In developing a forest conservation plan, the applicant shall give priority to techniques for retaining existing forest on the site.
If existing forest on the site subject to a forest conservation plan cannot be retained, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department:
How techniques for forest retention have been exhausted;
Why the priority forests and priority areas cannot be left undisturbed, how the sequence for afforestation or reforestation will be followed in compliance with Natural Resources Article, § 5-1604(c)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland, cannot be left in an undisturbed condition:
If priority forests and priority areas cannot be left undisturbed, how the sequence for afforestation or reforestation will be followed in compliance with Natural Resources Article, § 5-1607, Annotated Code of Maryland.
Where on the site in priority areas afforestation or reforestation will occur in compliance with Natural Resources Article, § 5-1607, Annotated Code of Maryland; and
How the disturbance to the priority forests and priority areas specified in Natural Resources Article, § 5-1607(c) (2), Annotated Code of Maryland, qualifies for a variance.
The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that the requirements for afforestation or reforestation on site or off site cannot be reasonably accomplished if the applicant proposes to make a payment into the local forest conservation fund or to purchase credits from a forest mitigation bank.
Nontidal wetlands. A regulated activity within the net tract area that occurs wholly or partly in areas regulated as nontidal wetlands under Environment Article, Title 9, Annotated Code of Maryland, is subject to both the nontidal wetlands regulatory requirements and the requirements of this chapter, subject to the following:
Any area of forest in the net tract area, including forest in nontidal wetlands that is retained, shall be counted towards forest conservation requirements under this chapter;
For the purpose of calculating reforestation mitigation under this chapter, a forested nontidal wetland permitted to be cut or cleared and required to be mitigated under Environment Article, Title 9, Annotated Code of Maryland, shall be shown on the forest conservation plan and subtracted on an acre-for-acre basis from the total amount of forest to be cut or cleared as part of a regulated activity.
Nontidal wetlands shall be considered to be priority areas for retention and replacement;
Forested nontidal wetland identification and delineation should be included at the earliest stage of planning to assist the applicant in avoidance and reduction of impacts to the nontidal wetlands and to avoid delay in the approval process.
Platted lots in a residential subdivision may not include:
[Added 11-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-O-17]
Areas designated for forest conservation;
Priority forests; or
Priority areas.
A preliminary forest conservation plan shall be prepared by a licensed forester, a licensed landscape architect, or a qualified professional who meets the requirements stated in COMAR
A preliminary forest conservation plan shall:
Be submitted with the preliminary plan of subdivision or proposed project plan;
Include the approved forest stand delineation for the site;
Include a table that lists the proposed values of the following, in square feet:
Net tract area;
Area of forest conservation required; and
Area of forest conservation that the applicant proposes to provide, including both on-site and off-site areas;
Include a clear graphic indication of the forest conservation provided on the site drawn to scale, showing areas where retention of existing forest or afforestation or reforestation is proposed;
Include an explanation of how the provisions of § 280-10 of this article have been met;
In the case of afforestation or reforestation, include a proposed afforestation or reforestation plan;
Include a proposed construction timetable showing the sequence of forest conservation procedures;
Show the proposed limits of disturbance;
Show proposed stockpile areas;
Incorporate a proposed two-year maintenance agreement that shows how areas designated for afforestation or reforestation will be maintained to ensure protection and satisfactory establishment; and
Other information the Department determines is necessary to implement this chapter.
The review of the preliminary forest conservation plan shall be concurrent with the review of the preliminary site plan.
During the different stages of the review process, the preliminary forest conservation plan may be modified, provided the Department approves of the changes.
A final forest conservation plan shall be prepared by a licensed forester, a licensed landscape architect, or a qualified professional who meets the requirements stated in COMAR
A final forest conservation plan shall:
Be submitted with the following:
A final subdivision plan;
A final project plan;
An application for a grading permit; or
An application for a sediment control permit;
Show proposed locations and types of protective devices to be used during construction activities to protect trees and forests designated for conservation.
In the case of afforestation or reforestation, include an afforestation or reforestation plan, with a timetable and description of needed site and soil preparation, species, size, and spacing to be used;
Incorporate a binding two-year maintenance agreement specified in COMAR that details how the areas designated for afforestation or reforestation will be maintained to ensure protection and satisfactory establishment, including:
Watering; and
A reinforcement planting provision if survival rates fall before required standards, as provided in the current version of the State Forest Conservation Technical Manual;
Incorporate a long-term binding protective agreement as specified in COMAR that:
[Amended 11-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-O-17]
Provides protection for areas of forest conservation, including areas of afforestation, reforestation, and retention; and
Limits uses in areas of forest conservation to those uses that are designated and consistent with forest conservation, including recreational activities and forest management practices that are used to preserve forest; but
May not include land within platted residential lots as areas of forest conservation.
Include the substantive elements required under § 280-11B (2) through (5), (7) through (9), and (11) of this article, as finalized elements of the forest conservation plan; and
Other information the Department determines is necessary to implement this chapter.
Time for submittal.
Within 45 calendar days after receipt of the final forest conservation plan, the Department shall notify the applicant whether the forest conservation plan is complete and approved.
If the Department fails to notify the applicant within 45 calendar days, the plan shall be treated as complete and approved.
The Department may require further information or extend the deadline for an additional 15 calendar days under extenuating circumstances.
At the request of the applicant, the Department may extend the deadline under extenuating circumstances.
The Department's review of a final forest conservation plan shall be concurrent with the review of the final subdivision or project plan, grading permit application, or sediment control application associated with the project.
The Department may revoke an approved forest conservation plan if it finds that:
A provision of the plan has been violated;
Approval of the plan was obtained through fraud, misrepresentation, a false or misleading statement, or omission of a relevant or material fact; or
Changes in the development or in the condition of the site necessitate preparation of a new or amended plan.
The Department may issue a stop-work order against a person who violates a provision of this chapter or a regulation, order, approved forest conservation plan, or maintenance agreement.
Before revoking approval of a forest conservation plan, the Department shall notify the violator in writing and provide an opportunity for a hearing.