There is hereby established the Township of West Milford Lakes
The purpose of the Lakes Committee is to address and advise
the Township Council and the Township Planning Board of any issues
that may affect the lake communities in the Township of West Milford.
The Lakes Committee shall strive to promote and protect the lakes
of the Township.
The appointment of the Committee members shall be for staggered
terms commencing January 1, 2010 (initial year). During the initial
year, four members shall be appointed to serve for a one-year term,
and the remaining five members appointed for a two year-term. Thereafter,
upon the expiration of the initial terms, all members appointed shall
serve for a two-year term. A vacancy in the Committee occurring other
than by expiration of the term shall be filled by the Township Council
for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
All Committee members shall serve without compensation in performance
of their duties.
The Committee shall meet at Town Hall on a monthly basis, as
deemed necessary by the Committee. At the conclusion of the meeting,
the Lakes Committee shall forward to the Township Clerk as soon as
practicable a copy of the minutes of the meeting. The Lakes Committee
shall retain attendance records of all members. All lake community
residents are encouraged to attend any meeting.
The Committee may appoint a Vice-Chair and Secretary and adopt
a schedule of meetings. The functions of the Lakes Committee shall
be to:
A. Advise and submit recommendations to the Mayor and Council of the
Township of West Milford on matters related to the role Township government
may play to improve the various lake communities within the Township.
B. Advise the Mayor, Council and Planning Board of the Township of West
Milford of situations or issues that are affecting the lake communities
within the Township of West Milford.
C. Increase public awareness regarding the importance of the environment
as it relates to the lakes within the Township of West Milford.
D. Review and make recommendations to the Mayor and Township Council
on pending federal, state and local legislation.