[Added 5-18-2011 STM, Art. 15]
The purpose of the Topsham Community Fund (TCF) is to assist
the Town in: developing its financial capacity to make investments
in the community; making the community a more desirable and vibrant
place for residents to live, work and raise a family; and in supporting
the belief that community development investments make the community
a more desirable location for future economic development investments.
A. Fund
(1) The fund shall be a nonlapsing capital fund of the Town of Topsham,
and funds remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not be credited
to the Town's undesignated fund balance, but rather shown in the Capital
Improvement Plan for the Town.
(2) Expenditures from the TCF shall be made in accordance with the Town's
purchasing policies, as administered by the Board of Selectmen and
Town Manager.
C. Funds from the TCF shall be used for capital investments, including
for purposes in support of capital investments (such as plans, surveys,
designs, studies) in the areas of recreation, arts, social services,
parks, heritage/history, natural resources, conservation and environmental
D. Funds from the TCF can be used to leverage funding from nonmunicipal
E. Topsham Community Fund Committee.
(1) The TCF Committee shall consist of five members, including two representatives
from Topsham Conservation Commission and one representative from each
of the following Topsham standing committees and boards, appointed
by the respective committees and boards:
Topsham Development, Inc.
Historic District Commission.
(2) One of the Conservation Commission representatives shall serve as
the Chair of the TCF Committee, and the Topsham Development, Inc.,
representative shall serve as the Vice Chair.
(3) The following Town department heads shall be nonvoting members:
Parks and Recreation Department.
Economic and Community Development Department.
Department of Public Works.
F. Annual plan.
(1) On an annual basis, the Chair or Vice Chair of the TCF Committee
shall convene the Committee to develop an annual TCF plan.
(2) The TCF Committee shall prepare the annual TCF plan for submission
to the Town Manager by November 30 for consideration in the Capital
Improvement Budget.
(3) In preparing this report, the various department and committee representatives
shall hold a public meeting, providing the following information,
at a minimum:
Current status of previously approved and active projects.
Current status of uncommitted funds in the TCF, and the source
of such funds.
Proposed new projects for the coming year(s) and the anticipated
capital cost of each.
Proposed nonmunicipal sources of revenue for future projects.
Proposed municipal sources of funds for future projects.
Estimates for ongoing maintenance and operational costs for
individual departments.
(4) The TCF Committee shall actively solicit the input of members of
pertinent standing or ad hoc Town committees, and pertinent community
groups active in Topsham.
(5) Recommendations to the Town Manager can include expenditures for
the coming fiscal year, or appropriations to the TCF to be held for
future expenditures.
(6) The TCF can also be used as a repository for funds from additional
funding sources.