[Adopted 5-13-1975 by L.L. No. 1-1975 as Ch. 45 of the 1975 Village of Dundee Municipal Code]
The following rules and regulations are established by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dundee, and every person who shall be supplied or whose property shall be supplied automatically accepts said rules, and the same shall constitute a part of the contract between such persons and the village. Wherever the word "consumer" shall be used in these rules and regulations, it shall mean the owner of the property.
Applications for a water service pipe from the street main to the curb must be in writing. All excavations and backfills necessary for the installation of said service pipe and the tapping of the main shall be made by the village to the property line. The village assumes all liability in case of damages of any kind which may arise during the progress of such work or by reason thereof. Warning lights, barricades, railings and all other necessary means of protection against accidents shall be provided by the village to the property line.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
A separate tap is to be required for each lot supplied with water. This tap shall be made by an employee of the Village of Dundee, and the cost shall be borne by the consumer.
The owner of any property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes located within the Village of Dundee and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public water main is hereby required to be connected to the public water supply of the Village of Dundee. Any exemption must be approved by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dundee. To be granted exemption, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dundee must deem connection impractical or cost prohibitive.
There shall be no wells drilled within the Village limits without the express written approval of the Village Board.
The entire cost of materials and installation shall be borne by the consumer. The installation of said service from the street main to the curb shall be made by the Village of Dundee at the expense of the consumer. The installation of the service beyond the curb on private property must be performed by the consumer.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
All service pipes used to service residential homes and small commercial businesses (three-quarter-inch-through-two-inch inside diameter) from the water main to the curb stop shall be Type K copper. From the curb stop to the building shall be either Type K copper or 200 psi polyethylene (PE) CTS pipe. Tracer wire is required from the curb stop to the building for all PE service installations. Any service pipe shall be one continuous length, if 100 feet or less. In the event that the length of the pipe is over 100 feet, there shall be the minimum number of connections possible. Fittings on copper service shall be flare or compression type. Fittings on PE service shall be "quick" compression type with stainless steel inserts. The service pipe used for large commercial businesses and industry, two-inch inside diameter or larger in diameter, shall be ductile iron pipe from the water main to the curb valve or to the inside of the street planting strip. The service pipe from the curb valve or street planting strip to the building shall be ductile iron. All joints for ductile iron pipe shall be Tyton-type fittings.
Service pipes will be required to be laid not less than 54 inches below the surface of the earth. This applies to the established grade, where it has been fixed. A water service pipe cannot be laid in the same trench with a sewer lateral and shall be at least six feet apart.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
All services are to be inspected by a representative of the Village before the trench is backfilled.
Sand bedding will be used around the service for a depth of one foot. A plastic pipe sleeve may be used in lieu of sand bedding. In public rights-of-way, bank-run gravel will be placed and tamped in one-foot lifts until the trench is back to original grade. Care shall be taken to eliminate any large and/or sharp stones in the backfill which may ultimately damage the service. Under all public road pavements, services shall be installed through casings as approved by representatives of the Village.
[Added 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
[Amended 5-23-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989]
The owner of the property into which water is supplied by a service pipe shall be required to maintain, at his own cost and expense, said service pipe from the curb to his property. Failure to make necessary repairs after due notice, in writing, by the village will result in the water being shut off until satisfactory repairs are made. Maintenance of the service pipe from the street main to the curb cock will be performed by the village. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the serviced property to promptly notify the village of any damage to the curb cock.
The curb cock controlling any service shall not be opened or left open by any person unless said service is equipped with a meter to measure the water used. Any deviation from this rule shall be granted only by a special permit. No person except employees of the village will be allowed to operate curb cocks unless authorized by the village.
[Amended 5-23-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989; 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
All services, except those used exclusively for fire purposes, shall be metered. The Village shall approve and supply the meters, and all repairs shall be made by the Village. Meters damaged as a result of user/landowner negligence shall be replaced at the expense of the user/landowner. "Commercial service" shall be any service having larger than a three-fourths-inch tap.
The Village requires that all water pass through a master meter which will be billed to the property owner on buildings or mobile home parks with multiple meters. Submetering of individual tenants shall be at the expense of the property owner. The Village has no involvement in the landlord's recovery of water fees, rents, etc., from tenants.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
All water passing through a meter will be charged for, whether used or wasted. Meters will be tested by a third-party vendor at the consumer's request. If the meter is found correct (not over-registering), the consumer shall bear the expense of the test and for the new meter that was installed.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
All water meters shall be located in an accessible part of the building or basement so that they may readily be read or removed. When determined that a meter must be placed in a pit, specifications for such a pit must be obtained at the Village Clerk's office. Just inside of the basement wall or pit wall into which the service pipe extends, a stop- and waste cock shall be placed ahead of the meter and a stopcock after the meter. On all water meters two inches or more in size, a bypass shall be installed under Village specifications.
All water meters, when set, shall be sealed to prevent tampering. No person except an authorized employee of the village shall break such seal or tamper with such water meter.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
Any employee of the Village, upon proper identification, shall have the right to enter upon any premises where Village water is being supplied for the purpose of inspecting, installing or removing the water meter, plumbing and fixtures of the water service and all work in connection with the service or reading the water meter. Failure to allow entry will result in water service being discontinued.
[Amended 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
The Village, its agents, representatives and employees shall not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind which may result to any person or premises by reason of rust or discoloration of water supplied from or through any water system or by reason of a change in pressure or by reason of shutting off the water from any main or service in case of an emergency, including but not limited to breaks in a water main or for any other purpose whatsoever, even in cases where notification is not given.
