[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
Except where otherwise indicated by the context, the following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this Part:
The area of a junkyard as described in a junk dealer's license or application for license, as provided for in this Part.
Old iron, steel, brass, cooper, tin, lead or other base metals; old cordage, ropes, rags, fibers or fabrics; old rubber; old bottles or other glass; bones; wastepaper and other wastes or discarded material which might be prepared to be used again in some form; and any or all of the foregoing; and motor vehicles, no longer used as such, to be used for scrap metal or stripping of parts; but junk shall not include materials or objects accumulated by a person as byproducts, waste or scraps from the operation of his own business or materials or objects held and used by a manufacturer as an integral part of his own manufacturing process.
A person who operates a junkyard, as defined below, within the Borough.
A yard, lot or place, covered or uncovered, outdoors or in an enclosed building, containing junk, as defined above, upon which occurs one or more acts of buying, keeping, dismantling, processing, selling or offering for sale any such junk, in whole units or by parts, for a business or commercial purpose, whether or not the proceeds from such act or acts are to be used for charity.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a junk dealer in the Borough of Conshohocken whether personally, by agents or employees, singly, or along with some other business or enterprise, without first having obtained a license therefor from the Health Officer or Council's designee in accordance with the provisions of this Part. A junk dealer who operates more than one junkyard within the Borough shall be required to have in effect a separate license for each yard.
It shall be unlawful for any person to act as an itinerant junk dealer in the Borough of Conshohocken or to operate upon any of the streets of the Borough, whether from vehicle or on foot, as a scavenger or an itinerant buyer or seller of junk.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
The Health Officer or Council's designee shall be empowered to utilize the services of the Borough Health Officer, the Fire Marshall, the Chief of Police and the Building Inspector whenever necessary and appropriate. Except where otherwise provided, a majority of the members of the Public Safety Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Public Safety Committee shall appoint a secretary for itself from among the employees of the Borough, adopt its own procedural rules and keep a record of its proceedings and transactions.
It is hereby made the duty of the Health Officer or Council's designee to enforce, or aid in the enforcement of all provisions of this Part, and for this purpose and of the members of the Health Officer or Council's designee shall have the right and are hereby empowered to enter upon any premises on which any business subject to the provisions of this Part is located, or about to be located, and inspect the same at any reasonable time. The Health Officer or Council's designee is further empowered to issue orders granting, suspending, renewing and revoking any license provided for in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
An applicant for license under this Part shall file with the Health Officer or Council's designee a written application signed by himself, if an individual, by all partners if a partnership and by the president or chief officer of a corporation or other organization, upon forms provided by the Health Officer, together with five copies of such application and a fee as hereinafter prescribed. The application shall be sworn to by each of its signers before a notary public or other officer authorized by law to administer oaths and shall include the following information or material:
Name, residence address and telephone number of each individual owner, partner, or, if a corporation or other organization, each officer and director.
Trade names used during the previous five years by the applicant and each person signing the application, along with the locations of prior establishments.
Name and addresses of employers of each person signing the application during the previous five years.
The trade name and address of the business on behalf of which application is made and its telephone number, if assigned.
The name, residence address and telephone number of each person employed or intended to be employed in the business as of the time the application is filed.
Exact address or location of the place where the business is or is proposed to be carried on, plus a sketch of the actual premises to be used in connection with the business, giving distances in feet and showing adjoining roads, property lines, buildings and uses.
A description of the materials with which any buildings to be used in connection with the licensed business are to be made; a sketch giving distances, showing the location of such buildings on the business premises; and a diagram or plan giving distances and heights, showing floors, exits, entrances, windows, ventilators and walls.
Such other information as the Health Officer or Council's designee shall find reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Part and to arrive at a fair determination of whether the terms of this Part have been complied with.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
Upon receipt of an application for a junk dealer's license as provided for herein, the Health Officer or Council's designee shall furnish copies of same to the other members of the Public Safety Committee. The Chief of Police shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant's business responsibility and moral character. The proposed or existing premises and equipment with which the junkyard is being or is to be operated shall be examined by the other members of the Public Safety Committee or their duly appointed representatives. No junk dealer's license shall be issued or renewed to operate a junkyard at any new location or premises other than the specific and precise location and premises where a licensed junk dealer is presently permitted to conduct his business under Borough ordinance adopted November 19, 1956, entitled "An Ordinance Regulating and Requiring the Licensing of Junk Dealers in the Borough of Conshohocken and Prescribing Penalties for Violation."
