[Adopted 6-15-2010]
[Amended 9-21-2010]
Any person who, without authority of law, goes upon or remains upon the lands, building, or premises of another, or any part, portion or area thereof, after having been forbidden to do so, either orally or in writing, by the owner, lessee, custodian or other person lawfully in charge thereof or after having been forbidden to do so by a sign posted on such lands, buildings, premises or part, portion or area thereof at a place where it may be reasonably seen, he shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.
Any owner of real property located within an Industrial (I) or Commercial (C) District in the County of Warren, Virginia may designate in writing that the Warren County Sheriff's Office and any of its officers and patrolmen shall be a "person lawfully in charge of the property" for the purpose of forbidding other persons to go or remain upon specifically designated property of the owner as provided for in §§ 168-3 and 168-5 of the Warren County Code and Section 18.2-119 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. Such written designation shall be made in the following manner:
The Warren County Sheriff's Office shall publish a written designation form containing the owner's name, address, home and work telephone numbers, the address, tax map, and any other pertinent description of the real property about which the Warren County Sheriff's Office is to be designated as the "person lawfully in charge of the property" and a description and location of the "No Trespassing" signs to be placed on the property.
The Warren County Sheriff's Office shall maintain all such written designations in a permanent file or notebook, which shall be available to any interested person for viewing or copying upon reasonable request.
The Warren County Sheriff's Office shall create a notice not to trespass which will advise persons in writing not to go or remain upon specifically designated real property as authorized in this section.
Each officer or patrolmen in the Warren County Sheriff's Office shall be issued an updated list of such designated properties, conditions and circumstances, and written notices not to trespass to serve on persons subject to this article.
No person shall be forbidden to go or remain on the real property of another or to be prosecuted therefor if such person is able to produce written consent of the owner of a property for such person to go or remain thereon.