[Added 3-17-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04; amended 11-16-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-19]
There is hereby established in the Township of Washington the position of Township Administrator, which said position shall be deemed to be nontenured. The position can be full-time or part-time.
The term of office for the Township Administrator shall be at the pleasure of the governing body.
The position of Township Administrator shall be appointed by majority vote of the governing body.
The Township Administrator may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the Township Committee.
Compensation for the position of Township Administrator shall be by a salary range established by ordinance adopted pursuant to applicable state regulation and defined in the annual salary resolution.
The Township Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Township, responsible to the governing body for all day-to-day operations. Any governing authority for final decisions regarding policy, hiring or firing of employees, entering or terminating contract(s), planning, operation management and/or those powers and duties not specifically set forth herein shall remain with the Township Committee. The Township Administrator shall: direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Township, including serving as the Township Administrator, except as otherwise provided by law.
Coordinate the performance of all Township employees and professionals; maintain harmony among workers and attempt to resolve grievances at an informal level; perform or assist subordinates in performing duties; adjust errors and address complaints and act as first contact in conflict resolution among staff.
Establish and maintain sound personnel practices and maintain appropriate records of all employees.
Attend all meetings of the Township Committee with the right to take part in any discussion, but not to vote.
See that all ordinances, resolutions and all acts of the Township Committee subject to enforcement by him/her or by officers and employees subject to his/her direction and supervision are faithfully executed.
To receive from each department, office, commission, committee and board their annual budget requests and to review and transmit same along with his or her comments and recommendations of the Township Committee.
Submit to the Township Committee a verbal report on administrative activities of the Township at the monthly Township Committee meeting, and submit such written reports as may be requested by the Township Committee.
Make such other reports as the Township Committee may require concerning the operation of the Township.
Keep the Township Committee fully advised as to the current and future needs of the Township and make such recommendations concerning the affairs of the Township as he/she deems advisable.
Perform such other duties as may be required by the Township Committee and perform those duties set forth in the job description established for the Township Administrator position, which may be modified from time to time by ordinance of the Township Committee.
Be responsible for researching, initiating action for, applying for and supervising the implementation of funding grants from various sources for the improvement and development of Township capital projects and needs as well as for services to the Township and its residents.
Keep the Township staff fully informed of all policies and decisions of the Township Committee, as well as other Township activities, by holding regular department head and/or staff meetings on a monthly basis, and as needed.
Serve as intermediary or liaison between various Township boards, commissions, committees, agencies and departments and their professional advisors and the Township Committee and facilitate communication with the local government framework.
Establish a long-term plan in conjunction with the Township Committee to meet the changing governmental needs of our citizens.
The Township Administrator can be considered a salaried employee of the Township, who shall devote full attention and effort to the office of Township Administrator. The Township Administrator's duties shall include customary office hours, unless unusual circumstances require otherwise, together with attendance at any and all meetings as may be directed by the governing body.
The Township Administrator shall be appointed on the basis of his/her executive and administrative qualifications. Previous responsible, successful management experience in local government shall be required.
The Township Administrator need not be a resident of the Township or the state at the time of his/her appointment, and may also thereafter reside outside the Township.