The Chief of Police shall approve the application only if he finds that the applicant' business responsibility and moral character are satisfactory and that all agents or officers of applicant, if any, who will take part in the operation of such business are of good character and reputation and capable of operating the business in a manner consistent with public health, safety and good morals.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall approve the application only if he finds that any proposed or existing buildings or equipment with which the junkyard is being or is to be operated conform to the requirements of the Building Code and the requirements of this Part.
The Borough Health Officer shall approve the application only if he finds that the proposed or existing premises and equipment conform to the requirements of this Part and all applicable health laws.
The Fire Marshall shall approve the application only if he finds that the proposed or existing premises and equipment conform to the requirements of this Part and all applicable fire prevention laws.
If any of the findings provided in subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5), above, are unfavorable to the applicant, the Chairman shall, within 30 days after filing of the application, notify the applicant that his application is disapproved and that no license will be issued. Upon request, he shall furnish the applicant with a brief written statement of the grounds upon which the application was disapproved. If the findings in subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5), above, are favorable to the applicant, the Chairman shall, within 30 days after the filing of the application, issue a junk dealer's license to the applicant if he finds:
The applicant has obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer a certificate to the effect that the junkyard will not be a violation of existing zoning regulations.
The license issued shall bear the following language on its face:
IMPORTANT. This license applies only to the premises indicated herein and authorizes the licensee to operate a junkyard in a lawful place and manner only; it is not a substitute for any certificate of occupancy, building permit, or other certificate or permit that might be required by law of the licensee, and it does not relieve the licensee of the responsibility to have all such required permits or certificates at all times and comply with all laws affecting the above described business."
The Health Officer or Council's designee shall keep a permanent record of all applications filed and all licenses issued in accordance with this Section.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
Unless otherwise provided by the Health Officer or Council's designee, any license or renewal of license issued hereunder shall be effective as of the date of its issuance and shall expire 12:00 p.m., December 31.
An applicant for a renewal license shall file with the Health Officer or Council's designee a written application upon forms provided by the Health Officer or Council's designee, signed and sworn to in the same manner required in the case of an original application, together with five copies of the application and a fee as hereinafter prescribed. The application shall contain such information about the applicant's demeanor and the conduct and operation of the licensed business during the preceding license period as is reasonably necessary to enable the Health Officer or Council's designee to determine the applicant's eligibility for a renewal license.
All applications for renewals of license under this Part shall be filed with the requisite license fee at least 60 days before the expiration date of the same; provided, however, that the Health Officer or Council's designee, in its discretion, may accept a renewal application filed less than 60 days before the expiration date of the license with the license fee, upon reasonable cause shown and the payment of the late filing fee as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council. Where any such renewal application is filed less than 60 days before the expiration date or subsequent to the expiration date, no license shall issue upon the filing of the renewal application until the matter is finally determined by the Health Officer or Council's designee. A renewal application will not be considered filed unless accompanied by the requisite license fee and any additional late filing fee required by this Part. Unless the Public Safety Committee shall have given at least 10 days' previous notice to the applicant of objections to the renewal of his license based upon violations by the licensee, or his agents, servants or employees, of the provisions of this Part, or failure of the applicant to comply with the provisions of this Part or any provision of law applicable to the premises, equipment or operation of the licensed business or based upon the licensed business activity being conducted in a manner detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the public or so as to constitute a public nuisance or being carried on or conducted in any lawful manner, the license shall be renewed.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
The annual fee to be paid for any license or renewal of license issued hereunder shall be that which is fixed by Council's resolution from time to time.[1] No refund shall be made of any license fee after a license has been issued.
Editor’s Note: The current Fee Resolution is on file in the Borough offices.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
No license issued under this Part shall be transferred or assigned or used by any person other than the one to whom it was issued and no junk dealer's license shall be used at any location other than the one described in the application upon which it was issued.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
The following general operating requirements shall apply to all junk dealers licensed in accordance with the provisions of this Part:
The license issued pursuant to this Part shall be plainly displayed on the business premises.
The junkyard, together with things kept therein, shall at all times be maintained in a sanitary condition.
No space not covered by the license shall be used in the licensed business.
No water shall be allowed to stand in any place on the premises in such manner as to afford a breeding place for mosquitoes.
Weeds and vegetation on the premises, other than trees, shall be kept at a height of not more than four inches.
