[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the City of Aberdeen 4-11-2011 by Ord. No. 11-O-03[1]. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Ch. A550, Fees, adopted by the Commissioners of the Town of Aberdeen (now Mayor and Council of the City of Aberdeen) 6-26-1989 by Ord. No. 290 (Ch. A150 of the 1990 Code), as amended.
The following fees, rates and charges shall apply in the City:
Water and sewers. The following rates and charges are established pursuant to Chapter 450, Sewers and Water, and Chapter 269, Fire Protection, of the City's Code:
[Amended 9-25-2017 by Ord. No. 17-O-14; 10-12-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-13; 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-03; 6-3-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-12]
Water use rate. These charges and rates shall be determined as part of the formulation of the annual Water Fund Budget and shall be set and adopted as part of the annual budget ordinance.
Meter replacement charge: this charge is assessed for the replacement of water meters as part of its lifecycle costs.
Residential: five-eighths-inch to one-inch meter: $5 per quarter.
Commercial: commercial meter replacement charge shall be based on each meter on property in accordance with the following schedule:
Size of Meter
Charge Per Month
1 1/2
Sanitary sewer use rate. These charges and rates shall be determined as part of the formulation of the annual Sewer Fund Budget and shall be set and adopted as part of the annual budget ordinance.
Nonresident user rates. The water and sewer use rate to customers out of the City limits shall be 150% of the prevailing use rate unless as otherwise approved by the Mayor and Council.
Water area connection charge.
Per equivalent dwelling unit: $10,000.
Annual connection charges: the water area connection charge per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) shall increase by 3% annually on July 1, beginning FY26 for 10 years. The calculated amount shall be rounded upward to the nearest $100 increment as depicted in the following table:
Water Area Connection Charge Per EDU
Fiscal Year
(1) FY26
(2) FY27
(3) FY28
(4) FY29
(5) FY30
(6) FY31
(7) FY32
(8) FY33
(9) FY34
(10) FY35
Connection charges are assessed on all new development and redevelopment. A single-family dwelling is considered one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU).
An EDU is determined to be 250 gallons of water per day.
The water area connection charge is broken down into four components:
Water production;
Water storage;
Water distribution;
Engineering and administration.
Water production component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for, or pay the debt service on, any project that increases the water production capacity of the City of Aberdeen, whether by using City-owned infrastructure or by purchasing water production capacity in another system from which the City will buy water. That component shall be assessed at 70% of the connection fee.
Water storage component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for, or pay the debt service on, any project that increases the water storage capacity of the City of Aberdeen. That component shall be assessed at 20% of the connection fee.
Water distribution component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for, or pay the debt service on, any project that increases the water distribution capacity of the overall water system of the City of Aberdeen. That component shall be assessed at 5% of the connection fee.
Engineering and administrative component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for the periodic engineering studies needed to evaluate any present and future capacities and capabilities of the City of Aberdeen water system. That component shall be assessed at 5% of the connection fee.
Connection area charge determination:
The City shall assess equal number of water and sewer area connection charges where one total EDU equals the sum of one EDU water and one EDU sewer.
Accessory apartments (consistent with permitted use in Chapter 235): one equivalent dwelling unit. The accessory apartment shall be permitted to have a separate water service to include a water meter to the public system.
Hotels and motels: one equivalent dwelling unit per room rental unit.
Commercial, business, and industrial. The Director of Public Works, with the approval of the Mayor, shall develop and implement a method of calculating the daily water generation rates for all commercial, business, and industrial uses within the City.
EDU determination. The commercial, business, and industrial water connection charges shall be calculated using an estimated average daily demand (ADD) of gallons per day (GPD). The add will be converted to an equivalent dwelling units (EDU) at 250 gallons per day for each EDU. The connection charge shall be assessed by multiplying the number of EDUs, or fraction thereof by the charge established in Subsection A(5)(a) of this section. The minimum EDU assessed shall be one EDU. For fractions greater than one EDU, the charge shall be rounded up to the nearest 0.5 EDU.
