No person shall store or discard used iceboxes, refrigerators or stoves in any yard or other open area without first removing the door on each icebox, refrigerator or stove.
This section shall not apply to individuals or concerns actually engaged in the wholesale or retail business in such items where such items are stored in any area not accessible to children.
No person shall stand in or upon any highway or in the entrance or hallway of any building in the City for the purpose of calling the attention of any person in any highway to goods, wares or merchandise displayed or on sale within any building or to business conducted within any building.
No person shall sound or cause to be sounded, within the limits of the City, any whistle or siren horn that shall in any way imitate any whistle or siren horn used by the Fire Department or the Police Department of the City upon its apparatus or by the Water Department of the City upon its emergency car without first obtaining written permission therefor from the Chief of the Fire Department, the Chief of the Police Department or the Chief Engineer of the Water Department.
[Added 2-3-2014]
No one shall operate, maintain, repair or winterize an out-board or in-board boat motor in any area of the City of Springfield, except those areas designated for such by the City Council.
Any violation of this section will result in a fine of not less than $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense, and no less than $400 for the third offense.