License to engage in business of hanging awnings required. No person shall engage in the business of installing, hanging or repairing adjustable awnings which project over public streets or highways of the City unless licensed to do so as provided in this chapter.
Application for license to engage in business of hanging awnings. Application for the license required by Subsection A shall be made to the Director of Public Works on forms furnished by him and shall set forth the name and place of business of the applicant and such other information as he may require.
Issuance of license to engage in business of hanging awnings; bond required; duration; fee.
The license shall be signed by the Director of Public Works, and no such license shall be issued until the licensee has paid to the City Collector the license fee provided in this chapter and has filed with the City Treasurer a bond, with sureties satisfactory to him and in the sum of $5,000 to indemnify the City against any and all claims for personal injury or damage to property in any way resulting from negligence of the licensee in the construction, installation or repairing of any such awning.
Every such license, unless sooner revoked, shall continue in effect until the first day of May next succeeding the date thereof.
The fee for such license shall be $100.
Revocation of license to engage in business of hanging awnings. It shall be deemed sufficient grounds for the revocation of the license required by Subsection A where it appears that any such licensee has violated any of the provisions of this article.
Every such awning shall be safely and securely attached to the building and be so located and constructed as in nowise to incommode pedestrians. The lowest part of the awning shall be at least seven feet above the sidewalk, and no part thereof shall extend beyond the outer line of the sidewalk.
It shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner to inspect all such awnings from time to time to determine whether they comply with the provisions of this article.