[Adopted 11-10-2003 by Ord. No. 2-2003]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Borough of Summit Hill Sewage Sludge Safety Ordinance."
This article is enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the Borough of Summit Hill (hereinafter referred to as "Borough") by all relevant federal and state laws and their corresponding regulations, including, without limitation, the following:
The provisions of the Borough, as codified in 53 P.S. Chapter 91, Article I,[1] which authorizes the Borough to provide for the protection and preservation of natural and human resources, to promote, protect, and facilitate public health, safety and general welfare, and to preserve and protect farmland, woodland and the recreational uses of land within the Borough.
Editor's Note: See now 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
The provisions of the Borough as codified in 53 P.S. Chapter 91, Article XII,[2] which authorizes the Borough to enact ordinances concerning the protection of the Borough residents' health, the regulation of refuse material and nuisances and the promotion of public safety.
Editor's Note: See now 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
Pennsylvania Constitution, Article I, § 27.
Solid Waste Management Act, 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq., which expressly preserves the rights and remedies of townships concerning solid waste within their borders;
Municipal Waste Regulations, 25 Pa. Code §§ 271, 275, 287 and 291 et seq.;
Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act, 35 P.S. § 4001 et seq.;
Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7416 and 7431;
Safe Drinking Water Act, 35 P.S. § 721.1 et seq.;
Right-to-Know Act, 42 U.S.C. § 11001 et seq., 35 P.S. § 7301 et seq.;
Nutrient Management and Odor Management Act, 3 Pa.C.S.A. § 501 et seq.;
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Land Application of Sewage Sludge, 40 CFR Part 503; and
General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution, 40 CFR Part 403.
In support of enactment of this article, the Borough Council of Summit Hill finds and declares:
That the land application of sewage sludge in the Borough of Summit Hill poses a significant threat to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and the environment of the Borough of Summit Hill if the levels of heavy metals, pathogens, chemicals, radioactive material, vector attractants, or other pollutants in the sewage sludge exceed the levels determined to be safe by the Pennsylvania Department of Environment Protection ("DEP");
That under current law, the Borough of Summit Hill is powerless to prohibit the land application of sewage sludge that complies with all applicable laws and regulations;
That in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Borough of Summit Hill, the soil, groundwater and surface water, the environment and its flora and fauna, and the practice of sustainable agriculture, it is necessary to register each sewage sludge site and land applicant operating in the Borough of Summit Hill and to test each truckload of sewage sludge that is applied within the Borough to determine if certain specified metals, chemicals, pathogens, radioactive material, vector attractants, and other pollutants are present, to determine the levels of said pollutants and to determine whether those levels exceed the levels allowed under applicable laws and regulations;
That DEP does not possess sufficient personnel to ensure that persons land applying sewage sludge in the Borough of Summit Hill are doing so in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, and so the Borough of Summit Hill must enforce such compliance by methods consistent with federal and state laws and regulations concerning land application of sewage sludge, including requiring site registration, land applicant registration, and sewage sludge testing prior to land application of sewage sludge in the Borough of Summit Hill;
That a testing fee of $38 per ton of sewage sludge is necessary to cover the cost of testing each truckload of sewage sludge to be land applied in the Borough of Summit Hill, which fee has been determined as follows: the Borough of Summit Hill provided four laboratories with a list of the tests required and received price quotations from each laboratory. The average of the four quotations was $653 per truckload. None of the laboratories could provide radiological analysis, which can be provided by DEP at a cost of approximately $130 per truckload. The total cost of testing thus is $783 per truckload. In addition the Borough of Summit Hill will have to provide an employee or agent to take samples for each truckload. The Borough of Summit Hill has thus concluded that the sum of $863 per test is a reasonable estimate of the Borough of Summit Hill cost to test each truckload. The trucks delivering sewage sludge carry an average of 23 tons of sludge, which results in a total cost of $37.52 per ton, which, together with administrative costs, justifies a total testing fee of $38 per ton of sewage sludge; and
That the Borough of Summit Hill's cost of testing sewage sludge should be borne by those persons land applying sewage sludge in the Borough of Summit Hill.
Anyone interpreting, implementing, or applying this article shall give priority to the findings and purposes stated in § 415-14 over such consideration as economy, efficiency and scheduling factors.
The following terms shall have the meanings defined in this section wherever they are used in this article.
An application is administratively complete if it contains the necessary analyses, fees, documents, and information, regardless of whether the analyses, fees, documents and information would be sufficient for the issuance of the permit of the determination of applicability. 25 Pa. Code Chapter 271, Subchapter I, § 271.822.
Any person responsible for complying with all federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the land application of sewage sludge.
