[Adopted 3-1-1946; amended in its entirety 11-1-2010 by L.L. No. 5-2010]
The following regulations shall apply to all water districts in the Town of Cazenovia except where otherwise noted in this chapter.
Connections with the water main and all service pipes from the main to and including the curb stop shall be made and installed by the water district at the expense of the consumer.
All pipes and connections from the curb stop to the property of the consumer shall be made at the expense of the consumer.
All necessary repairs to pipe from the main to and including the curb stop are to be made by and at the expense of the water district.
All necessary repairs to pipe between the curb stop and the house or building of the consumer shall be made at the expense of the consumer.
At the time an application is made for a new water service a deposit shall be made by the consumer to cover the estimated cost of the installation. In case the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, the additional charge shall be borne by the consumer. In case the actual cost is less than the deposit a refund will be made to the consumer.
Residential premises occupied by a single-family unit shall be subject to a flat rate and upon terms to be established by annual resolution of the Town Board, unless usage is monitored by meter. If no such resolution is adopted, the previous year's rate shall apply until adoption of a new rate.
Residential premises occupied by more than one such family unit shall be charged in an amount and upon terms to be established by annual resolution of the Town Board. If no such resolution is adopted, the previous year's rate and terms shall apply until adoption of a new rate.
Commercial establishments, which shall include both dairy and poultry farms, shall pay a flat rate and upon terms to be established by annual resolution of the Town Board. If no such resolution is adopted, the previous year's rate shall apply until adoption of a new rate.
Premises involving residential, commercial and/or commercial high usage in the same building shall be computed on the basis of each such usage.
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Town Board to extend the use of meters to all serviced premises in all district(s) as rapidly as may be deemed practicable.
All minimum metered rates now in effect shall continue unchanged. Minimum metered rates shall be the same as the applicable flat rate except as provided in this subsection and except that multiple-occupancy buildings shall be billed at the rate to be established by annual resolution of the Town Board where separate meters are installed for each tenant, the minimum for each shall be the same as for a single-occupancy dwelling.
Where a single service supplies water for two or more dwellings, commercial establishments or any combination thereof, the minimum charge for either a flat rate or metered service shall be the sum of the minimum charges applicable to each.
All bills for water on a flat basis shall be due and payable six months in advance. Bills for metered water shall be rendered at the end of each six-month period. All accounts shall be past due after 30 days from date of rendition of the bill and may bear interest at the rate of 10% per annum.
No service shall be shut off, turned on or in any manner interfered with by any person except by direction of the Town Board or its authorized agents.
All water rents and installation charges shall be a lien upon the real property upon which or in connection with which the water is used.
The Town Board may maintain suit in the name of the applicable water district for the collection of any water rental that may be past due.
Customers may be required to provide a suitable location for the meter which shall be unobstructed and readily accessible and suitably protected against damage by frost, hot water, etc.
The customer shall not obstruct accessibility of such meter by storage or installation of material or equipment. The expense of moving a meter if this provision is violated shall be borne by the customer.
The customer shall be liable for any damage occasioned by freezing and/or the backing of hot water through the same, and the district shall charge the cost of repairs so necessitated to the customer.
The customer shall be responsible for the purchase of a meter, which shall be acquired from the Town of Cazenovia to ensure consistent calibration. Size and model of the meter will be determined by the resolution of the Town Board.
The administrators shall have authority to adopt and enforce all necessary temporary restrictions on the use of water whenever they shall deem an emergency to exist requiring the conservation of the available supply and shall have authority, and it shall be their duty, to discontinue service to any customer who neglects or refuses to obey any such temporary restrictions.
The application of any such temporary restrictions shall in no respect effect the rates hereinbefore described and no rebates shall be allowed by reason thereof.