No person shall behave himself in a rude and disorderly manner.
It is unlawful for any person to possess, consume from and/or transport an open container of alcoholic beverages on any public street, public sidewalk, or public way, or on any grounds owned by the City, within the limits of the City; except that this section shall not apply at events or festivals duly licensed by the Board of License Commissioners of the City and approved in writing by the board, commission, department, or official of the City having the care and custody of the premises so licensed, to the extent of such license and approval.
It is unlawful for any person to possess, consume from and/or transport an open container of alcoholic beverages on any property where the public has a right of access to, after having been forbidden to do so by the person who has lawful control of said premises, either directly or by notice posted on said premises.
No person, other than a law enforcement officer in the performance of official duty, shall, in a street or other place to which the public has access, purchase, ask to purchase or attempt to purchase an unlawful sexual act.