Use or reuse of residual waste or material derived from residual waste for commercial, industrial or governmental purposes where the use or reuse does not harm or threaten public health, safety, welfare, or the environment, or the reuse of processed municipal waste for any purposes where the use or reuse does not harm or threaten public health, safety, welfare or the environment. 25 Pa. Code Chapter 271, Subchapter A, § 271.1.
The Borough of Summit Hill in Carbon County, Pennsylvania, its Borough Council, or its representatives or agents.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
The granting, denial, suspension, revocation, or reissuance of a site registration or land application registration, any truckload acceptance or rejection, and the issuance, failure to issue, or revocation of a notice of violation, compliance order, injunction, cease and desist order, or any other order.
A facility that is certified by DEP to test sewage sludge samples for metals, chemicals, pathogens, radioactivity, vector attractants, and other pollutants for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the land application of the sewage sludge.
The spraying or spreading of sewage sludge onto the land surface for beneficial use, the injection of sewage sludge below the land surface for beneficial use; or the incorporation of sewage sludge into the soil for beneficial use of that the sewage sludge can either condition the soil or fertilize crops for vegetation grown in the soil. 25 Pa. Code Chapter 271, Subchapter J, § 271.907.
The Borough of Summit Hill Sewage Sludge Ordinance, as amended.
Organisms that cause disease, including, without limitation, certain bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and viable helminth ova.
The are of land and water within the boundaries of any DEP permit that is designated on the permit application maps as approved by DEP.
Any natural person, company, corporation, business, contractor, joint venture, trust, trustee; court appointed representative, syndicate, association, partnership, firm, club, institution, cooperative enterprise, or agency; any government corporation, municipal corporation, city, county, municipality, district, or other political subdivision, department, bureau, agency, or instrumentality of federal, state or local government; any other entity recognized by law as law subject of rights and duties; and any officer, agent, employee, independent contractor, or representative of any kind of any of the aforementioned persons.
An organic substance, inorganic substance, a combination of organic substances, a pathogenic organism, or any other substance identified by DEP that, after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation into an organism either directly from the environment or indirectly from ingestion through the food chain, could, on the basis of information available to DEP, cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction), or physical deformation in either organisms or offspring of organisms. 25 Pa. Code Chapter 271, Subchapter J, § 271.907.
A person subject to the National Pretreatment Standards under 40 CFR Chapter 1, Part 403, as amended.
Liquid or solid sludge and other residue from a municipal sewage collection and treatment system, and liquid or solid sludge and other residue from septic and holding tank pumping from commercial, industrial, or residential establishments. The term includes material derived from sewage sludge. The term does not include ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator, grit and screenings generated during preliminary treatment of sewage collection and treatment system, or grit, screenings, or inorganic objects from septic and holding tank pumping. 25 Pa. Code Chapter 271, Subchapter A, § 271.1.
A surveyed area of land used or to be used for the land application of sewage sludge.
Any person responsible for registering or obtaining a permit for a sewage sludge site under applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
The wastewater treatment facility or other facility that produces the sewage sludge to be land applied.
A person substantially owns or controls another person if he has the ability to evade the intent of § 415-22F of this article by using that person to land apply sewage sludge, operate a sewage sludge site, or prepare sewage sludge for disposal in the Borough of Summit Hill.
The characteristic of sewage sludge that attracts rodents, flies, mosquitoes, or other organisms capable of transporting infectious agents.
It shall be unlawful for any person to land apply sewage sludge in the Borough of Summit Hill unless:
The sewage sludge site has a valid permit as may be required by DEP or any agency under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America; and
The sewage sludge site has a valid site registration issued by the Borough of Summit Hill under § 415-18 of this article; and
The sewage sludge applicant holds a valid permit as may be required by DEP or any other agency under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America; and
The sewage sludge applicant holds a valid land application registration issued by the Borough of Summit Hill under § 415-19 of this article; and
The site registration applicant and sewage sludge applicant comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning the land application of sewage sludge, including, without limitation, 40 CFR Chapter 503, 25 Pa. Code Chapters 271, 275, 287 and 291 and this and other Borough ordinances, all as amended.
Before any person may land apply sewage sludge on a site in the Borough of Summit Hill, the site must receive a site registration from the Borough of Summit Hill Site registration issued by the Borough of Summit Hill shall be valid for a period concurrent with the analogous DEP permit. The Borough of Summit Hill shall issue or deny the site registration within the later of 24 hours after receiving the results of any background tests conducted pursuant to § 415-21A; or 30 days after the site registration applicant complies with this section, under which the site registration applicant must do the following:
Complete and submit a written application in such form and number as reasonably required by the Borough of Summit Hill. Such application shall identify the name and address of the site registration applicant and be accompanied by an application map as required by DEP, showing the location and necessary narrative descriptions for lands and data, including, without limitation: boundaries and names of present owners of record of land, both surface and subsurface, for the DEP permit area, including easements, rights-of-way, and any other property interests; and boundaries in which sewage sludge will be applied, including identification of all setbacks as required by federal and state regulations.
