[This article sets forth in chronological order certain warrant articles and election questions which the Town requested be included in the Code. This information is provided for reference purposes only.]
Subdivision Authority
To see if the Town will vote to authorize and empower the Planning Board to approve or disapprove, in its discretion, plats showing new streets or the widening thereof, or parks, and upon adoption of this article it shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to file with the Registry of Deeds of the county of Rockingham, a certificate or note showing that the said Planning Board has been so authorized, giving the date of authorization, as provided in Sections 19-29 inclusive, Chapter 53 of the Revised Laws of New Hampshire as inserted in Section 1, Chapter 138 of the Laws of 1949.
Article 24 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 11, 1952 was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative. See pages 9 and 27 of the Annual Town Report.
Subdivision Authority
To see if the Town will vote to amend the ordinance creating the Town Planning Board and authorizing said board to regulate the subdivision of land (Chapter 53, Sections 1-29, Revised Laws of New Hampshire 1942 as amended) as follows:
The Town Clerk is hereby specified as the municipal officer, who shall issue on behalf of the Planning Board, a certificate of failure on the part of the Planning Board to take action on approval or disapproval of a plat submitted to it, as provided by Chapter 53, Section 23, Revised Laws of New Hampshire, 1942, as amended.
Article 9 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 10, 1953 was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative. See pages 6 and 29 of the Annual Town Report.
Number of Planning Board Members Increased
On petition of James W. Tucker and nine other legal voters of the Town of Hampton to see if the Town will vote to authorize and instruct the Board of Selectmen to increase the number of members of the Planning Board from five to seven and to suggest to the Board of Selectmen the appointment of two resident civil engineers as the additional members.
Article 17 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 9, 1954 was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative. See pages 7 and 28 of the Annual Town Report.
Site Plan Approval Authority
On petition of John Pierce Batchelder and 10 legal voters of the Town of Hampton; to see if the Town will vote to empower the Planning Board to review site plans for the development of tracts of non-residential uses as provided in R.S.A. 36-19a.
Article 15 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 8, 1966 was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative. See pages A-5 and 16 of the Annual Town Report.
Site Plan Authority
To see if the Town will vote to: Empower the Planning Board to review, and approve or disapprove site plans for the development of tracts for non-residential uses whether or not such development includes a subdivision or re-subdivision of the site, as permitted by the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, Chapter 36, Section 19a.
Article 21 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 6, 1973 was voted by ballot, yes 1,263, no 568. See page 42 of the Annual Town Report.
Planning Board Elected
Are you in favor of the Town's Planning Board elected by the voters for three (3) year terms instead of one appointed entirely by the Selectmen for a period of five (5) year terms?
Article 32 of the warrant for the Annual Town Election of March 13, 1979 was voted by ballot, yes 1,578, no 447.