[Adopted 5-7-2012 ATM by Art. 10 (Section 1.0, 1.1.4 and 1.1.5, of the Town Bylaws)]
Whoever violates any of the provisions of these bylaws whereby any act or thing is enjoined or prohibited shall, unless other provision is expressly made, forfeit and pay a fine of not more than $300 for each offense. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
[Amended 6-10-1996 ATM by Art. 26; 5-5-1997 ATM by Art. 39; 5-9-2001 ATM by Art. 15; 5-6-2019 ATM by Art. 13; 5-3-2021 ATM by Art. 10; 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 9]
The preceding sections notwithstanding, any person violating the provisions of any section of these bylaws which is subject to a specific penalty may be penalized by a noncriminal disposition as provided in MGL c. 40, § 21D, which includes the giving to the violator of a written notice to appear before the Clerk of the District Court. The noncriminal method of disposition may also be used for violations of any rules or regulations of any Town officer, board or department which is subject to a specific penalty. Without intending to limit the foregoing, the following bylaws, rules and regulations are to be included within the scope of this section. The specific penalties listed shall apply, and in addition to police officers, who in all cases shall be enforcing officers, the Town personnel listed shall also be enforcing officers. Each day of violation shall be a separate offense.
Enforcing Officer
110, Article II, § 110-10
Tying animals to trees
Director of Public Works
Numbering of buildings
Police Department
Demolition delay
Historical Commission
Building Inspector
Groundwater protection
Board of Health
Hunting, trapping and firearms
Police Department
Junk, metal and secondhand goods dealers
Police Department
Town Beach
Police Department
Hawking of fish, fruits and vegetables
Police Department
Door-to-door solicitation bylaw
Police Department
Soil, loam, sand and gravel removal
Select Board
Street obstructions and excavations
Director of Public Works
Discharge of snow or ice onto public way
Police Department
Select Board Rules and Regulations of the Bolton Transfer Station[1]
Use of transfer station by non-Bolton residents
Director of Public Works
Any load or portion of a load determined to be from any municipality other than the Town of the Bolton
Director of Public Works
Disposal of trash bag while failing to affix trash sticker
Director of Public Works
Disposal of any item without paying required disposal fee
Director of Public Works
Failure to adhere to regulated waste ban, including disposal of materials/items not accepted at the facility
Director of Public Works
Disposal of items to other than proper designated container, or improper mixing of materials
Director of Public Works
Disposal of any hazardous materials
Director of Public Works
Trespass on transfer station property when facility is closed
Director of Public Works
Salvaging or picking without authority
Director of Public Works
Recreational vehicles
Police Department
Storage or parking of unregistered vehicles
Police Department
Conservation Commission and Agent
Select Board
Condition of a special permit or variance granted pursuant to Chapter 250 or MGL c. 40A
Select Board
Editor's Note: See Ch. 218, Transfer Station