Where fire service is allowed, the entire cost of materials, installation and maintenance of the service from the main to the building, or within the limits of the premises, shall be borne by the consumer. Failure to make proper repairs of the system after due notice will result in the water being shut off.
If a meter register fails to record the amount of water used due to a stopped meter or other cause; the consumer shall be charged either at the average daily consumption for the previous period that the meter was last read or the corresponding period of the previous year, whichever the village deems most appropriate and fair.
Lien. Unpaid water rents shall constitute a lien upon the premises served until paid.
Leased premises; enforcement. In case of leased premises, if the occupant thereof neglects to pay any water rent owed by him when due and he shall move from such premises to another served by the Village water system, no application for water service shall be granted until the delinquent rent has been paid. In no event, however, shall the lien for unpaid water rents expire until said rents are paid.
Multiple tenants. Where there are two or more tenants occupying premises served by one water meter, the water rent shall be billed and collected directly from the owner thereof. In no case shall the Village bill such tenant or tenants.
Water rent is due upon issuance of the invoice for such water rent. Any water rent not paid by the 15th day subsequent to the date of the invoice for such water rent shall be paste due, without further notice, and subject to a late payment penalty of 1.5% per month, computed from the date that such payment became past due. Any water service for which the water rent has not been paid by the 35th day following the date of the invoice shall be subject to service shutoff. The shutoff of water service to any premises based upon non-payment of a water rent invoice may be implemented at any time subsequent to 50 days after the date of the unpaid invoice, provided that written notice of a payment agreement option pursuant to Subsection E hereof has been made prior to the service shutoff and that a written notice of the imminent shutoff has also been made.
[Added 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020; 6-13-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
The Village Clerk/Treasurer and the Deputy Village Clerk/Treasurer are authorized to enter into payment agreements with water service customers, including tenants, with respect to unpaid water rent bills upon such terms as are determined in the sole discretion of the Village Clerk/Treasurer or Deputy Village Clerk/Treasurer.
[Added 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
In the event that water service is discontinued by shutoff due to unpaid water rent, a reconnect fee may be imposed, the amount of which shall be determined by resolution duly adopted by the Village Board of Trustees. Once the water service is discontinued, the entire balance plus reconnection fee must be paid to have service restored.
[Added 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
In April of each year, the Board of Trustees shall certify, by motion duly made and adopted, a list upon which are set out the names, addresses and Tax Map identification numbers of the owners of real property who, as of February 10 of that year, are and continue to be delinquent in payment of water rent, together with the amount of such delinquent water rent. The Village Clerk/Treasurer shall set out on the Village tax roll the name and address of the owner of the real property liable for general Village taxes, including the amount of delinquent water rent which constitutes a new principal sum and shall thereafter, as such new principal sum, be payable, collectible and enforceable in the same manner and at the same time provided by law for the payment, collection and enforcement of the Village taxes for the subject real property.
[Added 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020]
[Added 5-26-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015[1]]
In order to ensure the continued functioning of the Water Department and the water treatment plant of the Village and to ensure their proper operation, repair and maintenance, the Village establishes herein a formula for fixing rates for the use of potable water provided by the Village of Dundee.
With the exception of consumers of Village water pursuant to a contract between the Village of Dundee and any other town, village or special district, the following provisions shall be applicable for computation of rates for water consumption by customers of the Village water system.
In addition to any and all other fees and charges provided by law, regulation or resolution, every person who shall be supplied or whose property is or may be supplied with water by the Village of Dundee within the Village of Dundee, shall be billed monthly at rates pursuant to the following formula: monthly TUC = {(FUC x EDU) + (VUC x # of gallons consumed divided by 1,000)} divided by 12.
The components of the formula are:
[Amended 6-13-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
Total user cost (TUC): the monthly amount of the customer's water bill.
Fixed user cost (FUC): computed as the annual costs of all indebtedness related to the operation of the Dundee municipal water system, divided by the total number of EDUs.
Equivalent dwelling units (EDU): a factor representing the customer's premises as set out in the EDU documents filed with the Village Clerk and adopted or amended by resolution after public hearing upon at least five days' notice posted and published.
Variable user cost (VUC): computed as the total of the annual operating and maintenance costs related to the operation of the Dundee municipal water system, divided by the anticipated annual water production and expressed as a cost per 1,000 gallons.
Customers outside the Village limits will be billed monthly at 1 1/2 times the costs at which a similarly categorized water customer within the Village would be billed or a fixed surcharge rate, as determined from time to time by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dundee, subsequent to a public hearing held upon five days' notice, posted and published.
[Amended 6-13-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
The turn-on fee, water tap fee, rate for customers outside the Village limits and penalty fees shall be established by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dundee subsequent to a public hearing held on at least five days' notice posted and published.
Editor's Note: This local law also superseded former § 134-18, Water and sewer rates; payment of bills, as amended. Local Law No. 4-2015 also stated that it would be effective for water consumption readings taken after June 1, 2015, and billed on or after June 1, 2015.
[Added 10-13-2020 by L.L. No. 2-2020[1]]
When a building is torn down and the water service is no longer required to the property or properties, the owner of said property is required to excavate at the water main, at the owner's expense, so that the abandoned waterline can be disconnected from the water main. The municipal employees shall do the actual disconnection. The owner is responsible for refilling the excavation.
Editor's Note: This local law also redesignated former § 134-19 as § 134-20.
A violation of any provision of this article, except nonpayment, shall constitute a violation punishable as provided in § 1-6, Penalties for offenses, of Chapter 1, General Provisions, of this Code.
[Amended 5-23-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989]
The Board of Trustees may enforce obedience of this article by injunction.