Methodology. The estimation of ADD may be calculated and submitted to the City for approval by:
Estimating ADD using current design guidelines for wastewater facilities as approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment; or
Estimating of ADD based on like use. Estimation for ADD may be submitted based on facilities of similar size and use; or
Estimating ADD based on alternate methods. A developer may submit calculations for review and evaluation for ADD.
Commercial audit.
Additional connection charge fees are assessed on commercial, business, and industrial usage resulting in an increase of consumption greater than 5% of their established areas connection charge.
The Department of Public Works Director or the Director's designated representative may audit commercial, business, and industrial water accounts from the date a use and occupancy permit is issued and where the director has reason to believe that water usage significantly exceeds the the estimated ADD upon which calculation of the connection fee was based.
Actual connection charges shall be assessed based on the average daily rate over the average year since the issuance of use and occupancy or since the most recent audit. Where the actual usage exceeds the established EDU determination by 5% or more; additional connection charges based on the current rate for each additional EDU will be assessed to the property owner. Payment is due within 180 days of notice.
Audit methodology.
The Public Works Director or the Director's designated representative may audit City records and provide written notice to the property owner and tenant for paid area connection charges.
Evidence such as paid connection fees, approved site plans, and water bills may be used to determine and establish the initial connection charge EDU for commercial business.
The property owner may provide any documentation to substantiate area connection charges as originally established or based upon current usage. If no evidence is received from the owner within 30 calendar days from the written notice, the notice will stand as determination of the amount of the connection charge then due.
Site expansion.
If existing use of property is expanded due to:
Change in use;
Additional commercial or industrial processes; or
Increased capacity of the same use;
A new capacity request shall be submitted for connection charge approval to the Department of Public Works. Additional area connection charges shall be assessed upon the increase of connection charges calculated from the existing use.
Nonpayment: connection charges shall be due and collectible in the same manner as real property taxes and shall constitute a lien upon the property owner until paid.
Apartment units: one equivalent dwelling unit per apartment unit.
Water meter charge.
A water meter charge shall be collected for the installation of a new water meter for each service address. The City will furnish and install the water meter. The meter shall be owned and maintained by the City.
The meter charge shall include all costs accrued by the City, including the cost of the meter, any ancillary components, and any labor/installation charges, plus a charge of 15% of said cost for handling.
Applicants shall provide to the City, in writing, by a licensed engineer or architect, the size of meter required for a given site before said meter is ordered. Any errors for improper sizing shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
Applicants shall provide sufficient time to the City to allow for ordering and receipt of meters. The City shall not be held responsible for delays as a result of insufficient notice by applicant and/or delays through the ordering process of the meters via the City's vendors.
Meters will not be released, provided, or installed until all requisite fees and charges are paid to the City.
Sanitary sewer area connection charge.
Per equivalent dwelling unit: $10,500.
Annual connection charges: the sewer area connection charge per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) shall increase by 3% annually on July 1, beginning FY26 for 10 years. The calculated amount shall be rounded upward to the nearest $100 dollar increment as depicted in the following table.
Sanitary Area Connection Charge per EDU
Fiscal Year
(1) FY26
(2) FY27
(3) FY28
(4) FY29
(5) FY30
(6) FY31
(7) FY32
(8) FY33
(9) FY34
(10) FY35
Fees are assessed on all new development and redevelopment. A single-family dwelling is considered one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU).
An EDU is determined to be 250 gallons of sewage per day and shall be determined by the amount of water that is metered for the premise.
The sanitary sewer area connection fee is broken down into three components:
Sewage collection (including pump stations);
Sewage treatment;
Engineering and administration.
Sewage collection component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for, or pay the debt service on, any project that increases the sewage collection capacity of the City of Aberdeen, or any project that deals with the reduction of inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. That component shall be assessed at 35% of the connection fee.
Sewage treatment component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for, or pay the debt service on, any project that increases the sewage treatment capacity of the City of Aberdeen. That component shall be assessed at 60% of the connection fee.
Engineering and administrative component calculation.
The purpose of this component is to pay for the periodic engineering studies needed to evaluate any present and future capacities and capabilities of the City of Aberdeen sewer system. That component shall be assessed at 5% of the connection fee.
Connection area charge determination:
The City shall assess equal number of water and sewer area connection charges where one total EDU equals the sum of one EDU water and one EDU sewer.
