[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the City of Aberdeen 12-23-1996 by Ord. No. 470-96 (Ch. 120 of the 1990 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-06]
The City adopts the Harford County Road Code, December 2, 2008, its appendices and supplements as enforced by Harford County government, except as modified herein.
Whenever Harford County or the county is referred to in the code, it shall be deemed to mean the City of Aberdeen.
The City may employ inspectors for the purpose of enforcing the code or may designate such other person, firm, corporation, municipality or county to perform such inspections.
The City may employ the services of a materials testing laboratory for the purpose of enforcing the code or may designate such other person, firm, corporation, municipality or county to perform such materials testing.
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-06]
Road paving for residential and townhouse roads as outlined on Plate R-1 and R-2, issued December 2, 2008, is modified to an eleven-inch section with a seven-inch graded aggregate base course placed in two three-and-one-half-inch layers over compacted subgrade. A tack coat is required between the base and finished pavement courses.
For Alternate A: bituminous concrete base pavement shall consist of two inches of hot mix asphalt band, 12.5 millimeter (compacted). Finished bituminous concrete surface pavement shall consist of two inches of hot mix asphalt band, 12.5 millimeter (compacted).
For Alternate B: bituminous concrete base pavement shall consist of 2-1/2 inches of hot mix asphalt band, 12.5 millimeter (compacted). Finished bituminous concrete surface pavement shall consist of 1-1/2 inches of hot mix asphalt band, 9.5 millimeter or 12.5 millimeter (compacted).
For Alternate C: bituminous concrete base pavement shall consist of three inches of hot mix asphalt band, 12.5 millimeter (compacted). Finished bituminous concrete surface pavement shall consist of one inch of hot mix asphalt band, 9.5 millimeter (compacted).
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-06]
Road paving for business, commercial and industrial roads as outlined on Plate R-3, issued December 2, 2008, shall be a sixteen-inch section with a ten-inch graded aggregate base course placed in two five-inch layers over a compacted subgrade. Bituminous concrete base pavement shall consist of three inches of hot mix asphalt band, 19.0 millimeter (compacted). Finished bituminous concrete surface pavement shall consist of three inches of hot mix asphalt band, 12.5 millimeter (compacted). A tack coat is required between the base and finished pavement courses.