Route 146 is the Gateway to the Blackstone Valley, and preservation
of its scenic qualities is critical to the image residents and visitors
have of this region. With the opening of the Massachusetts Turnpike
Interchange with Route 146 in 1998, increased opportunities for economic
development will provide fiscal benefits to Blackstone Valley communities
and create jobs for residents. The five Corridor communities of Millbury,
Sutton, Northbridge, Douglas, and Uxbridge recognize that joint planning
and cooperation can insure that all communities will benefit economically
without causing haphazard and inefficient strip commercial development
or degradation of the environment. The Route 146 Corridor Overlay
District is intended to facilitate the long-term economic growth of
the Corridor by coordinating development among the five communities
and by promoting high quality development that preserves the scenic,
natural, and cultural resources of the Blackstone Valley.