[Adopted as Title 2, Ch. 2.48, of the 1986 Code]
For the purposes of this article, "riverfront" means that portion of land extending from the Longmeadow Town line on the south to the Chicopee City line on the north and West Columbus Avenue on the east and the Connecticut River on the west.
There is established in the City the Springfield Riverfront Development Commission for the purpose of promoting, coordinating and developing, as provided in this article, the area abutting the Connecticut River or any part thereof in the City. Such Commission shall consist of five residents of the City, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter. The Chairman of the Commission shall be designated by the Mayor.
The members of the Commission shall serve for terms of five years unless sooner removed; provided, however, the initial appointees shall serve for terms of one, two, three, four and five years, respectively. Members, unless sooner removed, shall serve until the appointment of their successors, and vacancies other than by reason of expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor for the balance of the unexpired term. In addition to the five voting members, the Mayor shall designate a member of the Springfield City Council to be a nonvoting member of the Commission on a yearly basis. Any member of the Commission may be removed by the Mayor pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter and in accordance with the procedures therein provided. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be allowed their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such members.
The Commission shall submit all plans for approval to the City Council and the Mayor for the development of the riverfront as outlined in the boundaries mentioned in this article. This plan shall include recommendations for the design, location, relocation, construction, equipment, alteration, enlargement, use, maintenance, operation or lease, either as lessee or lessor, of facilities or open space for the development of the Connecticut riverfront, whenever and to the extent that the Commission deems such facilities or open spaces to be necessary or desirable in the City. Such riverfront development facilities may consist of one or more single-purpose or multipurpose buildings with or without off-street parking facilities incorporated thereon or in close proximity thereto. If such off-street parking facilities are so provided by the Commission, they shall remain subject to the Commission's jurisdiction; provided, however, that nothing contained in this article shall prohibit the Commission from permitting public or special purpose off-street automobile parking as defined in Section 2 of Chapter 486 of the Acts of 1955 as amended therein with or without a reasonable charge for the same.
For the purposes of this article, the Commission shall in the first instance use the personnel and services of other departments of the City where available, provided that the cost of such services and personnel is properly charged against the Commission. If these department services are not available, reasons for the unavailability shall be submitted in writing to the Commission, which will in turn submit them to the City Council.
The Commission shall, when municipal personnel and services are unavailable, submit any proposal to contract with such firms and for such studies and survey as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this article, subject only to limitations and procedures established by MGL c. 43, § 29.
The Commission shall present plans to the Mayor and the City Council to lease, exchange, demolish or otherwise dispose of property and property rights of the City if in so doing it deems that the interest of the City will be best served and that the same are no longer needed for strictly public purposes in the overall riverfront development.
For the purposes of making surveys, planning, acquiring land for, erecting, equipping or furnishing open space areas or recreational or entertainment facilities on the Connecticut riverfront, the Commission, on behalf of the City, is authorized to accept and use such federal funds, credits and benefits as may now or hereafter be available for the same and to secure the benefits in regard to the riverfront of the provisions of Chapter 74 of the Acts of 1945, as amended, but in all events subject to the applicable provisions of federal law.
The Commission is authorized and empowered, subject to the limitations of general or special laws of the Commonwealth:
To promote, maintain, operate, repair and improve such open spaces along the Connecticut riverfront with the assistance of the necessary City departments.
To provide, through employees of the City under the Commission's supervision or by the grant of one or more concessions to private persons or firms or in part through such employees of the City and in part by the granting of one or more concessions to private persons or firms, for the furnishing of services and things for the accommodation of persons using the riverfront open space property, or any facility or function thereof.
The Riverfront Development Commission shall, on or before the first day of September in each year, submit a written report to the Mayor and the City Council outlining the progress made to date and the future goals and plans for the City riverfront property.
The Commission shall adopt rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of any statute or ordinance, for conducting its business and meetings and otherwise carrying out the purpose of this article.
Meetings of the Commission shall be held at the call of the Chairman or in such other manner as may be set forth in said rules, but not less often than monthly.
All decisions of the Commission, including the adoption of said rules, shall be by vote of a majority of the members thereof.