[Adopted as Title 2, Ch. 2.36, of the 1986 Code]
There shall be a City Physician and one regular Assistant City Physician, each of whom shall be a resident of the City and graduate of a medical school approved by the American Medical Association.
Each shall be appointed by the Mayor.
The City Physician shall hold office for a term of three years, unless sooner removed and until his successor is appointed.
The Assistant City Physician appointed under this section shall be appointed for a term of three years. The Assistant City Physician shall hold office for the above-stated term and until his successor is appointed.
It shall be the duty of the City Physician, in addition to duties which devolve upon him by statute, to:
Render or investigate the medical care of patients under the supervision of the Director of Veterans' Services and of the Board of Public Welfare when so requested;
Supervise and manage the medical outpatient clinic of the Department of Public Welfare; and
Render first aid treatment, when requested, to members of the Police and Fire Departments.
He shall annually in the month of January render a report to the Mayor of the professional services performed by him during the year immediately preceding.
He shall examine all employees of the City who may claim to be incapacitated from the performance of their several duties, when so requested in writing by the City Council, the Mayor, City Solicitor or the head of any department.
He shall, upon request of the Mayor or City Solicitor, examine and investigate the condition and render reports thereon of all City employees who apply for retirement on pension, of all persons who may sustain injuries by reason of accidents whereby the City may become liable, and, upon request of the workmen's compensation agent, of all City employees who may apply for workmen's compensation.
He shall, upon request of the City Council, the Mayor or the City Solicitor, make such examinations and investigations on petitions for annuities brought by any dependents of deceased employees of the City as they or any one of them may require and render written reports thereon.
He shall, as witness or otherwise, render such professional aid in court or elsewhere as the City Solicitor may request in all suits or matters wherein the City is a party interested.
He shall also perform such other professional services for the City as may be required in writing by the Mayor, the City Council, the Board of Public Welfare, or by law or ordinance.
The City Physician may delegate such duties as he deemed advisable to his assistants, and Assistant City Physicians shall be responsible and answerable to the City Physician.
There shall be a medical office in charge of the City Physician, who shall have the necessary clerical assistance; such assistance to be furnished by the Department of Public Welfare of the City.