[Adopted as Title 2, Ch. 2, Art. 2, of the 1977 Code[1]]
Editor's Note: This article was adopted 11-10-1964 by Ord. No. 526 and amended 7-6-1981 by Ord. No. 946; 1-3-1983 by Ord. No. 1007; 5-1-1989 by Ord. No. 1186; 3-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1332; 2-7-2000 by Ord. No. 1410; and 10-13-2003 by Ord. No. 1473.
[Amended 12-4-2023 by Ord. No. 1750]
The Upper Moreland Township Department of Fire shall consist of such other additional fire companies hereafter organized as the Board of Commissioners may from time to time by ordinance or resolution receive into the Department, Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chiefs, full- and part-time firefighters employed by Upper Moreland Township, and other full-time Township employees who may be assigned to firefighting duties as a secondary responsibility. Each Fire Department member in good standing shall be furnished with a badge by the Board of Commissioners as a mark of recognition of his or her duties
The fire company(ies) shall elect or appoint a Chief and a President for a period of at least one year. Members of the Board of Directors and other officers shall be at least 21 years of age. The Chief and President shall give their services gratuitously and shall take and subscribe to the oath required of Township officials.
Appointment of career firefighters to supervisory rank will be done in accordance with adopted civil service regulations.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
The Fire Chief shall recommend to the Board of Commissioners minimum qualifications for line officers in chain of command at the Fire Department.
The Fire Chief shall develop an organizational structure and chain of command consistent with recognized practices and procedures.
Each fire company and all personnel comprising the Fire Department of the Township of Upper Moreland shall be subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Board of Township Commissioners and shall at all times conform to any and all rules and regulations as adopted by said Board, anything in the constitution and bylaws of the company notwithstanding.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
In case the company or the officers or the members of the Department shall be charged with the violation of any rules or duties herein imposed by the Fire Chief and/or the Board of Commissioners, the Fire Chief shall have the authority to suspend from the Department those charged with the infraction. The said suspension shall not exceed 30 days unless sustained by the Board of Commissioners. The Fire Chief shall report the cause and circumstances of the action to the Board of Commissioners. The accused shall have the right of appeal to the Township Board of Commissioners, which may sustain, modify or overturn the disciplinary action.
A company must submit, within 30 days after admission to the Department, a certified copy of its constitution and bylaws for approval by said Board.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
The Fire Chief shall submit annually to the Township Board of Commissioners an annual report of activities, operations and financial condition for the calendar year preceding.
The Fire Department and its membership are authorized by the Township Board of Commissioners to perform the following in addition to the normal firefighting, rescue and emergency medical duties:
Participation in drills, practices, training sessions and pre-fire planning activities authorized by the Fire Department and supervised by a qualified instructor or a Fire Department officer.
Participation in community celebrations, ceremonial observances and funerals for deceased firefighters or other public figures, where such attendance is deemed appropriate by the Fire Department. Participation outside the borders of the Township must have prior approval of the Fire Chief.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
While performing duties necessary to prepare the fire station or other municipal buildings for use as a distribution center or a polling place for the primary and general elections.
Preparation for and responsible participation in parades, providing that attendance has the prior approval of the Fire Department. Out-of-town participation greater than 35 miles from the Township border must have prior approval of the Township Board of Commissioners.
Any public service functions performed for the welfare of the community, including recovery of animals, as long as these activities are responsibly supervised and are sanctioned by the Fire Department.
Any and all public safety activities undertaken by Fire Department members to render care to the injured, prevent loss of life, provide comfort and security to victims, and limit or prevent damage to or loss of property as circumstances may dictate.
While rendering assistance to police officers where such aid is specifically requested or is done without request to protect the public welfare from imminent danger, including fire police duties.
Participation in fire prevention activities, post-fire investigations, bomb searches, evacuation drills and fire lane enforcement.
While participating in public programs to promote health and safety, to enlist new members, or solicit community support, or conduct fund-raising activities, subject to the restrictions that:
No compensation is being paid to the member while engaged in the fund-raising activity;
One hundred percent of the proceeds go to the Fire Department; and
Such activity by such individual was approved by the Fire Department.
While safely and responsibly performing maintenance and remodeling work on the Fire Department vehicles, buildings, grounds or equipment.
Such other duties necessary for the efficient operation of the Fire Department as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Township Manager, Board of Commissioners, Fire Chief and the officers of the Fire Department, as may be defined within the constitution and bylaws of the volunteer fire departments.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
While participating in hazardous materials incident responses when acting within the scope of their training certification.
While performing their duties as sworn fire police officers at any function, event or parade, both within and outside the municipal borders when prior approval has been authorized by the Chief of Police or the Fire Chief.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
When performing public service functions such as, by way of example and not limitation, removing water from property after storms and assisting in the removal, abatement and prevention of damage or injury to persons or property, whether through natural causes or man-made situations.
While responding to calls and providing services to municipalities outside the Township.
[Amended 11-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1721]
Fire companies will provide for adequate training for all firefighters and shall certify to the Township (through the Fire Chief) annually that all firefighters responding to an incident will have received the appropriate training for duties undertaken by the firefighters.
All personnel who may respond to a potential hazardous materials incident shall be certified at the "fire responder awareness" level of training.
All fire personnel who respond to hazardous materials incidents and engage in defensive action to contain or direct a leak or spill shall be certified at the "fire responder operations" level of training.
Personnel responding to and engaging in aggressive action to contain a leak or spill shall be certified at a "hazardous materials technician" level of training.
Upon receipt of written documentation of certification by appropriate training authorities, the Township will confirm certification of individual personnel for the above levels of training.