HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Kittery; amended in its entirety 6-13-2022.[1] Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter was previously amended 5-30-2018 by Ord. No. 04-18.
The ordinance codified in this chapter is enacted in accordance with 12 M.R.S. § 6671.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a shellfish conservation program for the Town which will ensure the protection and optimum utilization of shellfish resources within its limits. These goals will be achieved by means which may include:
Limiting the number of shellfish harvesters;
Restricting the time and area where digging is permitted;
Limiting the minimum size of shellfish taken; and
Limiting the amount of shellfish taken daily by a harvester.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The total number of shellfish in any bulk pile. Where shellfish are in a box, barrel or other container, the contents of each box, barrel or other container constitutes a separate lot.
Anyone who does not qualify as a resident under this chapter and is:
[Amended 10-23-2023]
A property owner in Kittery; or
Domiciled in Maine for at least three months as evidenced by a vehicle registration, voter registration, State of Maine income tax return, or other documentation acceptable to the Town Clerk.
Dig, take, harvest, ship, transport, hold, buy and sell retail and wholesale shellfish shellstock.
A person who has been domiciled in Kittery for at least three months as evidenced by a vehicle registration, voter registration, State of Maine income tax return, or other documentation acceptable to the Town Clerk.
Clams, quahogs, oysters, and includes shellstock and shucked shellfish.
[Amended 10-23-2023]
It is unlawful for any person to dig or possess shellfish from the shores and flats of Kittery without having a current license issued by the Town.
Residential recreational shellfish license. The license is available to residents and entitles the holder to dig and take possession of no more than one peck of shellfish in any one day for personal use.
Nonresident recreational shellfish license. The license is available to any person not a resident and entitles the holder to dig and possess not more than one peck of shellfish in any one day for personal use.
No person may dig and possess shellfish from the shores and flats of Kittery for the purposes of commercial use or commercial sale.
Any person may apply to the Town Clerk for a shellfish harvesting license as required by this chapter on forms provided by the Town.
Misrepresentation. Any person who gives false information on a license application will cause said license to become invalid and void.
Individuals holding commercial licenses issued by the State of Maine are not entitled to a recreational license.
[Added 10-23-2023]
The annual license fee is set out in Appendix A.
It is essential that the Town carefully husband its shellfish resources. The number of licenses issued from year to year will vary depending on the annual review of the Town's shellfish resources, sizes, distribution, and abundance.
The Shellfish Conservation Committee, with approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources, will establish the number of noncommercial licenses to be permitted each year.
[Amended 5-22-2023]
The Shellfish Committee will notify the Town Clerk in writing prior to November 1 of the number of licenses to be issued for the ensuing year.
[Amended 5-22-2023]
Notice of the number of licenses to be issued and the procedure for application is to be published in a trade or industry publication, or in a newspaper or combination of newspapers with general circulation, not less than 10 days prior to the period of issuance, and posted in the municipal offices until the period concludes.
Licenses shall be issued annually, on a first-come-first-served basis. A wait list may be established if all licenses are issued. The wait list will only be valid for the season it is established.
Licenses may be returned to the Town voluntarily and reissued to another qualifying applicant at the current fee.
[Amended 5-22-2023; 10-23-2023]
Each license issued under authority of this chapter expires at 12:00 midnight on November 30 following the date of issuance, except single-day licenses. Single-day licenses expire at sunset on the date for which they are issued.
The Town Council, upon the approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources, may open and close areas for shellfish harvest. Upon recommendation of the Shellfish Conservation Committee and concurrence of the Department of Marine Resources that the status of shellfish resource and other factors bearing on sound management indicate that an area should be opened or closed, the Town Council may hold a public hearing on the matter, and shall send a copy of the notice to the Department of Marine Resources. The decision of the Town Council to open or close a shellfish harvest area is to be based on findings of fact.
[Amended 5-22-2023; 10-23-2023]
The shellfish harvest season shall be established, prior to November 1 each year by the Town Council, upon recommendation of the Shellfish Conservation Committee and approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources. The shellfish harvest season may be amended by the Town Council as deemed recommended or needed.
The season dates, number of licenses, and information on how to obtain a license will be advertised prior to each season in accordance with 12 M.R.S. § 6671.
The shellfish harvest season may be amended through a conservation closure by the Town Council, with approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources, as deemed recommended or needed.
Shellfish harvesting may only occur on Sundays and on nationally recognized holidays, between sunrise and sunset, during the harvest season.
It is unlawful for any person to possess soft-shell clams within the Town which are less than two inches in the longest diameter, unless as otherwise provided.
Any person may possess soft-shell clams that are less than two inches if they comprise less than 10% of any lot. The tolerance is determined by numerical count of not less than one peck nor more than four pecks taken at random from various parts of the lot or by a count of the entire lot if it contains less than one peck.
The Shellfish Warden, Harbormaster, and Kittery police officers are authorized to enforce violations of this chapter, to include the issuance of civil violations.
Any person in violation of this chapter, excluding a violation of § 12.6.13C may be assessed a penalty of $100 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense and $200 for the third and subsequent offenses.
Any person found taking shellfish from an area not opened by the Town Council for harvesting, or when harvesting is not permitted, may be assessed a penalty of $500, and may result in the revocation of the individual's shellfish license.
Repeat offenders and/or those who fail to pay fines within 30 days in accordance with this chapter may have their license suspended or revoked. A license that has been suspended or revoked more than once may be prohibited from receiving a license in the ensuing year.
Any person who violates this chapter may be charged with a Class D crime in accordance with 12 M.R.S. § 6671.
In the event of any conflict in the provisions of this chapter with the provisions of any present or future statute relating thereto, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards governs.