For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Includes any person having the guidance or control over any vehicle.
Includes automobiles, semi-trailer units, motorcycles and bicycles.
If, as a result of severe weather, the accumulation of snow and ice on the public ways of the City causes or results in the parking of vehicles in a position or manner that may impede or prevent the passage of emergency service vehicles, or Police Department vehicles, so as to interfere with the protection of the property, health and lives of people, a state of emergency shall exist, and the Mayor, by a declaration advertised in a daily newspaper published in the City or by a public declaration issued to all local radio and television stations, shall make known that the aforesaid conditions exist, and shall declare that a state of emergency exists.
Upon such declaration of a state of emergency, the Chief of Police shall issue temporary emergency regulations preventing and prohibiting, during the emergency, the parking or driving of any vehicle on the whole or any part of any or all public ways or, in the alternative, the parking of any vehicle on that side of all public ways where any building is designated with an odd number.
The Chief of Police shall advertise such temporary emergency regulations in a daily newspaper published in the City.
When the conditions creating the emergency no longer exist, the Chief of Police shall publish a notice terminating such temporary emergency regulations in a daily newspaper published in the City.
Any fines received for violation of this section shall apply to all vehicles, whether towed or not.
[Added 12-18-2017]
This section will go into effect immediately upon Mayoral approval.
[Added 12-18-2017]
Upon the declaration of such an emergency, no owner or driver of a vehicle shall cause, permit, allow or suffer any vehicle owned by or driven by him to be parked or driven contrary to the regulations of the Chief of Police.