Accessory apartments (consistent with permitted use in Chapter 235): one equivalent dwelling unit. The apartment accessory shall be permitted to have its own separate sewer service to include a clean out to the public system.
Hotels and motels: 50% of an equivalent dwelling unit per room where a building permit is issued on or before June 30, 2024, and thereafter, one equivalent dwelling unit per room (rental unit).
Commercial, business, and industrial. The Director of Public Works, with the approval of the Mayor, shall develop and implement a method of calculating the daily water generation rates for all commercial, business and industrial uses within the City.
EDU determination. The commercial sewer connection charge shall be calculated using an estimated average daily demand (ADD) of gallons per day (GPD). The ADD will be converted to an equivalent dwelling units (EDU) at 250 gallons per day for each EDU. The connection charge shall be assessed by multiplying the number of EDUs, or fraction thereof by the charge established in Subsection A(7)(a) of this section. The minimum EDU assessed shall be one EDU. for fractions greater than one EDU, the charge shall be rounded up to the nearest 0.5 EDU.
Methodology. The ADD may be calculated and submitted to the City for approval using one of the following approved methods:
Estimating ADD using current design guidelines for wastewater facilities, Maryland Department of the Environment.
Estimating ADD based on like use. Estimation for ADD may be based on facilities of similar size and use.
Estimating ADD based on alternate methods. A developer may submit calculations for review and evaluation for ADD.
Commercial audit.
Additional fees are assessed on commercial, business, and industrial properties resulting in an increase of consumption greater than 5% of their established areas connection charge.
The Department of Public Works Director or their designated representative may audit commercial, business and industrial water accounts from the date use and occupancy is issued and where the Director has reason to believe that water usage significantly exceeds the estimated ADD upon which calculation of the connection fee was based.
Actual connection charges shall be assessed based on the average daily rate over the average year since the issuance of use and occupancy or since the most recent audit. Where the actual usage exceeds the established EDU determination by 5% or more; additional connection charges based on the current rate for each additional EDU will be assessed to the property owner. Payment is due within 180 days of notice.
Audit methodology.
The Public Works Director or their designated representative may audit City records and provide notice to the property owner and tenant for paid area connection charges.
Evidence such as paid connection fees, approved site plans, and water bills may be used to determine and establish the initial connection charge EDU for commercial business.
The property owner has a right to provide any documentation to substantiate area connection charges. If no evidence is provided from the owner after 30 calendar days, the formal notice will stand as record for the connection charge.
Site expansion.
If existing property is expanded due to:
Change in use;
Additional commercial or industrial processes;
Increased capacity of the same use.
A new capacity request will be submitted for connection charge approval to the Department of Public Works. Additional area connection charges shall be assessed between the increase of connection charges calculated from the existing use.
Nonpayment: connection charges shall be due and collectible in the same manner as provided for such properties that this capacity is assessed at and shall constitute a lien upon the property owner until paid.
Apartment units: one equivalent dwelling unit per apartment unit.
Responsibility for costs. The cost to furnish and install the water and sewer house service connection from the utility main line shall be borne by the property owner.
Work done within rights-of-ways. House service work performed within public rights-of-ways shall be done by the City or by a Maryland-licensed utility contractor.
Water service interruption.
Residential customer: A fee of $50 per occurrence will be charged for interruption of service if payment arrangements have not been made.
Commercial/industrial customer: a fee of $100 per occurrence will be charged for interruption of service if payment arrangements have not been made.
Department of Public Works business hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Monday through Friday; non-holiday. Restoration of water and sewer service made during nonbusiness hours shall be $125 for residential customers and $250 for nonresidential customers.
Fees and penalties.
Late charges: A penalty fee of 10% will be charged if not paid by the due date. Only cash, money order, or credit card will be accepted for past-due accounts.
Fee charged for final readings: $50.
Leak detection fee:
No charge for an initial leak detection check and a second verification read within a twelve-month period.
$100 per each separate request as determined from the initial leak check.
The City may waive leak detection fees if a leak is found and usage is greater than 5% as determined by the previous 12 months of normal usage.
