impact to the Borough regarding the resources utilized in the receipt and processing of public record requests and the retrieval and copying of public records.
Editor's Note: See 65 P.S. § 67.101 et seq.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
All requests for public records of the Borough under this policy shall be specific in identifying and describing each public record requested. In no case shall the Borough be required to create a public record which does not exist or to compile, maintain, format or organize a public record in a manner in which the Borough does not currently compile, maintain, format or organize the public record. All requests for public records shall be submitted in writing and on a form provided by the Borough, or as provided by the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.
[Ord. 2015-04, 12/16/2015]
All open records requests directed to the Borough shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §§ 67.101 through 67.3104. The Open Records Officer is directed to conform Borough practices to the requirements of the Right-to-Know Law, including provisions regarding the time within which to respond to requests and the costs and fees chargeable to requestors.