Provide the Borough of Summit Hill with a copy of all materials provided to DEP for approval of the site for sewage sludge application, including, without limitation, soil, groundwater, and surface water information and background analyses, an erosion control plan, and a copy of the consent of the landowner of the site on which sewage sludge is to be land applied.
Provide the Borough of Summit Hill with the most recent pretreatment annual report of the wastewater treatment facility producing the sewage sludge to be land applied at the site, including, without limitation, a list of significant users that have received written notices of violation at the wastewater treatment facility, the number of such of notices issued to each significant user during the reporting period, and a list of significant industrial users of the wastewater treatment facility that are required to be permitted by EPA. Before the Borough of Summit Hill issues a site registration, the site registration applicant shall be required to have instituted an enforcement procedure for pretreatment violations at the wastewater treatment facility producing the sewage sludge to be land-applied at the site.
Pay the Borough of Summit Hill a nonrefundable administrative fee sufficient to cover all Borough expenses reasonable incurred to process the site registration application. The Borough of Summit Hill shall set this fee by resolution and may adjust it by resolution as necessary.
Certify by letter that it has complied with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning the land application of sewage sludge, including, without limitation, 40 CFR Chapter 503, 25 Pa. Code Chapters 271, 275, 287, and 291 and this and other Borough ordinances, all as amended.
Before any person may land apply sewage sludge on a site in the Borough of Summit Hill, the sewage sludge applicant must receive a land application registration from the Borough of Summit Hill. Land application registrations issued by the Borough of Summit Hill shall be valid for a period concurrent with the analogous DEP permit. The Borough of Summit Hill shall issue or deny the land application registration within the later of 24 hours after receiving the results of a sewage sludge test conducted pursuant to § 415-21, or 30 days after the land application registration is administratively complete. To apply for a land application registration, the sewage sludge applicant must do the following:
Complete and submit a written application to the Borough of Summit Hill in such form and number as reasonably required by the Borough of Summit Hill. The submitted application must be administratively complete not less than 45 days prior to the date on which the land application of sewage sludge is to begin. The application shall inform the Borough of Summit Hill of the name and address of the person applying for the land application registration; the source of the sewage sludge to be applied to the site, with each land application registration restricted to sewage sludge from a single source; a current, certified list of the names and addresses of all pretreatment users of the sewage sludge source; a copy of the required priority pollutant scan, if any; the name and address of the person holding the current, valid Borough of Summit Hill site registration for the land application; a description of the route to be used by vehicles hauling sewage sludge from the source to the site; a schedule of the date(s) and time(s) when the land application of sewage sludge will occur; copies of all laboratory analyses conducted on the sewage sludge from the source within the prior 12 months; an application map showing the area in which sewage sludge will be land applied and the location of markers that will be posed to warn passersby of the land application of sewage sludge; a letter from the sewage sludge applicant, certifying that it has complied with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning the land application of sewage sludge, including, without limitation, 40 CFR Chapter 503, 25 Pa. Code Chapters 271, 275, 287, and 291, and this and other Borough ordinances, all as amended; and a copy of the requisite DEP permit for land application of sewage sludge.
Pay the Borough of Summit Hill a nonrefundable administrative fee sufficient to cover all Borough expenses reasonably incurred to process the land application registration. The Borough of Summit Hill shall set this fee by resolution and may adjust it by resolution as necessary.
Any person land applying sewage sludge in the Borough of Summit Hill shall do the following:
Comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the land application of sewage sludge, including, without limitation, 40 CFR Chapter 503, 25 Pa. Code Chapters 271, 275, 287 and 291 and this and other Borough ordinances, all as amended.
Pay the Borough of Summit Hill a testing fee of $38 per ton of sewage sludge to be land applied. Prior to land application of each truckload of sewage sludge, the Borough of Summit Hill shall test the sewage sludge pursuant to its authority under § 415-21 of this article. No person shall land apply sludge from any truckload until the Borough of Summit Hill approves the land application after it receives the results of such tests, which tests the Borough of Summit Hill will process through a qualified laboratory as expeditiously as possible. The Borough of Summit Hill may reject land application of any truckload when test results of the sewage sludge indicate that the land application will violate § 415-17D of this article.