Fee charged for service termination: $150.
Responsibility for payment of water and sewage usage rates and charges shall be borne by the property owners. Failure of the tenants or lessees to make payment of water and sewage usage rates and charges shall not relieve the property owner from responsibility for payment. For all water and sewer usage charges and fees not collected in full for each property owner per fiscal year, the unpaid usage charges and fees shall constitute a lien on the property 120 calendar days after June 30 of each calendar year upon the property owner until all charges and fees are paid.
Hydrant fire flow tests. Hydrant fire flow tests conducted by an authorized agent for a contractor/developer will be billed at a rate of $325 for each specified location. This fee covers water usage and City staff support during the maintenance shop regular business hours. For hydrant flow test outside of shop regular business hours, a flat rate will be charged at 1.5 times the rate for tests conducted during regular business hours.
Failure to maintain private fire hydrant.
Failure to install private hydrant security locking device: cost plus 15% administrative fee (not to exceed $200) per event.
Failure to test and maintain private hydrant: cost plus 15% administrative fee (not to exceed $200) per event.
Construction. The following fees and charges are established pursuant to Chapter 210, Building Construction, of the City Code:
[Amended 10-12-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-13; 6-3-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-12]
Engineering review of development plans. In-house engineering review: $100 per hour; outsourced engineering review: cost plus 15%.
Construction inspection and engineering services. in-house services: minimum of $400 or 5% of construction cost estimate, whichever is greater; outsourced inspection: cost plus 15%.
For project durations less than two years: 100% of total costs paid at time of Public Works agreement execution.
For project durations of two years or greater: costs of services will be split annually based on the approved duration of the Public Works agreement. If the project is finished prior to the approved duration, the remaining balance shall be paid prior to the release of use and occupancy certificate.
Conditional use review: $150.
Building permit.
Residential: $0.03 per square foot, minimum $30.
New construction: $0.03 per square foot, minimum $100.
Fences: $30. For fences over 250 linear feet, add $0.04 per linear foot.
In-ground pool: $75.
Roof where Harford County plans review is required: $30.
Mobile home: single-wide $55; double-wide $75.
Commercial: $0.04 per square foot, minimum $150.
Industrial: $0.06 per square foot, minimum $150.
Commercial/industrial fence: $30. For fences over 250 linear feet, add $0.04 per linear foot.
Commercial/industrial retaining wall: $150.
Commercial/industrial shed: $50.
Tenant occupancy (no renovations, renovations under $25,000, or no change of use per the applicable IBC): $50.
Commercial/industrial roof: $150.
Demolish structure and plan to rebuild: $50.
Demolish structure with no plan to rebuild: $100.
Working without a building permit: $100 for residential improvements and $500 for commercial or industrial improvements.
Post-issuance permit amendment where Harford County plans review is required: $25.
Renewal of expired permit: residential $30; commercial/industrial $150.
Sign permit. Sign permit fees shall be the following; these fees shall include building and zoning permits:
Water purchase for contractor operations (prior to installation of permanent water service).
Licensed contractors that purchase water to support their construction activities or require water on-site prior to permanent water service and request to use a public fire hydrant during construction activities.
Portable hydrant meters shall be rented from Public Works and water supplied to the following categories of contractors: master plumbers, underground utility contractors, brick/block masons contractors, well drilling contractors, lawn and garden services, paving contractors, demolition contractors, and others as determined by the Department of Public Works.
The contractor's representative shall provide cash, check, or credit card for a deposit in the amount set forth below. At the conclusion of the job, the Director of Public Works or designated representative will inspect the meter and hydrant. A final bill shall be provided to the contractor with any remaining amount refunded after repairs are made.
$500 for a one-inch meter. This deposit shall cover the damage to the hydrant meter. The Director of Public Works or their designee may grant an exception for the meter size based on the scope of the development. The contractor shall be charged for the actual costs for any damages plus a 15% administrative fee.
$5,000 for each hydrant. This deposit shall cover the damage to the hydrant to include full replacement while in use by the contractor. The deposit fee shall only cover the hydrant specified under the terms of the rental agreement for the job site and is not transferable. The contractor shall be charged for the actual costs for any damages plus a 15% administrative fee.
