[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hampton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Civil defense — See Ch. 87.
Mutual aid — See Ch. 686.
[This article sets forth in chronological order certain warrant articles and election questions which the Town requested be included in the Code. This information is provided for reference purposes only.]
Voted that the appointment of Constables be left to the Selectmen.
Voted under the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 13, 1906. See the Annual Town Report.
Voted that the appointment of Police be left with the Selectmen.
Voted under the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 10, 1908. See page 6 of the Annual Town Report.
Elect Chief of Police
Voted that we proceed to ballot for a Police Officer, the same to act as Chief of Police, with the following result: Gerald Smith was elected.
Voted under the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 11, 1913. See page 6 of the Annual Town Report.
Elect Police
Voted that we proceed to elect three Police, the first elected to act as Chief of Police and then elect a second and third man and as many more as the Town sees fit.
Voted under the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 10, 1914. See page 6 of the Annual Town Report.
Selectmen to Appoint Police Officers
Voted to leave the appointment of Police Officers to the Selectmen with preference to those men whose names appear on the Honor Roll of the late Worlds War, if any be found capable of filling said office of Police Officer, and desiring appointment.
Voted under the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 9, 1920, See page 6 of the Annual Town Report.
48-Hour Work Week for Police
To see if the Town will vote a 48-hour week for the police department and raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000 to meet the additional expenses.
Article 5 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 11, 1952 was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative. See pages 6 and 25 of the Annual Town Report.
Injury in the Line of Duty
On petition of Frances X. McNeil and 13 other legal voters of the Town of Hampton, to see if the Town will vote that a provision be made to a policeman, injured while in the line of duty, receive from the Town of Hampton his full pay while being so incapacitated that he cannot perform his duty. Such performance being at the discretion of the medical representative of the Town, and the Chief of Police. Such time not to exceed one year at full pay, and then a review by the Board of Selectmen to determine future compensation.
Article 18 of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of March 10, 1970 was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative. See pages 6-A, 7-A, 53 and 54 of the Annual Town Report.
Police Forfeiture Fund
Shall the Town of Hampton adopt the provisions of RSA 31:95-c to restrict 100% of revenues from forfeited money or property received through federal, state, and local sources to expenditures for the purposes specified by federal or state statutes governing forfeitures? Such revenues and expenditures shall be accounted for in a special revenue fund to be known as the Police Forfeiture Fund, separate from the general fund. Any surplus in said fund shall not be deemed part of the general fund's accumulated surplus and shall be expended only after a vote by the legislative body to appropriate a specific amount from said fund for a specific purpose related to the purpose of the fund or source of revenue and in compliance with Federal and State laws governing forfeitures. Majority Vote Required.
Results of balloting on March 11, 2003: yes 1,788, no 1,110. Article 55 passed.
Special Revenue Fund
Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $90,000 from revenues generated from the Police Forfeiture Fund, a special revenue fund created by Article 55 of the 2003 Town Meeting to carry out all lawful functions allowed under Federal, State and Local criminal justice forfeiture programs? Majority vote required.
Results of balloting on March 8, 2011: yes 2,544, no 518. Article 17 passed.