No garbage or other waste liable to give off a foul odor or attract vermin shall be kept on the premises; nor shall any refuse of any kind be kept on the premises, unless such refuse is junk as defined herein and is in use in the licensed business.
No junk shall be allowed to rest upon or protrude over any public street, walkway or curb or become scattered or blown off the business premises.
Junk shall be stored in piles not exceeding 10 feet in height and shall be arranged so as to permit easy access to all such junk for firefighting purposes.
No combustible material of any kind not necessary or beneficial to the licensed business shall be kept on the premises; nor shall the premises be allowed to become a fire hazard.
Gasoline and oil shall be removed from any scrapped engines or vehicles on the premises.
No junk or other material shall be burned on the premises.
No noisy processing of junk or other noisy activity shall be carried on in connection with the licensed business on Sunday, Christmas, Thanksgiving or at any other time between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
If any part of a junkyard or of the premises where a junk dealer shall operate his business is located within 150 feet of land which is zoned for residential use under the Conshohocken Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] or any amendment thereto, the area on the premises where junk is kept shall be enclosed, except for entrances and exits, with a vertical wall or fence of a minimum height of six feet measured from ground level. Entrances and exits shall not be wider or more numerous than reasonably necessary for the conduct of the licensed business, and shall be equipped with gates which shall be securely closed when the business is not in operation. The fence or wall enclosing the premises, except for the entrances and exits, shall have no opening or aperture therein which contains more than four square inches in area.
The licensee shall permit inspection of the business premises by the Health Officer or Council's designee at any reasonable time.
No junk dealer licensed hereunder or his agent or employee shall purchase or receive any junk for use in the licensed business from any person under the age of 18 years without written consent of a parent or guardian of such person. Such writing shall be held available for inspection by the Health Officer or Council's designee for a period of at least 48 hours.
Each acquisition of junk shall be recorded in English in a permanent type register kept on the business premises, giving the name and residence address of the person from whom the acquisition was made, a description of the junk acquired and the date of the transaction. Such data shall be held available for inspection by the Health Officer or Council's designee for a period of at least 48 hours.
Each acquisition of junk shall be kept on the licensed premises in unchanged form for a period of at least 48 hours after its acquisition.
No junkyard shall be allowed to become a nuisance; nor shall any junkyard be operated in such manner as to become injurious to the health, safety or welfare of the community or of any residents close by.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
The Health Officer or Council's designee shall inspect the junkyard of all junk dealers licensed under this Part at least once a year to determine whether such yards are being operated in accordance with the provisions of this Part and other applicable provisions of law.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
When the Health Officer or Council's designee determines that the public interest so requires, it shall revoke or suspend the license of any junk dealer or itinerant junk dealer when it finds after due investigation that:
The junk dealer or any agent or officer of such dealer who takes part in the operation of the licensed business, or the itinerant junk dealer is not of good character or reputation or is not capable of operating the licensed business or carrying on the licensed activity in a manner consistent with public health, safety and good morals.
The junk dealer has failed to comply with the provisions of this Part or any provision of law applicable to the premises, equipment or operation of the licensed business.
The licensee has obtained his license through any fraud or misstatement.
The licensed business or activity is being conducted in a manner detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the public, or is a nuisance, or is being operated or carried on in any unlawful manner.
The licensed business or activity is no longer being operated or carried on.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
Any person aggrieved by an order of the Health Officer or Council's designee granting, denying, renewing, suspending or revoking a license for a proposed or existing business or activity subject to the provisions of this Part may file a written request for a hearing before the Borough Council within 10 days after issuance of such order. The Borough Council shall give notice of a public hearing upon this request to be held in not less than five days after service of the notice on the person requesting the hearing. The Borough Council shall also give notice of the hearing to other persons directly interested in the order in question. At such hearing, the Borough Council shall determine whether the granting, suspension, denial, renewal or revocation of the license was in accordance with the provisions of this Part and shall issue written findings of fact, conclusions of law and an order to carry out its findings and conclusions. These findings of fact, conclusions of law and order shall be filed with the secretary of Borough Council and served by the Borough Council upon all parties appearing or represented at said hearing. The Borough Council shall have the authority to affirm, overrule, revoke, reverse or amend any order, action or determination of the Health Officer or Council's designee.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs, and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues, after notice thereof, shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 6-2004, 6/9/2004]
This Part shall be known and may be cited as the "Conshohocken Junk Dealer Ordinance of 1970."