Bulk purchase as an accessible water source procedures: contractor using tanker trucks shall only purchase water from an approved yard hydrant located at the Public Works maintenance shop, 341 Michaels Lane, Aberdeen, MD.
The City shall charge the following fees under this section as follows:
Hydrant meter rental fee (per month): $100.
Water usage: current water rate.
Failure to exchange meter after six months: $150.
Tampering with, disassembly of, or an inability to obtain a reading from a meter: $500.
Miscellaneous damage to any device: greater of $100 or actual replacement cost.
Loss or theft of the device, missing parts, or any equipment provided by the City: actual replacement value.
Bulk water tanker purchase per load.
Up to 5,000 gallons: $35 per load.
5,000 to 10,000 gallons: $70 per load.
The sale of water outside of City boundaries shall be charged at 150% the City's water rate.
Erosion and sediment control.
Erosion and sediment control agreement where plans are prepared but not submitted for review: $150 (greater than 500 square feet and less than or equal to 5,000 square feet).
Standard erosion and sediment control agreement where erosion and sediment plans are submitted for review and approval: $250 (greater than 5,000 square feet to less than 30,000 square feet of disturbed area).
Erosion and sediment grading agreement: shall be a minimum of $400 or 5% of the approved erosion and sediment control construction cost estimate, whichever is greater.
Stop-work order: $100; $150 for second stop-work order if corrective action is not taken within 30 days of first stop-work order, $200 for third, and each successive stop-work order if corrective action is not taken on first stop-work order.
Annexation fees.
[Amended 6-3-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-12]
The City Clerk shall coordinate an estimate of the costs that the City shall incur to process the annexation petition, including but not limited to, advertising costs, legal review fees, staff planning, and engineering review fees.
The petitioner shall deposit with the City the amount of said estimate and will understand that such money shall be used at the City's discretion in relation to the review and process of the petitioner's annexation petition, annexation plan, and annexation agreement.
Any unused portion of the estimated amount will be returned to the petitioner after the vote on the annexation resolution is taken. Any additional amount of money needed above the initial estimate to process the annexation shall be paid to the City before the date that the vote on the annexation resolution occurs.
Planning and zoning. The following fees, rates and charges are established pursuant to Chapter 235, Development Code, and Chapter 475, Subdivision of Land, of the City Code:
Rezoning request: $1,000, plus publication and posting fee of $200, plus City Attorney fees.
Zoning appeals.
[Amended 5-23-2016 by Ord. No. 16-O-14]
(a)Variances: Filing fee of $200 for residential uses and $500 for nonresidential uses.
Special exceptions: Filing fee of $500.
Publication and posting fee: $100 in addition to the filing fee for variances and special exceptions.
Interpretation of Development Code: $500, plus publication and posting fee of $100.
Planning Commission review.
[Amended 10-12-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-13; 6-3-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-12]
Concept plan: $1,000 filing fee, plus $50 per gross acre.
Site plan review: $1,000 filing fee, plus $100 per residential unit; $1,000 filing fee, plus $200 per commercial or industrial gross acre.
Revisions to site plan review: $500 filing fee, plus $50 per residential unit; $500 filing fee, plus $100 per commercial or industrial gross acre.
Subdivision review: $1,000 filing fee, plus $100 per residential lot; $1,000 filing fee, plus $100 per multifamily residential lot; $1,000 filing fee, plus $200 per commercial or industrial gross acre.
Revisions to subdivision review: $500 filing fee, plus $100 per residential lot; $500 filing fee, plus $100 per multifamily residential lot; $500 filing fee, plus $200 per commercial or industrial gross acre.
Traffic impact analysis review fee: $500.
Copy of Development Code: $20; Zoning Map: $20.
Copy of Subdivision Regulations: $10.
Business use and occupancy certificate: $50 to assure compliance with the Aberdeen Development Code and with the State Fire Marshal's office.
Demolition permits: $100 without a separate permit or $50 with a building permit to construct a new structure.
Forest conservation and forest stand delineation plan review: $300.
Temporary storage permit for vehicle: $100.
Aberdeen Comprehensive Plan: $75.
