The Town believes in the dignity of the individual and recognizes
the rights of all people to equal employment opportunities in the
workplace. In this regard, the Town is committed to a policy of protecting
and safeguarding the rights and opportunities of all people to seek,
obtain and hold employment without subjugation to harassment or discrimination
in the workplace. It is the Town's policy to provide an employment
environment free from harassment and discrimination based on race,
color, gender, religion, religious creed, sex, marital status, age,
national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic
information, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender
identity, gender expression, pregnancy (including childbirth and related
medical conditions, and including medical conditions related to lactation),
citizenship or any other characteristics protected by applicable federal,
state or local law.
A. Applicability of policy. This policy applies to all Town employees,
irrespective of whether the nature of employment is full-time, part-time,
temporary or seasonal. The policy equally applies to all of the Town's
appointed officers, elected officials, and all other personnel in
a contractual or other business relationship with the Town, including,
for example, applicants, interns (whether paid or unpaid), independent
contractors, vendors, consultants, volunteers and visitors. Depending
on the extent of the Town's exercise of control, this policy may be
applied to the conduct of nonemployees with respect to unlawful harassment
and/or discrimination of the Town's employees in the workplace. This
policy applies with equal force on Town property as it does at municipal
sponsored events, programs, and activities that take place off premises.
B. Policy objectives. By adopting and publishing this policy, it is
the intention of the Town's Board to:
(1) Notify employees about the types of conduct that constitute harassment
and discrimination prohibited by this policy;
(2) Inform employees about the complaint procedures established by the
Town that enable any employee who believes (s)he is the victim of
harassment or discrimination to submit a complaint which will be investigated
by the Town;
(3) Clearly advise all supervisory staff, administrators, and employees
that harassment and discrimination is strictly prohibited and no such
person possesses the authority to harass or discriminate; and
(4) Notify all employees that the Town has designated individuals to
receive complaints and ensure compliance with this policy.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
A non-exhaustive list of behaviors and actions that the Town
considers harassment is set forth below. All reports of harassment
of any kind are investigated on a case-by-case basis. Accordingly,
the descriptions below should not be interpreted in any way as being
Verbal: Abusive verbal language including jokes, comments, teasing
or threats related to an employee's protected characteristic; slurs;
suggestive, derogatory, or insulting comments or sounds; jokes; threats;
comments on a person's appearance that make the person feel uncomfortable
because of his or her protected characteristic; comments about an
employee's anatomy or protected characteristic that are unwelcome,
unreasonably interfere with an employee's work performance, or create
an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment; and unwelcome
advances or demands based on someone's protected characteristic.
Nonverbal: Abusive or graphic commentaries based on a protected
characteristic; derogatory cartoons or caricatures; luring or obscene
gestures in the workplace; gestures or motions based on a protected
characteristic; sending material through the Town e-mail system or
other electronic communication devices (e.g., voicemail) or using
the Town's mail or computers to view material that is demeaning or
derogatory based on one's protected characteristic.
Physical: Unwelcome physical conduct, including but not limited
to: hitting, pushing, shoving, slapping, pinching, holding, assault,
unnecessary touching or other unwelcome physical conduct.
While a single incident of these types of behavior may not create
a hostile working environment, if such behavior is severe, persistent
or pervasive, or if submission to such conduct is made either explicitly
or implicitly a term or condition of employment or receipt of employment
benefits, such conduct constitutes prohibited harassment.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Conduct that unreasonably interferes with the ability of any
employee or nonemployee to perform their expected job duties. This
includes extending welcome or unwelcome attention and/or hostility
to someone based on a protected characteristic, which thereby reduces
personal productivity or time available to work at assigned tasks.
Conduct which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
work environment. This includes unwelcome or unwanted conversations,
suggestions, requests, demands, physical contacts or attentions that
are based upon any other protected characteristic.
Slurs, jokes, or other verbal, visual, or physical conduct relating
to an individual's race, color, gender/sex, religion, national origin,
age, disability, sexual orientation, marital/family status, or any
other characteristic protected by applicable state, local or federal
Any and all forms of workplace harassment are strictly prohibited.
Any adverse employment action against an employee, by either
a Town employee or official or a third party engaged in activities
sponsored by the municipality, which is based upon the employee's
protected characteristic. Prohibited discrimination of employees also
includes harassment based on a protected characteristic even where
there is no tangible impact upon the employee's employment opportunities
and/or employment benefits. The phrase "prohibited discrimination"
as used in this policy includes all forms of prohibited discrimination
and harassment based on a protected characteristic, as defined below.
Generally, investigation of a complaint will be conducted by
the complainant's department head or immediate supervisor and will
normally include conferring with the parties involved and any named
or apparent witnesses. The particular facts of the allegation will
be examined individually, with a review of the nature of the behavior
and the context in which the incident(s) occurred. All investigations
will be conducted in a fair, timely, and thorough manner that provides
all parties appropriate due process and reaches reasonable conclusions
based on the evidence collected. In those instances when a department
head or supervisor requests or requires assistance, or when the department
head or supervisor is named in the complaint or involved in the incident,
the Town Board will appoint another individual to conduct the investigation,
as appropriate. If, at the end of the investigation, misconduct is
found, appropriate remedial measures (including discipline) shall
be taken, including but not limited to termination from employment.