[Adopted as Title 2, Ch. 2.86, of the 1986 Code; amended in its entirety 12-27-1988]
There is established in the Mayor's office of the City a Community Affairs Division.
Such division shall consist of a Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Program Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, Public Relations Coordinator, Senior Accountant, Assistant Project Coordinator (2), Senior Clerk Typist, and other such staff as from time to time may be required.
These positions shall not be subject to civil service.
The Commissioner of the Municipal Office of Community Affairs will be the head of the Municipal Office of Community Affairs Division. He/She shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval of the City Council.
The Commissioner shall devote his/her full time to such position. His/Her term of office will be concurrent with the term of office of the Mayor, and he/she may be removed by the Mayor with or without cause at any time .
Those who serve as Deputy Commissioner, Program Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, Public Relations Coordinator (2), and Senior Clerk Typist shall devote their full time to such positions.
Annually, during the month of January, or whenever a vacancy shall occur, the Mayor shall appoint the Commissioner of the Municipal Office for Community Affairs. All other positions shall be appointed by the Commissioner subject to the approval of the Mayor and together with the Commissioner will be subject to the residency requirements of the City's ordinances.
The Municipal Office of Community Affairs Division shall serve as the designated representative of the City of Springfield, and shall be directly responsible to the Mayor and shall perform duties and responsibilities for following areas:
Enhancing the image of the City of Springfield.
Developing, coordinating and presenting cultural and community programs.
Providing creative support for such programming among community organizations and neighborhoods.
Encouraging the participation and involvement of individuals and groups in such programs.
Promoting public-private partnerships.
Advising the Mayor and the City Council on community affairs.
Administering the office.
Performing such other duties as the Mayor may prescribe.