Stormwater management. The permit fee established pursuant to Chapter 465, Stormwater Management, of the City Code shall be a minimum of $400 or 5% of construction cost, whichever is greater.
[Amended 10-12-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-13]
Miscellaneous fees. The following miscellaneous fees are established pursuant to the cited chapters of the City Code:
Mobile home park license (Chapter 370, Mobile Home Parks): annual fee of $200.
Parades (Chapter 402, Parades and Assemblies): $5.
Peddlers and solicitors (Chapter 417, Peddling and Soliciting): $10 to $50.
Sales of magazines, educational books, other nonreligious printed material: $10.
Miscellaneous household items: $10.
Seafood sales (along roadsides): $50.
Fruit and vegetable vendors reselling purchased goods: $50.
Ice cream vendors: $50.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F(4), regarding taxicabs, and Subsection F(5), regarding bicycle registration, which immediately followed this subsection, were repealed 9-28-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-12.
County fees. Harford County fees shall be as applicable and as required.
Returned check fee: $30 for each occurrence.
Fees not described. The City Manager may establish reasonable fees for materials or services not described in this chapter.
Convenience transaction fees for electronic payments. The following are the transaction fees that may be charged for the convenience of electronic payment of property taxes and utility bills:
[Added 9-25-2017 by Ord. No. 17-O-14]
Property taxes: 2.99% of the transaction amount for each electronic payment of a property tax bill or the amount of a transaction processing fee charged by a third-party vendor, whichever is less.
Utilities: $7.50 for each electronic payment of a City utility bill or the amount of a transaction processing fee charged by a third-party vendor, whichever is less.
Development review fee escrow.
[Added 2-26-2018 by Ord. No. 18-O-03]
The Director of Public Works may require a developer or other applicant to deposit into escrow with the City an amount equal to the estimated cumulative fees established under other provisions of this Code for the department’s concept, preliminary and final reviews of engineering plans for stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, roads and drainage, and water and sanitary sewer for a development project, and for inspections of installations made under those plans.
The City may deduct from the escrowed amounts the costs of review and inspections under Subsection K(1).
The Director may require a developer or applicant to replenish an escrow if the costs of reviews and inspections reduce the amount of the escrowed funds to an amount less than 25% of the funds deposited into the escrow.
After all reviews and inspections have been completed and paid from escrowed funds, the City shall return to the developer or applicant all excess escrowed funds.
A developer or applicant shall pay all review and inspection fees that are in excess of available escrowed funds.
Trash and recycling services fees. All owners and tenants of structures containing not more than three residential dwelling units within the City shall be required to comply with the fees under this subsection.
[Added 7-9-2018 by Ord. No. 18-O-19; 9-28-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-14; 6-3-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-12]
Replacement trash or recycling container: $70 per container.
Additional trash collection fee per City compatible container per fiscal year. Owner must purchase container: $100 (nonprorated) per fiscal year per container.
City shall not be responsible for replacement of owner, provided trash container due to normal wear and tear through use or damage by any man-made or natural disaster (fire, accident, etc.).
Residential trash and garbage exceeding the capacity of the City's provided container or permitted container, with the lid closed, will be subject to bulk pickup fees.
Residential bulk pickup.
Residential bulk pickup beyond one pickup per fiscal year shall be subjected to the following fees:
Large appliances (i.e., mattresses, couches, dressers, sofas, stoves, refrigerators, etc.) up to three bulky items per pickup: $30 per item.
Small appliances that one person can easily pick up and load onto a truck and are less than 50 pounds each (chairs, tables, desks), approximately three to five items per pickup: $20 per pickup.
The Department of Public Works shall assess contents within these categories to determine the fee for bulk items for disposal.
Residential trash and recycling pickup for new service inside City limits.
Trash and recycling container.
City-provided container - one trash and one recycling container: $70 per container paid at the time of building permit issuance.
Residential units in this category will also be subject to other fees described in this section.
Residential trash and recycling pickup outside the City limits:
Trash and recycling collection pickup: $325 per year plus administrative fee of 15%.
Trash and recycling container: initial issue $70 per container.
Residential units in this category will also be subject to other fees described in this section.