Inform the Borough of Summit Hill of any discharges, upsets, spills, slug loadings, or any other violations of which the sewage sludge source is aware by operation of 40 CFR 403.8, 403.12 and 403.16, as amended.
Upon changing the scheduled date(s) and time(s) for land application, notify the Borough of Summit Hill of the changes at least 12 hours prior to the new date(s) and time(s).
On the day land application begins, notify the Borough of Summit Hill by telephone (570-645-2305) and fax (570-645-9449) prior to commencing land application and give the Borough the opportunity to attend the land application to monitor compliance with this article.
After receiving an administratively complete site registration application or land application registration, the Borough of Summit Hill may inspect the site to determine whether the site registration applicant has complied with this article; test the background or accumulated levels of chemicals, metals, pathogens, radioactive material, and other pollutants in the soil, groundwater, or surface water at the sewage sludge site; and/or test the sewage sludge to be applied by collecting and sending samples to a qualified laboratory to ensure that the land application will comply with federal and state pollutant, pathogen, pH, vector attraction reduction, and other applicable regulations. The person who inspects the site on behalf of the Borough of Summit Hill may be accompanied by representatives of the site registration or land application registration if the results of any test or inspection reveal that the land application will violate any federal, state, or local laws or regulations concerning the land application of sewage sludge.
The Borough of Summit Hill may inspect the land application of sewage sludge without notice or a search warrant to monitor compliance with this article. The Borough of Summit Hill will contact DEP in advance of any inspection so that DEP may accompany the Borough at the inspection. At an inspection, the Borough of Summit Hill may collect samples of sewage sludge to be tested by a qualified laboratory to monitor compliance with federal and state pollutant, pathogen, pH, vector attraction reduction, and other applicable regulations. If the Borough of Summit Hill determines that this article is being violated and is unable to secure compliance on site, the land application of sewage sludge shall be enjoined and the land application registration shall be suspended until violations are corrected.
After the land application of sewage sludge, the Borough of Summit Hill may inspect the site to monitor compliance with this article, including, without limitation, to determine whether the sewage sludge was properly applied, whether all DEP permit requirements have been achieved, and whether there is compliance with food and feed crop restrictions under all applicable laws.
Prior to conducting any inspection under this article, the person conducting the inspection on behalf of the Borough of Summit Hill shall present his Borough credentials to the owner or occupier of the site unless this requirement would wholly or partially frustrate the inspection.
Whenever the Borough of Summit Hill determines that there has been a violation of this article, the Borough shall give notice to the person alleged to have violated the ordinance. Such notice shall be in writing; include a statement of the alleged violation(s); be served upon the person alleged to be in violation of the article or his agent as required by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; contain a compliance order that explains the remedial action that, if taken, will effect compliance with the article; and provide the alleged violator with five days to take the prescribed remedial action to cure his violation(s).
Upon failure of any person to comply with a notice of violation and compliance order, the Borough of Summit Hill may suspend the applicable site registration and/or land application registration with a cease and desist order that terminates land application of sewage sludge at the site at which the alleged violation(s) occurred.
Any person adversely affected by final action by the Borough of Summit Hill under this article may appeal such action only by filing such appeal in the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County within 30 days after the date of the action being appealed.
In addition to the enforcement mechanisms available in § 415-21A through C of this article, any person who violates or permits a violation of this article shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough in the enforcement proceedings. Upon judgment against any person by summary conviction, or by proceedings by summons on default of the payment of the fine or penalty imposed and the costs, the defendant may be sentenced and committed to the Borough correctional facility for a period not exceeding 10 days or to the county correctional facility for a period not exceeding 30 days. Each day that such violation exists shall constitute a separate offense, and each section of this chapter that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense. In addition to or in lieu of enforcement under this section, the Borough may enforce this chapter in equity in the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
All fines collected for violation of this article shall be paid to the Borough of Summit Hill.
Any person who violates and/or is convicted of violating this article two or more times shall be permanently prohibited from land applying sewage sludge, operating a sewage sludge site, or preparing sewage sludge to be land applied in the Borough of Summit Hill. This prohibition applies to that person's parent, sister, and successor companies, subsidiaries and alter egos, and to any person substantially owned or controlled by the person (including its officers, directors, or owners) that twice violates this article.
This article shall be administered by the Borough of Summit Hill. In its administration, the Borough of Summit Hill shall review and process all site registration applications and land application registrations, set and collect all fees for said registrations, indefinitely keep records of its discussions, findings, recommendations and actions taken in administering this article.
This article shall be effective five days after the date of its enactment. Any land application of sewage sludge that has begun before the date this article is effective shall be completed in 30 days. All land applications that begin on or after the date this article is effective shall comply with this article.