The purpose of this district is to provide for commercial uses for the convenience of areawide consumers that depend on access to an arterial highway, that may generate truck traffic and that may not be compatible with commercial areas devoted primarily to serving the household needs of the residents of the immediate area.
In the C-2 General Commercial District, only the following uses are authorized:
Permitted uses:
Principal uses:
Active recreation, low-impact (indoor only).
Antiques, interior decorating.
Apparel and accessories store.
Appliance, home furnishings store.
Art, book, stationery store.
Bakery shop, including processing.
Bar or tavern.
Beverage distributor.
Business or professional offices.
Business services.
Candy or ice cream store, including processing.
Card and gift shop.
Catering service, including rental hall.
Commercial greenhouse.
Commercial school.
Convenience store.
Day spa.
Department store.
Dry-cleaning pickup store.
Educational studio.
Essential services.
[Added 6-26-2012 by Ord. No. 2-2012[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of former Subsection A(1)(w) through (ww) as Subsection A(1)(x) through (xx), respectively.
Financial institution.
Florist shop.
Food store.
Forestry, subject to § 245-179.
Funeral home.
Garden center.
General merchandise store.
Grocery store.
Hardware store.
Health club.
Home improvement store.
Indoor entertainment.
Libraries; museums.
Medical offices.
Oil and gas drilling subsurface facilities.
[Added 6-28-2016 by Ord. No. 2-2016[2]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(1)(mm) through A(1)(xx) as Subsection A(1)(nn) through A(1)(yy), respectively.
Passive recreation.
Personal services.
Pet grooming.
Pet services.
Private club.
Public buildings.
Restaurant, sit-down, carry-out or fast-food.
Retail businesses not otherwise listed herein.
Travel agent.
Vehicle accessories sales and installation.
Warehouse club.
Accessory uses:
Communications antenna mounted on an existing or approved communications tower.
Drive-through facilities, subject to § 245-175.
Fences, subject to § 245-172.
No-impact home-based business in a dwelling that is a nonconforming use.
Off-street parking and loading, subject to Article XVII.
Portable on-demand storage (PODS®) units and temporary storage trailers or containers, subject to § 245-178.
Signs, subject to Article XVIII.
Temporary construction trailer or sales office, subject to § 245-176.
Other accessory uses customarily incidental to and on the same lot with any permitted use, conditional use or use by special exception authorized in this district.
Conditional uses:
Principal uses:
Active recreation, high-impact (indoor only), subject to § 245-107.
Apartment in combination with business, subject to § 245-109.
Automobile service station, subject to § 245-111.
Car wash, subject to § 245-116.
Communications tower, subject to § 245-120.
Day-care center, subject to § 245-124.
Hospital, subject to § 245-130.
Medical clinic, subject to § 245-130.
Mid-rise apartment, subject to § 245-139.
Mid-rise structure, subject to § 245-139.
Motel/hotel, subject to § 245-144.
Nightclub, subject to § 245-146.
Nursing home, subject to § 245-130.
Oil and gas drilling shallow well site, subject to § 245-147.
[Amended 6-28-2016 by Ord. No. 2-2016]
Planned shopping center, subject to § 245-149.
Public parking garage, subject to § 245-152.
Public parking lot, subject to § 245-152.
Vehicle rental, sales and service, subject to § 245-163.
Vehicle repair garage, subject to § 245-164.
Boutique winery and/or distillery, subject to § 280-168.6.
[Added 7-28-2020 by Ord. No. 1-2020; amended 8-28-2021 by Ord. No. 4-2021]
Mini warehouse or self-storage facility, subject to § 245-142.1.
[Added 6-28-2022 by Ord. No. 4-2022]
Accessory uses:
Home occupation in a dwelling that is a nonconforming use, subject to § 245-129.
Uses by special exception:
Principal uses:
Communications antenna mounted on an existing building or on an existing public utility storage or transmission structure, subject to § 245-119.
Comparable uses not specifically listed, subject to § 245-121.
Public utility building or structure, subject to § 245-153.
[Added 6-26-2012 by Ord. No. 2-2012[3]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of former Subsection C(1)(c) through (e) as Subsection C(1)(d) through (f), respectively.
Radio or television transmitter, subject to § 245-154.
Temporary use or structure, other than a construction trailer, model home or sales office, subject to § 245-159.
Veterinary clinic, subject to § 245-165.
Accessory uses: none.
In the C-2 General Commercial District, all uses shall be subject to the following regulations, except as they may be modified by the express standards and criteria for the specific conditional uses and uses by special exception contained in Article XV:
Minimum lot area:
Planned shopping center: eight acres.
Mid-rise structure: three acres.
All other uses: 0.5 acre (21,780 square feet).
Minimum lot width:
Planned shopping center: 600 feet.
Mid-rise structure: 300 feet.
All other uses: 100 feet.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 75%.
Minimum front yard:
Planned shopping center: 100 feet.
All other uses: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard:
All principal structures:
Adjoining any R District: 75 feet.
Adjoining all other districts: 25 feet.
Accessory structures: 20 feet.
Minimum side yard:
All principal structures:
Adjoining any R District: 75 feet.
Adjoining all other districts: 10 feet.
Accessory structures: 10 feet.
Minimum distance between buildings (where two or more buildings occupy the same lot): 20 feet.
Special yard requirements: See § 245-172.
Permitted projections into required yards: See § 245-173.
Maximum height:
All principal structures:
Mid-rise apartment or mid-rise structure: six stories, but no more than 75 feet.
Hotel or motel: six stories, but no more than 75 feet.
All other principal structures: three stories, but no more than 45 feet.
All accessory structures: one story, but no more than 20 feet.
Height exceptions: See § 245-174.
See Article XVII.
See Article XVIII.
See § 245-171.
See § 245-178.
See § 245-170.