As a condition of site plan approval in any district, the Planning Board may, after reviewing the report to be submitted in conjunction with. § 196-26D (1), require the applicant to supply evidence, satisfactory to the Planning Board or to its designated representative, that the proposed use, structure process or equipment will conform fully to all of the applicable performance standards. As evidence of compliance, the Board may require certification of tests by appropriate government agencies or by recognized testing laboratories, any costs thereof to be borne by the applicant. The Planning Board may require that specific types of equipment, machinery or devices be installed, or that specific operating procedures or methods be followed if the government agencies or testing laboratories examining the proposed operation shall determine that the use of such specific types of machinery, equipment, devices, procedures or methods are required in order to assure compliance with the applicable performance standards. Permits and certificates required by other government agencies shall be submitted to the Planning Board as proof of compliance with applicable codes.
For use variances which must meet these performance standards, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall not issue a permit for any use, structure, process or equipment until it receives a report or recommendation from the Planning Board regarding compliance with the performance standards established herein.
In the event that a determination cannot be made at the time of application that a proposed use, process or piece of equipment will meet the standards established in this article, the Planning Board may issue or may recommend issuance of a conditional permit. The conditional permit would be based on submission of evidence that the proposed use, process or equipment will meet the standards established herein after completion or installation and operation. Within 30 days after a temporary certificate of occupancy is granted, a final permit shall be applied for and satisfactory evidence submitted that all standards established by this article have been met.
Continued compliance with the performance standards stated herein shall be a requirement for the continued occupancy of any structure or the continuation of any use granted approval in accordance with this article.
No activity or use shall be permitted in any district, unless such activity or use complies with the following standards:
Air, water and environmental pollution. No use shall emit heat, odor, vibration, noise or any other pollutant into the ground, water or air that exceeds the most stringent applicable state or federal regulation. These regulations include, but are not limited to, the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Act (N.J.S.A. 26:2C-1 et seq.) as amended, the Noise Control Act of 1971 (N.J.S.A. 13:16-1 et seq.) as amended, and the various statutes administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to prevent water pollution.
Storage and waste disposal. No materials or wastes shall be deposited on a lot in such form or manner that they can be transferred off the lot, directly or indirectly, by natural forces, such as precipitation, evaporation or wind. All materials or wastes which might create a pollutant, a hazard or facilitate the breeding of vermin shall be stored indoors or be enclosed in appropriate containers to eliminate the potential pollutant or attraction.
Fire and explosion hazards. If it appears that any proposed use, structure, process or resulting product or material may constitute a fire or explosion hazard, the Planning Board may require the applicant to supply proof that the use, structure, process or resulting product or material has been approved by the State Department of Labor and Industry or other state agency competent to render a judgment.
Location. Buffer areas shall be provided in industrial districts along street and lot lines for new industrial uses at the following locations:
Where industrial districts abut residential and special districts.
Along the majority entryways to the City where passing through industrial areas: Park Avenue, Willow Avenue and Observer Highway.
Installation and maintenance.
To ensure proper protection for adjacent properties, the Planning Board shall approve a tree removal and replacement plan on advice and recommendation of the Hoboken Shade Tree Commission and subject to the guidelines and regulations set forth in Chapter 169.
[Amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. B-689]
It shall be the responsibility of owners and/or occupants to maintain any plantings in buffer strips.